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為生命撐起保護傘Hold a protective umbrella for life~大振豐洋傘 Ta Chen Fong umbrella

為生命撐起保護傘Hold a protective umbrella for life

~大振豐洋傘 Ta Chen Fong umbrella


“You and me holding an umbrella. I take care of you, you take care of me when the rain getting bigger.” These are a part of lyrics from the famous song “A little umbrella” sing by Taiwanese singer, Hung Jung-Hung. This song is telling a romantic story of couple. In fact, the safety of umbrella depends on professional production technology. Ta Chen Fong, number one in Taiwan umbrella industry, has been in the industry for more than 50 years. The founder, Sheng-hong Chen put a lot of efforts into the manufacturing and development of umbrella. Now, the business has been passed down to the second generation. Da Chen Fong pays attention to consumer’s demand for umbrella for decades. From design, manufacturing, wholesale to sales, taking control of every detail and establishing own brand of Taiwan with the standards of craftsman aesthetics.


In 1999, Da Chen Fong used advanced carbon fibre ribs and high quality Taiwan Formosa ultra-thin umbrella cloth and became the first domestic brand that produces and sells at high prices by itself. In 2016, they established Cultural and Creative Hall of Umbrella at Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City. The total area is over 4960 square-meter. There are thousand kinds of domestic and international boutique umbrellas displayed and sold at 1st floor. Rain gear wholesale area is at 2nd floor. There are classrooms for DIY umbrella and painting umbrella at 4th floor.


Da Chen Fong Cultural and Creative Hall of Umbrella provides free guide for groups, but you need to make an appointment first. There are professional guides to explain all kinds of umbrellas, and how to choose an umbrella that suits you. Moreover, you can DIY umbrella here. There are also umbrella painting. Come and create your own umbrella!

2018年,大振豐參與打造台中世界花卉博覽會,后里森林園區最大亮點《聆聽花開的聲音》,其中由697朵傘布組成的花,驚艷四座,堪稱國際級佳作。此外,花博吉祥物-石虎,於2008年被列為瀕臨絕種的一級保育類動物,是目前台灣唯一僅存的原生貓科動物,大振豐與國際藝術家邢福麟聯名打造 「發現石虎手繪傘」,以此拋磚引玉,希望讓更多人認識石虎保育,以有形的傘為里山環境撐起一把無形的生態保護傘。

In 2018, Da Chen Fong participated in the creation of Taichung World Flora Exposition. The highlight of Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Expo Site – Listen to the Sound of Blossom, is a flower consisting of 697 umbrellas. It can be called an international masterpiece. The mascot of exposition - leopard cat, was listed as 1st class of protected species in 2008. They are the only remaining original cat animals in Taiwan currently. Da Chen Fong and international artist, Fu-lin Xing created Discover-leopard-cat Painted Umbrella together. Hope to let people learn more about the conservation of leopard cat. Protecting the environment with visible umbrellas.


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