鼓動茶香在關西 來新竹縣約會吧!
Promote Tea Fragrance in guanxi , come to Hsinchu County for a date !
台三線藝術季 橫跨北桃竹苗中五縣市,跨距最長的藝術季
Romantic Route 3 Art Festival with the longest distance across five cities (Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Taichung)
Have a 58 days trip to get off from Taipei to Tamaopu of Dongshi District across 5 cities and 10 townships. The total distance is 150 km. Come and view 50 artworks and enjoy 100 cultural exploration experiences! In Taiwan, it is an art festival with the longest distance and the largest number of participating cities.
1.關西客家文化小旅行路線 Hakka Cultural Light Travel in Guanxi Route 1
高鐵新竹站出發→東光社區品茗→羅屋書院→米食媽媽 (午餐) →錦泰茶廠→裕大仙草麻糬體驗→返回新竹高鐵站
Departs from HSR Hsinchu Station→ Tea Tasting in Dong Guang Community→ Lo Museum→ Mizumama Workshop(Lunch)→ KingTaiTea→Yueta Mesona experience making mesona and mochi→ back to HSR Hsinchu Station
秋遊竹縣 浪漫與藝術饗宴
Autumn travel in Hsinchu. The feast of romance and art.
With the strong traditional Hakka culture, local featured industry and gorgeous mountain and lake scenes, Hsinchu County is the largest Hakka settlement in Taiwan. During the period of the Romantic Route 3 Art Festival from October 19th to December 15th, there are multiple Hakka culture activities in Guanxi, such as land art exhibition, tea travel in Guanxi, tea ceremony, and DIY activities of local featured industries. From November 30th to December 1st, the music festival , Promote Tea Fragrance in Guanxi, will get its debut. Besides many artists gathering here, U-Theatre will be invited to give a specialize performance at Dong'An Bridge for the first time. Combining the performance of tea ceremony culture and the special effects of lights and audio, Hsinchu County is going to make public feel the different Dong'An Bridge Art Feast. Welcome to Hsinchu County and feel the atmosphere and charms of Hakka settlement.
2. 關西客家文化小旅行路線二 Hakka Cultural Light Travel in Guanxi Route 2
高鐵新竹站出發→小熊博物館→東安古橋→ㄤ咕麵(午餐) →金勇番茄→台紅茶業文化館導覽→返回新竹高鐵站
Departs from HSR Hsinchu Station→ One Bear Museum→ Dong'An Bridge→ Anggu Noodle(Lunch)→ Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm→Formosa Tea Industry and Culture Gallery Guide→ back to HSR Hsinchu Station