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Vol. 14 旅遊情報 Vol. 14 Travel Information

Vol. 14 旅遊情報 Vol. 14 Travel Information

"鼠”於你我的快樂回憶 美妙時刻盡在六福村

Having a great memory belong to us in Leofoo Village

還在煩惱春節假期要去哪出遊嗎? 六福村年年在新春期間創遊客數新高、今年更推出了全台最具特色及規模的「胖卡車市集」,活動自1/17至3/1讓你一睹各式各樣外表吸睛的可愛胖卡車;加上許多內容新穎又有趣的新年互動活動、豐富的表演以及超殺記憶體的網紅打卡景點讓你不虛此行。

Are you still worrying about where to go during Chinese New Year? The number of visitors of Leofoo Village in Chinese New Year breaks the records every year. This year, we are going to launch the most unique and large scale “Food Truck Market” in Taiwan. Come to see all kinds of the eye-catching and cute food trucks from January 17th to March 1st. Moreover, there are many novel and interesting New Year interactive activities, abundant performances and check in hot spots.


2020 Yuejin Lantern Festival: Mirage

邁入第10屆的月津港燈節,2020年以「海市蜃樓」為策展主題,邀請20多組國內外藝術家,製作藝術展品與燈飾,並首次規劃擴增實境(AR)技術,讓民眾可以使用手機濾鏡,體驗影像與科技結合的虛實畫面,重現月津港百年樣貌。另外,活動期間亦有「月之美術館YueJin Art Museum,將鹽水老街化身為美術館,展現在地人文特色。

Coming to the 10th year of Yuejin Lantern Festival, it takes “castles in the air” as the theme in 2020. There are artworks and lighting made by more than 20 groups of domestic and foreign artists. And for the first time, we planned to expand the reality technology (AR), so that people may experience the combination of images and technology of virtual pictures through the mobile phones. During the period of the festival, you can also visit Yuejin Art Museum. Turning Yanshui Old Street into an art museum and showing the local cultural characteristics.


地點Place:臺南縣鹽水區月津港 Yuejin Harbor, Yanshui Dist., Tainan City

高雄燈會藝術節 愛河點燈

Kaohsiung Lantern Festival Lights up Love River


The activity is held in the area between Kaohsiung Bridge and Qixian Bridge of Lover River. You can see variety characteristics of Kaohsiung in different lantern area. There are also all kinds of themed shows, such as high-altitude show, Taiwanese Opera and night light show. Besides, the giant whale installation art, made by foreign art design groups, will debut in the festival on January 21st. The materials of the installation art are resource recycling collected from citizens of Kaohsiung. Hoping to awake people’s environmental awareness.


地點Place:高雄市愛河 Love River, Kaohsiung City

獨特客家活動 2020苗栗火旁龍

Unique Hakka Activity – 2020 Miaoli Dragon Bombing


You can say that Miaoli Dragon Bombing is the invisible cultural asset. In 2020, it will be the 21st year of the activity. This folk culture can be traced back to Dragon-Dance of China. Later, Hakka people came to Taiwan and they set off firecrackers, then the activity became something like this now. Besides Dragon Bombing, there are also activities such as praying, folk parading, setting Hakka Dragon Altar and writing blessing card. During Chinese New Year, it is going to be very lively and crowded in Miaoli!


地點Place:苗栗市區 Miaoli City

飛躍竹北★迎鼠光 2020竹北市元宵燈會

2020 Zhubei Lantern Festival


2020 Zhubei Lantern Festival combines romantic starry night and cool technical styles. The design of main lantern is the rocket rat. With the fantastic main lantern show, travel in Galaxy Tunnel, Space Scenario Lantern Area, Shooting Stars Galaxy Area, Eight Planets Lantern Area and Happiness Bridge! Besides, there is Lantern Festival Evening Party on February 8th, Hakka Sky Mending Day Worship Event, which will be held in Xin Wa Wu Hakka Cultural Park on February 13th, and different kinds of themed nights during the period of lantern festival. Don’t miss them!

時間Time 2020.02.06-02.16

地點 Place 竹北市文化公園 (新竹縣竹北市光明一路420號)

Zhubei Cultural Park (No.420, Guangming 1st Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County)


2020 Different Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung


2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung! Main display area will make its debut at Houli Horse Ranch Site of 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition. Continuing the theme of ecological sustainability, the government utilized installation arts, sounds and images, to create a Fantastical Forest of Lanterns. The Fantastic World of Arts, which combines tradition, arts and technology,

is planned to be at Houli Horse Ranch Site. In the sub-exhibition area - Wen-Xin Forest Park, there will be a Childlike Park. It is suitable for parents and children to have fun there.


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