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歡迎來新竹縣,走訪文化科技智慧城。Welcome to Hsinchu County, a smart culture and technology city


Welcome to Hsinchu County, a smart culture and technology city

新竹縣政府 縣長楊文科

County Governer of Hsinchu County Government

Yang, Wen- ke


Hsinchu County has the tourism resources of mountain, sea and lake. As the seasons change, you can experience different kinds of tours. In spring, it is the time of Tung Blossom Festival. You can see Tung Blossom covering the mountains in Lion’s Head Mountain Trail of Emei Township, Dashanbei Trail of Hengshan Township, and Baliao Old Trail of Guanxi Township, which are on Provincial Highway 3. In summer, going to New Moon Beach in Zhubei is the best way to cool off. It is also good to walk along Mangrove Green Trail of Xinfeng Township, watch the ecology of animals and plants, and feel the breeze.


When autumn comes, it is suitable for cycling around Emei Lake, overlooking the tallest Maitreya Buddha in Asia, and visit LongshengTemple where people mainly worship Guansheng Dijun; the winds of September(in Chinese: Jiu jiang feng) make the Hakka specialties of Hsinchu County, persimmon and mullet roe; in winter, it is good to soak in hot springs in Hengshan and Jianshi Township. Sodium bicarbonate hot spring, which is also called beauty hot spring, can moisturize your skin.


In the second half of the year, responding to the policy of central government so that we are going to cooperate with county tour operators and travel agencies to promote the expanding autumn and winter domestic tourism subsidy program. At the same time, the subsidy program allows children who are under 12 years old can to into theme amusement parks for free, such as the famous Leofoo Village, Little Ding-Dong Science Theme Park and Wan Ruey Forest Park. As the promises when I was elected, I will take care of the people in all ages!

此外,我們也推出自行車節「Easy Bike鐵馬漫遊新竹縣」與「浪漫台三線藝術季」。「浪漫台三線藝術季」係透過藝術表演或展覽形式演繹客庄文化,而新竹縣是由位於台三線上的竹東鎮、北埔鄉、關西鎮、峨眉鄉及橫山鄉等鄉鎮作為舞台,遊客可以前往竹東逛逛日據時代就存在的竹東市場,又或是走訪北埔歷史建築-金廣福、姜阿新洋樓,感受客家文化的生活美學。

We also launched biking festival – Easy Bike Cycling in Hsinchu County slowly, and Romantic Route 3 Art Festival. Romantic Route 3 Art Festival is to reveal Hakka culture through art performances and exhibitions. In Hsinchu County, the places of performances will be at Zhudong, Beipu, Guanxi, Emei and Hengshan Township. You can walk around Zhudong Market which was established in Japanese colonial period, or historical architectures in Beipu - Chin Kuang Fu and Chiang A-Hsin Mansion.


Besides abundant tourism resources, Hsinchu County is also a culture and tecnology smart city. In the future, we are aiming at smart tourism. Our goal is finding out how to combine smart technology and tourism, and getting worldwide tourists to enjoy the trip in Hsinchu. This year, we have been approved by Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs to start the New AI Retail Smart Commercial District Promoting Program. We are going to build 10 smart information stations and one smart store. Starting from Neiwan commercial district, we offer online shopping, experience of interactive photo, interesting games and robot guided attractions for tourists. You can also deliver your souvenirs to your house.


We also cooperated with the policy of Tourism Bureau to join the line of Taiwan Pass. Through the electronic ticket which combines the discounts of transportation, food, housing, tourism and shopping, we hope that independent travelers can use this card and have fun in Hsinchu County. Welcome you to come to Hsinchu County, experience the delicacy, gorgeous view and culture!


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