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來一杯咖啡,心情森呼吸Have a cup of coffee, breathe in the forest mood.

名人帶路Men's Talk

Cherry Chan

為《今日大吉》獨立雜誌出版人,於香港雜誌業擔任九年旅遊生活及潮流記者。 《todayholucky》Independent magazine publisher, and served as a travel life and trend journalist in the Hong Kong magazine industry for 9 years.


Have a cup of coffee, breathe in the forest mood.



It takes only about 30 minutes to reach the Dakeng Scenic Area from Taichung city. After tasting the authentic Taro dessert in both hot and cold, one can begin the Dakeng Sinshe phytocide tour! The Sinshe landscape is actually similar to Central Mid-Levels of Hong Kong, with leisure farms consisting of parent-child camping grounds, sakura trees, and parrots, or pottery course B&B’s are all good places for a stay. There is also the fungi and mushroom farm, Taiwan macaque natural reserve, the 12 hiking trails and such local green lifestyles that cannot be missed. Savor a cup of garden coffee and wander through the sea of flowers, then immerse yourself in the open air hot spring for a luxurious enjoyment close to nature. Due to a high concentration of ions, the spring has a beautifying effect, allowing a cleansing for both the body and spirit.

Take a direct flight from Hong Kong to Taichung airport and spend a three-day/two-night vacation directly in Dakeng, Sinshe and Guguan. The tranquil environment need not be a journey into deep mountains but cleanse the spirit nonetheless. Feel nature through gentle caress of light winds and learn balance between simple and affluent.

12條大坑步道 12 Dakeng Hiking Trails

大坑擁有12條登山步道,1號~5號和5-1號步道較陡,6號~10號及9-1號步道則是老少咸宜。 There are 12 hiking trails in Dakeng. Trail 1 to 5 and trail 5-1 are steeper. Trail 6 to 10 and trail 9-1 are suitable for both young and old.

北屯區北坑巷、連坑巷、橫坑巷、清水巷、濁水巷、建成巷、光西巷、大湖巷、竹坑巷、民興巷等 Beitun Dist., Taichung City

※小提醒:請做好防曬、防蟲、補充水分等事前準備。 Little reminder: Please put on sunscreen, insect repellent and drink more water and other preparations beforehand.

大坑溫泉 Dakeng Hot Springs

泉質為碳酸氫納泉,PH值介於在7~8,沒有刺鼻的硫磺味,對皮膚有潤滑效果。 It is a sodium bicarbonate spring with pH between 7~8. There are no pungent smells of sulfur and smoothens the skin.

北屯區大坑風景區 Beitun Dist., Taichung City

星願紫風車廣場 Star Wish Purple Windmill Plaza

全台最大音樂風車,定時轉動15分鐘,傳出陣陣清脆音樂,營造浪漫幸福的紫色小鎮。 It is the largest musical windmill in Taiwan. Routinely turns for 15 minutes and plays melodious crisp music, creating a little purple village of romance and happiness.

新社區中興嶺停車場Xinshe Dist., Taichung City

新社庭園景觀餐廳 Xinshe Garden Scenic Restaurant

獨特的景觀餐廳,精心布置的庭園加上在地美味食材,來過一次就會成為旅遊愛好者。 The unique scenic restaurant, intricately set gardens and delectable local ingredients make you a fan of travel with just one visit.

新社區一帶 Xinshe Dist., Taichung City

大振豐洋傘有限公司 TA CHEN FONG UMBRELLA Co., Ltd.


A variety of umbrellas with various colors and patterns, allowing it to become a fashionable accessory of personal style besides sun blocking and rain sheltering functions.

+886-4-22317689 / 北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City

弄瓦手工餅乾 Hand made cookie


All products are fresh and natural, including hand-made cookies, bamboo shoot salty cakes, golden yellow cheese balls, and more. Of course, the bamboo shoot salty cakes made with bamboo shoots from Dakeng are the most popular.

+886-4-22391536 / 北屯區東山里橫坑巷19-8號 No.19-8, Hengkeng Ln., Dongshan Vil., Beitun Dist., Taichung City

東東芋圓-大坑創始店 TA CHEN FONG UMBRELLA Co., Ltd.

產地直送的嚴選食材,手工製造、現煮現賣,搭配精心熬煮的各種新鮮配料,濃濃的手感私房味,一定要來吃吃看 With ingredients direct from plantation, handmade, cooked and sold on site, along with various carefully prepared toppings, this rich homemade flavor is a must try.

+886-4-22396349 / 北屯區東山路二段48-3號 (大坑圓環)

No.48-3, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City


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