Taiwan, Everywhere Is the Scenery
交通部觀光局 張錫聰局長
Director-General of Tourism Bureau, MOTC Shi-Chung Chang
There are rich landscape and natural ecology in Taiwan. In order to implement the concept of sustainable tourism development, we have been promoting the annual tourism axis since 2017. The concept of this year is “Year of Mountain Tourism”. It is going to lead foreign and domestic tourists to visit bays, small towns and mountain cities.
Besides gorgeous sceneries, there are also delicacies. In order to make Taiwanese cuisine pass the brand certification, promoting the Michelin Guide is not only to introduce restaurants those provide high-quality dishes at a reasonable price but also to enhance the brand image of Taiwanese cuisine and connect with the world.
Currently, the situation of the epidemic tends to ease. Cooperating with the “Epidemic New Life Movement” issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center, we propose “Recovery and Revitalization of the Tourism Industry” to encourage domestic tourism. Since the announcement of domestic travel subsidy program on July 1st, it has been well received and has achieved the goals such as stimulating the recovery of local tourism; at the same time, hospitality receptionists, and tourism and amusement industries are required to pay attention to the health of passengers, preparing sanitizer, taking passengers temperature, and complying with the safety rules for epidemic prevention.
而在後疫情時代,全臺都是值得大家到訪的最佳旅遊地點!本局輔導相關公協會結合臺灣「防疫新生活運動」,推動精緻旅遊,包含:墾丁淨灘與認識潮間帶生態的環保旅行,臺東的「饗嚮臺東」半日農夫體驗,又或是參訪西螺百年醬油老店、南投觀光酒廠等,都是富有文化意涵的旅遊體驗。此外,亦有渡假旅館順應疫情時興的健康旅遊(Wellness Travel)趨勢,推出相關養生、戶外體驗;旅行業則結合郵輪推出國內跳島郵輪旅遊、環島旅遊、自行車旅遊、鐵道觀光及古(綠)道自由行,都會國際觀光旅館亦有轉型為郵輪式渡假飯店,均獲得不錯口碑!
During the post-epidemic period, every place in Taiwan is worth visiting for tourist! We coach official associations to promote exquisite tourism, including eco-friendly travel of beach cleanup in Kenting and knowing the ecology of the intertidal zone, half-day farmer experience in Taitung, and visiting of Xiluo century-old soy sauce store or Nantou Winery. Also, there are resort hotels launching wellness travel such as regimen and outdoor experience; tourism industry combines cruise ship industry to launch domestic island hopping tour, round island tour, biking tour, and free tour of railway sightseeing and ancient trail; there is also an international sightseeing hotel which turns into the cruise resort hotel!
未來,為達成以「觀光立國」的國家發展觀光產業之願景,本局研提「Taiwan Tourism 2030 台灣觀光政策白皮書」,並為呼應交通部林佳龍部長鼓勵國人「三十而立」之3項觀光成年禮:環島體驗、山脈旅遊、跳島旅遊等理念,將持續推動2021自行車旅遊年、2022鐵道觀光旅遊年、2023跳島旅遊年及2024博物館觀光旅遊年,讓世界看到臺灣富含文化底蘊的軟實力,期許營造臺灣成為「亞洲旅遊重要目的地」!
In the future, in order to achieve the development vision of operating the country based on tourism, we will research and propose “Taiwan Tourism 2030 White Paper” and respond to the three tourism coming-of-age ceremonies proposed by Lin, Chia-lung, the minister of Ministry of Transportation and Communications; he encourages people to experience round island tour, mountain tour and island hopping tour. We are going to continually promote 2021 Year of Biking Tourism, 2022 Year of Trail Sightseeing Tourism, 2023 Year of Island Hopping Tourism and 2024 Year of Museum Sightseeing Tourism. Our expectation is to make Taiwan become “The Important Tourist Location in Asia”!
Photo Ccredit: Tourism Bureau, MOTC