Words from the chairperson About Dalong Commercial District
大隆商圈是中部地區高級精品的集散地,有國際知名的品牌,囊括歐、美、日等最時尚的服飾、藝品及異國美食,與精明一街相互輝映,更有「小歐洲」的美譽。 異國風情的街景,歐式花園的行人徒步區,讓人感受時尚、浪漫、休閒,有如漫步在法國的香榭大道,充分享受舒適購物、低調奢華的樂趣。
Dalong Commercial District is the distributing center of high-end boutiques in the central region, with internationally famous brands including the most fashionable clothing and exotic delicacies from Europe, the United States and Japan; it mutually compliments with Jingming 1st Street and is further honored with the title “Little Europe”.
Street sceneries with exotic sentiments and European-style garden pedestrian areas allow people to experience the fashion, romance, and leisure, as if strolling on the Champs-Élysées in France, fully enjoying the fun of comfortable shopping and low-profile luxury.
TAPATAPA 西班牙餐廳 TAPATAPA Spanish Restaurant
洋溢西班牙風情,伴著熱情奔放的佛朗明歌,是靈魂與美食的相結合。 Overflowing with Spanish sentiment with the company of ebullient Flamenco, it is the fusion of soul and gourmet food.
+886-4-23236254│台中市西區大隆路12號 No.12, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
秘密花園生活精品館 Jardin Secret Life Boutique Hall
來自日本歐美、琳瑯滿目的生活家飾與食品,帶給您意外的驚喜。 Dazzling arrays of household decorations and food from Japan, Europe and the United States; introducing unexpected surprises to you.
+886-4-23273689│台中市西區大隆路13號 No.13, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
匯鑽珠寶銀樓 Hui Tsuan Jewelry Shop
專營GIA高品質高等級鑽石,及代理國內知名品牌,如金飾、鋼飾等。 Specialize in selling GIA high quality premium grade diamonds, as well as act as the agency for domestic and international famous brands, such as gold fashions and steel fashions.
+886-4-23107411│台中市西區大隆路3號 No.3, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
重視內衣的機能性,堅持純棉天然素材,讓穿得人舒服到忘了它的存在。 Emphasizes on the functionality of underwear, insist on pure cotton natural material, enabling people to wear comfortably and forgot its existence.
+886-4-23109470│台中市西區大隆路38號 No.38, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
提供顧客最好的洗髮產品及精緻的髮型服務。 Provides customers with the best shampoo and exquisite hair-styling services.
+886-4-23286007│台中市西區大隆路33號 No.33, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
i Nail 美甲美睫
聘請有多年經驗的資深美甲、美睫師,帶給消費者如同回到家一般的尊榮享受。 Employed senior manicurist and eyelash stylist with many years of experience, providing premium services to consumers as if back at home.
+886965-733556│台中市西區大隆路14號 No.14, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
夏慕尼鐵板燒 大隆店 Chamonix Taichung Dalong
結合法式料理,與Lounge Bar的浪漫設計,打造味覺與視覺的美味雙饗宴。 Combined with French cuisines and romantic designs of Lounge Bar; creating the delicious gustatory and visual dual feast.
+886-4-23282918│台中市西區大隆路43號 No.43, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
Sanrio 台中大隆直營店 Sanrio Shop Taichung Dalong
來自日本三麗鷗總代理,給您最新的Sanrio 產品,等粉絲們來收藏。 Coming from Japan’s Sanrio general agent, providing you with the latest Sanrio products, waiting for fans to come and collect.
+886-4-23197035│台中市西區大隆路39號No.39, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
多采多藝家飾 To Tsai To Yi Furnishings
充滿異國風情的家飾精品店,商業空間布置絕對讓您收獲滿滿。 A furnished boutique shop filled with exotic sentiment, its commercial spatial arrangement will leave you deeply satisfied.
+886-4-23207567│台中市西區大隆路20號 No.20, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
D.drive 駕馭皇冠
增高氣墊鞋第一品牌,駕馭你的牛仔褲,完美你的身材比例。 The No. 1 brand for height-increasing air-cushion shoes, take control over your jeans, perfect your figure proportion.
+886-4-23100765│台中市西區大隆路22號No.22, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
仁愛眼鏡館 東興店 Howard Eyewear Dongxing
本店販賣的不只是眼鏡,也兼備專業驗光集各項服務。 Our store not only sells glasses, but also provides professional optometry and various services.
+886-4-23273579│台中市西區東興路三段284號 No.284, Sec. 3, Dongxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
La new 氣墊鞋 大隆店 La new Taichung Dalong
La new 專業氣墊鞋提供穿鞋所需的吸震、減壓功能,讓人穿得健康輕鬆。 La New professional air-cushion shoes provide shock-absorption and pressure-relieving functions required for wearing shoes, allowing people to wear healthily with ease.
+886-4-23289916│台中市西區大隆路67號No.67, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
100%來自義大利的真皮商品,找尋獨義無二,專屬於你的義式品味。 100% genuine leather products from Italy; search for iTA SHOP, the Italian taste exclusive for you.
+886-4-23284547│台中市西區大隆路9號 No.9, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
高堤兒皮件 Gaultier Leather Goods
在地經營二十年老店,各式品牌包包、行李箱,滿足旅遊各種需求。 Local old store being in business for 20 years, where various name brand bags, suitcases satisfy all types of travel demands.
No.57, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
海斯精品服飾 Haissu Boutique Clothing
專為客戶挑選當季流行,專營品牌服飾配件及質感好搭配的單品。 Dedicated in selecting in-season fashion for customers, specialized in name brand clothing accessories and quality products that are easy to mix and match.
+886-4-23270586│台中市西區大隆路26號No.26, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
EDGE 意鉅服飾
堅持只賣MADE IN ITALY原產製品,以最合宜的價格購入歐洲高品質與設計服飾。 Insists on only selling MADE IN ITALY products; purchases European high quality and designed clothing at reasonable prices.
+886-4-23298955│台中市西區大隆路36號 No.36, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
aPure 機能性纖維 aPure Functional Fiber
aPure的品牌致力提升織物穿著品質及維護身體健康為目標。 aPure brand is devoted in enhancing the quality of woven wears, as well as sets maintaining body health as the goal.
+886-4-23278320│台中市西區大隆路16號No.16, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
春稻藝術坊 Taiwan Life Culture
推廣茶、陶器、服飾,傳達喝茶是一種生活態度,把握當下的幸福。 Promotes tea, pottery and clothing, conveys that tea-drinking is a type of living attitude, to seize the present happiness.
886-4-23289408│台中市西區大隆路19號 No.19, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
陽光精品屋 Sunshine Boutique Store
韓國流行服飾、明星商品,有特色的衣服、飾品,穿出不一樣的自己。 Korean fashion clothing, celebrity products, characteristic clothing and accessories allow one to dress up and show a different self.
+886985-390382│台中市西區大隆路18-1號 No.18-1, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
BAW 空調氣墊鞋 大隆店 Best Air Walk Best Air Walk
BAW 是全球唯一穿到氣墊舒適度,與全球第一雙自動充氣、噴氣氣墊鞋。 BAW is the sole company in the world to provide wearable air-cushion comfort clothing, as well as being a pioneer in automatic inflation and injection air-cushion shoes.
+886-4-23280696│台中市西區大隆路6號 No.6, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
芭竺坊銀飾精品 Ba Jhu Fang Silver Jewelry Boutiques
日本、義大利精工銀飾銷售,特價銀飾手工精品免費保養 。 Markets silver jewelry with fine workmanship from Japan and Italy; free maintenance for special offer handmade silver jewelry boutiques.
+886-4-23272780│台中市西區大隆路18號1F 1F, No.18, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
優雅名店 You Ya Shop
歐洲精心挑選,最新最時尚服飾精品,滿足每個有品味的您。 Meticulous selection of the latest and most fashionable clothing boutiques from Europe, which satisfies all of you with a sense of taste.
+886-4-23292498│台中市西區大隆路24號 No.24, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
班卓名店 Ban Jhou Shop
專售歐洲時尚服飾,滿足每位有品味的消費者。 Specializes in selling European fashion clothing, which satisfies all of you with a sense of taste.
+886-4-23271192│台中市西區大隆路30號 No.30, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
1893 Select 時尚選品店
主打歐美時尚選物,獨特、叛逆、讓您獨一無二!價格實在服務真誠是我們最在意的事! Focusing on European and US fashionable products, the unique and rebellious qualities will make you one of a kind! We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding service at affordable prices!
+886-4-23288882│台中市西區大隆路25號 No.25, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
Pretty Ballerinas
歐洲進口優質時尚女裝,讓來店有品味的顧客滿意。 Imported European quality fashion womenswear, which satisfies all of you with a sense of taste.
+886-23232151│台中市西區大隆路23號 No.23, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
築巢傢飾精品館 Chauv Horng Trading Co., Ltd.
提供多元的居傢裝飾、實木傢俱窗簾、現成床組沙發,營造居家溫馨氛圍。 Provides diversified home decorations, solid wood furniture and curtains, ready-made bed and sofa, creating a cozy living atmosphere.
No.49, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung Ci