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樂遊南投 景點介紹Enjoy Nantou Attractions Introduction

溪頭自然教育園區 Xitou Nature Education Area

園區內積極推展「森林療育」,在完善規劃的森林環境,透過嚮導的引領及專業解說,以身體的五感去感受森林的生命力。 “Forest healing” is the main theme of the park. In a well-planned forest environment and with the professional guided tour, visitors can feel the power of life of forests with their five senses.

+886-49-2612111 / 鹿谷鄉森林巷9號 No.9, Senlin Ln., Lugu Township, Nantou County

竹山天梯 Bamboo Sky Ladder


Standing on this suspension bridge spanning across the Jaoliao River, visitors can see rocks and cliffs in different shapes. Strolling along the bamboo forest path, you can always hear the chirp of the endemic Taiwan blue pheasant (Louphura swinhoii).

+886-49-2009507 / 竹山鎮大鞍里頂林路590號 No.590, Dinglin Rd., Da'an Vil., Zhushan Township, Nantou County 開園時間OPEN 7:30am-5:00pm

杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 Sun Link Sea Forest Recreation Area


Peonies, tulips, lacecap hydrangea, and seasonal flowers are blooming. The magnificent Qinglong Waterfall is suitable for hiking and summer resort. The Songlong Waterfall has abundant water vapor and high negative ion intensity, great for a comfortable forest bath.

+886-49-2611217 / 竹山鎮大鞍里溪山路6號 No.6, Xishan Rd., Da'an Vil., Zhushan Township, Nantou County

鹿谷小半天竹筒飯 Rice cooked in bamboo tubes in Xiabantian, Lugu

用最新鮮的竹子,裝滿生米後用柴火所燒煮而成,保証讓愛嘗鮮的你們可以吃到最道地的地方口味。 Made with freshest bamboo stuffed with rice cooked over natural wood fire. The most authentic local taste is a guarantee for those who ask for something special.


+886-49-2676800 / 鹿谷鄉竹豐村1鄰中湖巷28-1號 No.28-1, Zhonghu Ln., Lugu Township, Nantou County

鹿谷茶鄉小旅行 Excursion to the hometown of tea in Lugu

來到鹿谷鄉可以來一趟茶香小旅行,可以體驗採茶、製茶,並體驗採茶飯及圍爐煮茶。 Arriving in Lugu, visitors can start an excursion to the hometown of tea to experience tea picking and tea manufacturing and enjoy the tea rice and brewing tea together.

+886-9-21710232太極美地張淑貞執行長 鹿谷鄉 Lugu Township, Nantou County

溪頭妖怪村 Xitou Monster Village


Monster statues in different shapes and villagers in Japanese clothes are common in the village. When the red lanterns are lighted on in the evening, visitors explore the Japanese-styled mysteries in the light of the red lanterns.

+886-49-2612121 / 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路2-3號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County

台灣好行溪頭線 Taiwan Tourist Shuttle—Xitou Route


The Taiwan Tourist Shuttle has planned a wide range of routes, including the Xitou Route picking up visitors from Taichung Railway Station and Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station to Xitou. For visitors who don’t want to drive for a long way or who join a tour, the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle service is an ideal option for planning independent trips and relax travels.

【推薦好宿Recommended Accommodations】

妖怪村主題飯店 Monster Village Hotel 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路2-3號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2612121

聽濤園山莊 Ting Tau Villa 鹿谷鄉溪頭和雅村愛鄉路1-12號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2755677

溪頭有晴天 Sunnyday 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路32-12號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-9-10562762張小姐

溪頭夏緹飯店 Shante Hotel 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路24-18號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2753333

天空的院子 Sky Yard


No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County


日月潭自行車之旅 Sun Moon Lake Bike Trip


As one of the ten most beautiful bikeways in the world, it is a great scene for lakeside wedding photography. Enjoying the gentle breeze from the lake and strolling on the footpath, you can always find your most favorite way of travel at Sun Moon Lake.

+886-49-2855668 / 南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County

魚池東光溯溪 River Tracing in Dongguang Village, Yuchih Township


If you would like to have fun with water, come visit Yuchih for a light trip in Nantou to go river tracing! There is a fresh cool stream and plenty of small fish and crabs inhabiting the river. Come and go on a date with nature to experience the fresh cool water.

山水田雅舍 +886-49-2880310 / 南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County

18度C巧克力工房 feeling18c

2006年從網路發跡。攝氏18度的溫度,對於巧克力來說,無論是生產、保存、或是品嚐,都是最能呈現巧克力風味及優良品質的溫度。 feeling18c started over the internet in 2006. This temperature, 18°C, is a perfect temperature for manufacturing, storing, and taste chocolate in its best flavor and quality.

+886-49-2984863 / 埔里鎮慈恩街20號 No.20, Ci'en St., Puli Township, Nantou County

車埕祕密花園 Checheng Secret Garden


The terminus of the TRA Jiji Line where stand the Checheng wood museum, the timber pond, and fun wooden children’s toys. Besides historical recollections, visitor can bring the the wooden barrel bento (meal box) home.

南投縣水里鄉 Shuili Township, Nantou County

九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village


in addition to the indigenous cultural performances and exciting theme park facilities, the cherry blossom wedding in spring is extremely romantic. Overlooking Sun Moon Lake from the cable car, visitor can enjoy the lake and mountain vista of the entire Sun Moon Lake.

魚池鄉大林村金天巷45號 No.45, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County 開園時間:9:00am-5:00pm;049-2895361 纜車時間:10:30am-4:00pm;049-2850666#9

頭社盆地賞金針花 Enjoy Watching the Orange Daylilies in the Toushe Basin


Walking through the meadow and swaying in the breeze, feel the pulse coming from the land to experience the ecological canal and appreciate the Orange Daylilies dancing joyfully. One can see the glamorous sunflowers in full blossom throughout the seasons.

+886-9-12056186 / 魚池鄉平和巷1-66號 No.1-66, Pinghe Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County

台灣好行日月潭線 Taiwan Tourist Shuttle—Sun Moon Lake Route


Department from Taichung, the route reaches Puli and Sun Moon Lake quickly via Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station and Taichung Railway Station. With the day pass, visitors can take the electric lake tour bus, electric boat, Sun Moon Lake cable car, and bike for a low-carbon and LOHAS trip.

【推薦好宿Recommended Accommodations】

日月星舞民宿 Coffeeshen 魚池鄉大林村永川巷12-8號 No.12-8, Yongchuan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County +886-49-2899347

散步的雲日月潭生態民宿 Roaming Cloud 魚池鄉平和巷1-66號 No.1-66, Pinghe Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County +886-9-12056186

晶澤別館 The Crystal Inn


No.110, Wenhua St., Yuchi Township, Nantou County


山水田雅舍民宿 Shan Shui Tian


No.58-6, Xingshan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County


泰雅渡假村 Atayal Resort


As the theme park for Atayal culture, visitors can see the island between rivers of the Seediq people from the skywalk. Besides a wide variety of recreational facilities, it is an international comprehensive spa resort.

+886-49-2461311 / 國姓鄉北港村北原路56-2號 No.56-2, Beiyuan Rd., Guoxing Township, Nantou County 溫泉開放時間:週一至五 3:00pm-10:00pm

中台禪寺 Chung Tai Chan Monastery


With splendid and magnificent buildings, the monastery is a place fusing religion, academics, culture and arts. In the garden of the monastery, there are old trees and the sound of sutra reading around. The Buddhism Museum displays various Buddhist artefacts. Overall, it is a great place to visit.

+886-49-2930215 / 埔里鎮一新里中台路2號 No.2, Zhongtai Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County / 週一休館 Monday closed

紙教堂新故鄉見學園區 Paper Dome

用58根紙管組合而成的教堂,是921大地震後日本人為傳達對台灣的互助精神搬遷而來,成為社區的集會中心。 The church built with 58 paper posts is removed from Japan to disseminate the mutual help spirit of Taiwanese people after the Jiji Earthquake. It is now the local community hall.

+886-49-2914922 / 埔里鎮桃米巷52-12號 No.52-12, Taomi Ln., Puli Township, Nantou County


Travel with the Mobile Diner "Mini Travel in a Southeastern Town in Puli"


Hop on a bike to go cycling for a natural tour and to find the remote landscape down the lane. The customized travelling model featured with a mobile diner allows the vehicle to be loaded with some of the featured ingredients grown in Puli. The cyclist can enjoy cycling and eating at the same time with a navigator, leading the cycling team to travel lightly through low-carbon initiatives.

+886-49-2911410 / 南投縣埔里鎮 Puli Township, Nantou County

清境高空觀景步道 Qingjing Skywalk


Located at 1,700-1,800m above sea level, the 1.2km long and 2.5m wide trail allows visitors to see the flock of sheep and wild birds jumping on the tree crown. There are seven viewing platforms on along the trail.

仁愛鄉仁和路186-1號 No.186-1, Renhe Rd., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County +886-49-2801650(南商圈端) +886-49-2801651(蝴蝶園端) 開放時間OPEN 07:30am-5:30pm

Nina妮娜巧克力工坊 Nina de Chocolate


The most delicious chocolate was made from the natural ingredients collected and from some of the best quality ingredients around the world. All flavors from bitter-sweet to sweet and sour are perfectly mixed to create a balanced taste, which shows the persistence of the owner to create rich and multi-layered textures in each tasty mouthful.

+886-49-2803820 / 仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷8-3號 No.8-3, Rongguang Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County



From Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station or Taichung Railway Station, visitors can take Nantou Bus to Puli, Qingjing Farm, and Atayal Resort. The Qingjing-Wuling-Hehuanshan DRTS is available from October.

若欲前往合歡山觀星或看日出,亦可預約OK BUS清境觀光巴士,電話:049-2801399。 When watching stars and sunrise on Hehuanshan, visitors can book the OK BUS.

【推薦好宿Recommended Accommodations】

佛羅倫斯山莊 Florance Resort Villa 仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷8-3號 No.8-3, Rongguang Ln., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County +886-49-2803820

日光青境民宿 Sunny Dale 仁愛鄉大同村壽亭巷31號 No.31, Shouting Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County +886-49-2802000 見晴渡假山莊 SunShine Vacation Villa 仁愛鄉大同村定遠新村18-1號 No.20-1, Fujin Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County +886-49-2803162

波波米繪本民宿 Bobomi Bed & Breakfast


No.6, Taomi Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County


向山遊客中心 Xiangshan Visitor Center


Known as the most beautiful visitor center in Taiwan, the Xiangshan Visitor Center carries a geometric design in a spacious meadow in front of a pond reflecting the blue sky. Here, visitors can enjoy the lake and mountain vista of Sun Moon lake, making it a must-see sight in Sun Moon lake.

+886-4-92855668 / 魚池鄉中山路599號 No.599, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County

朝霧渡假餐飲小棧 Sun Fog Hotel


Located by the Chao Wu Wharf, the hotel offers cozy accommodation, delicious food service, convenient transportation, well-planned leisure space, and thoughtful service to fulfill the recreational and leisure demands of visitors asking for a taste.

+886-4-92855000 / 魚池鄉水社村中山路31號 No.31, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County

日月潭 Sun Moon Lake


Sun Moon Lake is the second largest lake in Taiwan. The awesome view is among the eight sites of Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake offers the only water, land and air three way (3D) tour in Taiwan, with its round-lake trail chosen as one of the world’s top ten scenic bike route. Renowned lake area sites including the Lalu island, Wenwu temple, Ci En pagoda, Xuan Zang temple, Siang Shan (mountain), Yongjie (engagement) bridge, Tongxin bridge, Christian Church, Meihe garden, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and snake kiln. The 14 walkways surrounding the lake are also great getaways for sightseeing and activities.


Yuchi Township, Nantou County


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