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遇見竹北是幸福的開始。Encountering Zhubei City is the beginning of happiness.


Encountering Zhubei City is the beginning of happiness.

竹北市市長 何淦銘

Mayor of Zhubei City Ho, Kan-ming


In early days, the population of Zhubei City was about 40 or 50 thousand people, and it has been increasing to more than 190 thousand people nowadays. As the increase of the population, the appearance of the city always makes people feel surprised. Travel in Zhubei is definitely the beginning of happiness.


There are coastal landscapes and local industries in western Zhubei, including these activities as following. New Moon Music Festival is held in New Moon Beach every summer vacation. It attracts travelers to step on the sand and the waves. Mullet Festival is held in Baziku mullet aquaculture area every November. There will be different kinds of mullet dishes and travelers can experience life of fishing village; we also launched package tour – Cultural Slow Travel, leading travelers to experience the atmosphere of Zhubei.


We have continually worked on environment improvement of Fengshan River and Niupu River. It is planned to build a cross-sea bridge, an annular bicycle lane, a scenic park and an agriculture area in the surrounding area. Combining mullet aquaculture area, leisure farm and featured hostel to establish a leisure agriculture area. Through these, making it become a new highlight of sightseeing in coastal line.


The development of eastern Zhubei extended from Hsinchu County Government area to THSR Hsinchu Station area. There are many restaurants in Guang Ming business district and Wen Xing business district. It also preserved the historical sites, such as Cai Tian Fu Di and Zhubei Liujia Historical Houses. We are going to build a market in east district. It will combine modern market, deli section and featured restaurants.


Zhubei City Government holds different kinds of exciting activities every year. There will be lantern festival in February, activities of children's Day in April, New Moon Music Festival in July, mullet festival in November,and Hua Tien Xi Shi activity which combines viewing flower and earth oven cooking. Welcome to Zhubei!


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