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「2020台灣燈會」2月8日台中登場 必遊推薦行程輕鬆玩


2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival debut in Taichung on February 8th


Must-visit recommended Itinerary


The Taiwan Lantern Festival, one of the Fantastic Festivals of the World as selected by Discovery, is going to make its debut in Taichung on February 8, 2020. Combining local features and creative design, this year’s theme of “Fantastic Forest” will provide visitors with innovative new sights and impressions of the Taiwan Lantern Festival.


Of course during your visit be sure to enjoy Taichung’s many other cultural and artistic attractions, as well as its unique snack foods and beautiful local scenery. We suggest that visitors take a one-day or two-day tour, during which they can experience the atmosphere of central Taiwan and enjoy the lights of the Taiwan Lantern Festival at night!

推薦行程 臺中x苗栗慢城三義古藝之旅一日遊

Recommended Itinerary Taichung & “Miaoli Slow City – Sanyi” One Day Tour


Longteng Broken Bridge → Rail Bike → Zhuo Ye Cottage Indigo Dyeing House → Taiwan Sugar Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory → Night tour of the Taiwan Lantern Festival (Main exhibition area in Houli) → Return home


For more information, please check on the official website of Taiwan Lantern Festival

交通部觀光局 廣告


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