享自然泡溫泉 遊谷關風景
Enjoy Natural Hot Springs Tour the Guguan Scenic Areas
谷關為知名的溫泉重鎮,可於秋冬之際吸引大批的遊客體驗溫泉之美,但在春夏兩季較為炎熱的時節,民眾到谷關觀光旅遊的意願也隨之降低,形成淡旺兩季極大的旅遊人次景象之差別。除了秋冬時節泡溫泉之外,谷關盛產甜柿、蜜蘋果、雪梨、蜜梨、水蜜桃、甜檸檬等高山水果。谷關商圈於每年春夏兩季搭配時令舉辦「谷關母親節~玩泉森動」、「谷關端舞節」、「谷關浪漫一夏~七夕情人節」等活動,並致力於推廣在地特色農產品─梨山茶、高山蔬果及體驗泰雅族原住民文化技藝並與谷關溫泉結合,讓遊客可以上山避暑,享受清涼森林浴外,亦可藉由溫泉特性,達到養生功效,透過各種宣傳活動,推廣「原住民文化」、「溫泉文化」及「自然生態」等特色,谷關並非僅有溫泉產業,還有更多豐富的自然、人文等資源。-理事長 顏世陸
Guguan is a well-known hot spring village, attracting large amounts of tourist experiencing the beauty of hot springs during fall and winter. But interest in visiting Guguan drops during the hotter seasons of spring and summer, greatly varying in touring numbers between slack and peak season. Besides hot spring during fall and winter, Guguan is rich in alpine fruit such as sweet persimmon, honey apple, sweet pear, honey pear, peach and sweet lemon. The Guguan business district hosts “Guguan Mother’s Day-Fun Spring and Lively Forest”, “Guguan Dragon Boat Festival”, “Guguan Romantic Summer- Chinese Valentines Day” and etc seasonally in spring and summer every year. The effort was made to promote local characteristic farm products including Lishan tea, Alpine vegetables and fruit, along with Atayal aboriginal craft combined with Guguan hot spring. Tourists can take refuge from the summer heat in the hills and enjoy the cool embrace of forest. One may also attain health functions from hot spring, while promoting features such as “aboriginal culture”, “hot spring culture” and “nature ecology”. Guguan possesses not only hot spring industry, but also abundant natural resources, humanities, and culture.
惠來谷關溫泉會館 Bali Nature Spa Resort
Bali Nature Spa Resort provides tourists with accommodation, dining, hot spring rooms and conference vacation set service. The architectural design adopts primeval nature style of Bali island, allocated with tropical southeast Asian plantations, wood plated white walls and thatched pavilion across the entire area to exhibited a richly romantic leisure atmosphere. Exclusive 4 to 10 ping hot spring pool is arranged in each room. The restaurant offers Chinese style dishes, combining local delicacies with seasonal vegetable and fruit ingredient to provide cuisines suited for individuals as well as group feast.
+886-4-25951998|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷10號 No.10, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
統一渡假村谷關溫泉養生會館 Uni-Resort Guguan
健康多樣的休閒設施,與凡各項互動遊樂設施,是親子歡聚的最佳場所,每一次的到訪留下歡樂溫暖的回憶! A variety of healthy recreational facilities and multiple interactive entertainment facilities make it the best place for parent and child fun. Every visit leaves behind warm and happy memories!
+886-4-25950000|和平區東關路一段188號 No.188, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
龍谷觀光大飯店 Dragon valley hotel & paradise
Overlooking the enchanting Dajia river bank scene and the steep river cliffs. Providing 189 hot spring suites and is equipped with an international conference hall. It is the largest and most professional hotel in the vacation area.
+886-4-25951369|和平區東關路一段138號 No.138, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
谷關溫泉飯店 Ku Kuan Hot-Spring Hotel
The brand-new Atayal style exterior hotel has been with Guguan for over 20 years. The facilities and rooms have been renovated, and is equipped with large size conference room, karaoke, restaurant and parking lot.
+886-4-25951355|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷6號 No.6, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
神木谷假期大飯店 Utopia Holiday Hotel
神木谷假期大飯店位於台中市和平區谷關風景區,飯店內有一株國寶級的千年五葉松神木,是谷關地區最好的景點。 Utopia Holiday Hotel is located at the Taichung Heping district scenic area. There is a national treasure Taiwan pine within the hotel, and the best scenic spot in Guguan.
+886-4-25951511|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷7號 No.7, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
伊豆日式露天溫泉 E-daw Hot Spring Hotel
伊豆溫泉坐擁高山、溫泉、山谷、溪流與森林遊樂區,在這靜謐而清新的環境中可以恣意擁抱自然,感受溫泉的生命力。 E-daw Hot Spring provides mountains, hot spring, valley, river and forest park. One can embrace nature and feel the vibrancy of hot spring in this quiet and fresh environment.
+886-4-25950315|和平區東關路一段分校巷5號 No.5, Fenxiao Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
四季溫泉會館 Guguan Four Season Hotel
南洋風情的造景,不用出國也能有置身峇里島的感覺,藍天、和風、棕梠樹、不同風情的溫泉浴池、享受休閒就是現在,期待您的光臨。 Southeast Asian landscaping brings Bali without going abroad. Blue sky, gentle breeze, palm trees and various atmospheric hot spring awaits your visit to savor the moment of relaxation.
+886-4-25951235|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷8-1號 No.8-1, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
露泉渡假溫泉館 Ku Kuan Hot Spring & Resort
露泉渡假溫泉館,堆砌出靜謐的溫泉所在,賦予不同的價值空間,用心、細心、盡心,給每一位到訪的賓客不一樣的泡湯體驗。 The quiet hot spring endows a distinct appreciation to this place. Its sincerity, consideration and effort provide every visiting guest with a different hot spring experience.
+886-4-25951115|和平區東關路一段115號 No.115, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
明治溫泉大飯店 Ming Zhi Spring Hotel
The wide expanse of area provides a variety of room types to choose from, offering also public hot spring, large conference room, restaurant, scenic walkways and other facilities. It is a great place to stay when visiting Guguan.
+886-4-25951111|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷17號 No.17, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
谷野會館 Goya Spring Resort
擁有獨立的碳酸氫鈉泉,俗稱美人湯,沿用當地特有的地質風貌,打造一個泡湯、住宿、餐飲、購物等多功能的休閒渡假中心。 Provides independent carbon bicarbonate spring, known as beauty spring, it is a multi-functional leisure vacation center complete with hot spring, accommodation, dining and shopping.
+886-4-25942829|和平區東關路一段冷巷36號 No.36, Lileng Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
捎來情人咖啡簡餐下午茶 Shao Lai (Bring) the lovers coffee, light meal and afternoon tea
依傍在捎來吊橋旁,欣賞著捎來溪谷之美,那緩緩流淌的捎來溪,輕易讓人沾染上片刻安逸平靜,而正是休假充電的遊人所需要的。 Enjoy Shao Lai river valley besides the Shao Lai drawbridge and a moment of peacefulness. It is just what a traveler on a refilling vacation needs.
+886-4-25951001|和平區東關路一段116-2號 No.116-2, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City OPEN / 週一、週二 11:00am-5:00pm 週五 11:00am-8:00pm 週六、日(例假日)10:30am-8:30pm 週三、四公休
麗池山水渡假村 Li Chih Thanl Thuei Hot Spring & Resort
谷關地區溫泉飯店,白色歐式建築之谷關飯店,空氣清新蟲鳴鳥叫與松木芬多精繚繞,提供谷關住宿、溫泉與美食。 White European style Guguan hotel with fresh air, sounds of birds and insect and surrounded by pine phytoncide. Offers accommodations, hot spring and cuisine.
+886-4-25941212|和平區東關路一段分校巷31號 No.31, Fenxiao Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
明高溫泉養生會館 Mingao Spring Hotel
全館客房均提供谷關無色無味之優質碳酸原湯,並取用八仙山之山冷泉供蒞臨貴賓沐浴及飲水使用。 Offers excellent odorless and colorless Guguan carbon acid spring in all rooms, and provides guests with Bashian mountain cold spring water for bathing and drinking.
+886-4-25941117|和平區東關路一段92號 No.92, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
玉芳活魚客家餐廳 Yu Fan Fresh Fish Hakka Restaurat
30多年客家料理老店,廣受當地人的推薦,除了活魚料理,還有提供蟲蟲料理,將蟋蟀、蜂蛹、螞蟻等入菜,挑戰您的膽識與味雷。 This 30 year old Hakkai restaurant is widely popular among locals. Besides fresh fish dishes, it also offers insect dishes, challenging your courage and palate with crickets, bee pupae and ants.
+886-4-25951079|和平區東關路一段141號 No.141, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City OPEN / 週一~週日 9:00am-9:00pm
金谷餐廳 Jin Gu Restaurant
可容納一百多人的大餐廳,特色餐飲除山產野味之外,活鱒魚三吃也是本店的招牌。經濟合菜、快餐、包辦宴席。 A large restaurant accommodating over one hundred people, it features mountain games as well as trout prepared three-ways.
No.132, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
OPEN / 週一~週日 10:00am-10:00pm