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歡迎探訪獨特的臺中客家山城 臺中市政府客家事務委員會 江俊龍主委

採訪Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao


Welcome to the Unique Hakka Mountain City in Taichung

臺中市政府客家事務委員會 江俊龍主委

Council For Hakka Affairs of Taichung City Government Chairperson, Chun-Lung Chiang


With four hundred ninety thousand Hakka people, Taichung City is the second largest Hakka village in Taiwan! It is also the only concentration of the Dabu dialect in Taiwan; the main area is Dongshi, and the other districts include Shigang, Xinshe, Heping, Fengyuan, and Zhuolan Township of Miaoli.


You may ask how to experience Hakka cultures in depth? In Dongshi, there is Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple worshipping Lu Ban Gong, and the Taichung Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Culture Festival. Riding along the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way through Shigang to Fengyuan, you can visit Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, The Lover Wood Bridge, Meitze Station, and Shigang Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall.


If you like hidden places, it is good to go to Xiaozhongke Trail. From the landscape platform at the end of the trail, you can overlook the mountain. Dongshi Hakka village is famous for its vegetables, flowers, and fruits. Dongshi - murcott, pear, citrus, and persimmon; Shigang – grape and brown swordbelt; Xinshe – loquat and mushroom; Heping – highland vegetables and fruits; these are the representative ones.


At present, in addition to promoting the renovation plan of Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, we also expect to restore the railway station and turn it into a cultural and ecological museum; on the other hand, we’ve planned the “Hakka Culture Corridor of Babao Irrigation Canal and Baxian Mountain Forestry Railway” project, hoping tourists can learn about Hakka culture during their visits.


Photo Credit:Council For Hakka Affairs of Taichung City Government


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