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主委的話-精明一街商圈Words from the chairperson About Jingming 1st Street Commercial District


Words from the chairperson About Jingming 1st Street Commercial District


“Jingming 1st Street” in Taichung is the most well-known European-style commercial district; it is located in between Dadun 19th Street and Dalong Road, with an overall length of 130m. It attracts many visitors with the alfresco European sentiment café and teahouse, revealing the elegant and leisure lifestyle of the people in Taichung, successfully transforming Taichung commercial district into a unique life district filled with exotic sentiment, thereby becoming one of the famous image commercial districts in Taiwan.


玩劇島 Fantasykids


A new form of parent-child space combined with drama, games, and creativity, allowing children to learn knowledge through games, to know from self-perception, to express through emotional experience, and to adequately communicate and interact, so as to grow up through playing.

+886-4-23108862|台中市西區精明一街75號No.75, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

綠光咖啡 Le Rayon Vert

咖啡自家烘培,使用在地食材,提供美味的早午餐。 Homemade roasted coffee with the use of local food ingredients to provide delicious brunch.

+886-4-23266565|台中市西區精明一街80號No.80, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

有格展演空間 OneSet Art & Co-Working Space

提供展出空間及展期宣傳,周末與平日夜晚不定期推出藝文活動。 Provides exhibition space and exhibition period promotion; launches art & cultural events irregularly on weekends and weekday nights.

+886-4-37048811|台中市西區精明一街80號No.80, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

春水堂 Chun Shui Tang


Innovatively blended generations of Taiwanese shaken iced black tea culture, also invented the world’s first glass of bubble tea, as well as developed several types of characteristic tea beverages with diversified flavors, which also enriched the drinking method and flavors of iced tea.

+886-4-22549779 / 台中市西區大墩十九街9號 No.9, Dadun 19th St., West Dist., Taichung City

自己做烘焙聚樂部 DIY Baking Club

其實,做甜點跟小時候玩家家酒沒什麼不同,除了道具、食物變真實,好玩的心情一點都沒變。 As a matter of fact, making desserts is no different from playing house as children, except that props and food are replaced with authentic ones. Nonetheless, the sentiment of fun remains unchanged.

+886-9-65833928|台中市西區精明一街88號No.88, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

Vitis Vines 晨霧酒坊

以葡萄酒搭餐,提供葡萄酒、葡萄酒禮盒客製化、餐酒供應。 Uses grape wines to go with meals, provides grape wines, customized grape wine gift-boxes, dinner wine supply.

+886-4-23108008|台中市西區精明一街66號No.66, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

Color Monkey

販售日系、古著、卡通及潮流類風格的服飾店舖,適合各年齡層朋友前往。 The store that markets Japanese, vintage, cartoon and trendy style clothing; suitable for friends of all age groups to visit.

+886-4-23273481|台中市西區精明一街77號 No.77, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

傑得服飾珠寶 Jade Fine Jewelry

專營精美的手工珠寶與服飾,以細膩金工與多樣服飾等待各位光臨。 Specializes in exquisite handmade jewelries and clothing, await everyone’s visit with exquisite metalwork and diversified clothing.

+886-4-23278628|台中市西區精明一街91.85號No.91.85, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

小原咖啡 Origin Coffee

來小原咖啡才能健康的品嚐食物讓味蕾有最原始的感動! One can only savor food healthily and allow taste buds with the most primitive touch when visiting Origin Café.

+886-4-23108123|台中市西區精明一街94號No.94, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

維麗日本精品 Weili Japanese Boutiques


The store’s exterior features refreshing, elegant country-style design that emanates the creativity and taste of the female store owner. It is hoped that all the customers will fall in love with the environment.

+886-4-23286838|台中市西區精明一街72號No.72, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

HAND iin 日本手工袋包

日本精湛工匠工藝,將皮革最原始的材質,完整呈現出來。 Japanese exquisite craftsmanship comprehensively demonstrated the most primitive material of leather.

+886-4-23280691|台中市西區精明一街82號No.82, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City


屬於喜歡設計感及希望每日配帶專屬珠寶的妳。 Belongs to you who prefers designs and hopes to wear exclusive jewelries every day.

+886-4-23200337|台中市西區精明一街92號No.92, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

濟州王 Ji Zhou Wang

以韓式餐點為主的餐廳,提供早餐、午餐及晚餐。 A restaurant based mainly on Korean meals, provides breakfast, lunch and dinner.

+886- 4-23270698|台中市西區精明一街87號No.87, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

Angry Birds 憤怒鳥台中精明旗艦店

以全球知名遊戲角色為品牌主體,堅持提供顧客最新鮮、健康、安全的飲品。 The brand body is based on the globally famous game role, insist on providing customers with the freshest, healthiest and safest beverages.

+886- 4-23280385│台中市西區精明一街86號

No.86, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City


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