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台灣六大迎曙光熱點Top 6 places to see the first sunrise of the year

台灣六大迎曙光熱點 Top 6 places to see the first sunrise of the year

從地平線亮起的光,宛如是新年的希望。在此特搜台灣六大迎曙光的絕佳地點,來這裡迎接2020年第一道曙光吧! There are the 6 best places for seeing first sunrise of the year. Come here and waiting for the first sunrise of 2020!

1 新北x三貂角 New Taipei x Sandiaojiao


It is the promontory located at the easternmost of Taiwan. Sunrise rises from sea level. Taking photos with the view of lighthouse is the perfect angle of vision!

2 南投x金龍山 Nantou x Jinlong Mountain

號稱攝影界日出攝影祕境之一,可以俯瞰魚池山景、順遊日月潭,同時也是賞夜景、銀河、雲海的好地點。 It is one of secret places of photography. Overlooking mountain view of Yuchih and visiting Sun Moon Lake. It is also a good place for watching night view, milky way and sea of clouds.

3 嘉義x阿里山 Chiayi x Alishan

阿里山日出相當知名,曙光伴著雲海,遼闊壯麗的景色令人難忘,記得順道一訪森林小火車喔。 The gorgeous view of the sunrise of Alishan and sea of clouds are unforgettable. Don’t forget to visit forest railway.

4 台南x二寮 Tainan x Erliao


It is a place where you can enjoy the unique view of Grass Mountain Moon World and Central Range surrounded by clouds.

5 蘭嶼x東清灣 Orchid Island x Dongqing Bay

東清灣為蘭嶼第一的日出拍攝景點,海灣還停放了達悟族的拼板舟,很有在地風格。 Dongqing Bay is the top one attraction to photograph sunrise in Orchid Island. You can see Tatala boat of the Tao on the bay.

6 台東x三仙台 Taitung x Sansiantai

以三仙台拱型跨海大橋為背景,宛如一條巨龍冒出大海,這裡的曙光充滿魔幻色彩! Taking Sansiantai cross-sea arch bridge as background, it looks like a giant dragon coming out from the sea. What a colorful and magical view!


Timetable search for first sunrise in Taiwan : Central Weather Bureau


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