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賞花博 玩麗寶 走春首選麗寶樂園渡假區The first choice for spring break – Lihpao Resort


Visiting,Playing,Staying,Shopping,Racing.All in one!


2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition will be blooming in Houli. Since Taichung World Flora Exposition be opened to public, it created local business opportunities. Lihpao Resort is the largest resort park in Taiwan which is near to Taichung World Flora Expositon. You can go shopping, have fun at Lihpao Resort, race cars and take a ride on the Ferris wheel to see the beautiful view. This is the best place to enjoy your holiday.


There are Lihpao Land, hotel, outlet, race track, Ferris Wheel and many other facilities in Lihpao Resort, which is near the venues of Taichung World Flora Exposition. During this exposition, Lihpao Land offers almost 1,500 parking spaces in First parking. You can take free shuttle buses planned by the city government to the venues of Taichung World Flora Exposition from parking. Moreover, Lihpao Resort is selected as the must-visit attraction near Taichung World Flora Exposition by netizens. Lihpao Resort provides many wonderful events during the expositon. Responding to World Flora Exposition, children under 12 years old are allowed to enter Lihpao Land for free. The limited offer is from now on till January 20th and during February 2nd to 10th. Children can enjoy visiting World Flora Exposition and playing in Lihpao Land accompanied with an adult (that person need to buy ticket).There are “Flora Exposition VR theme room” and “Flora Exposition Feast” at Fullon Hotel LihPao Land, which is near Lihpao Land. Come and enjoy viewing flowers and have fun in Lihpao Resort!

探索世界,有全球唯一的斷軌式雲霄飛車,白天可以暢玩32項遊樂設施,欣賞繽紛歡樂的花車遊行,假日入園還能沉浸在全台最美的浪漫星光樂園,多樣化的設施好玩到不想回家。想要登高望遠,不妨搭上全台最大的天空之夢摩天輪,深入海拔384米高空盡覽台灣之美,渡假區亦同步於官網推出「賞花博 玩麗寶」的專案套票。

In Lihpao Land, there is the one Gravity Max tilt roller coaster in the world. In day time, you can take rides on 32 amusement facilities and enjoy the colorful parade of floats. If you come here on holidays, just immerse yourself in the most romantic starlight paradise in Taiwan. Diverse facilities make you not willing to go home. If you want a bird's eye view, take a ride on the largest Ferris wheel in Taiwan – World in the Circle. Viewing the beauty of Taiwan at an altitude of 384 meters. The resort also launched the “Viewing flowers at Taichung World Flora Exposition and having fun at Lihpao Resort” paradise or Ferris wheel special tickets at the official website.

花博房 花博宴 百花綻放Flora Exposition Room, Flora Exposition feast and the blooming flowers.

位於渡假區的福容大飯店,步行3分鐘即可抵達樂園,離花博外埔展區車程更僅需5分鐘,盡情享受愜意假期,因應花博到來,推出「 臺中賞花博」兩人平日住房優惠7,999元起,加價2,000元即可升等入住全台唯一「會動的花博主題房」,打開房門,用手機掃QR CODE,就可以看到可愛的石虎揮手歡迎,還有悠揚的薩克斯風樂音等,身歷其境保證讓大小朋友入住後都捨不得回家,不僅如此,館內的福粵樓推出百花齊放的「花博宴」料理,以花入菜搭配當地新鮮食材,讓饕客享受視覺與味覺的雙重極致饗宴,邀您一起來台中「賞花博,玩麗寶」,更多詳情請上飯店官網或FB粉絲專頁洽詢,或撥打訂房專線04-2559-2888;訂位專線04-2557-1366轉福粵樓8320。

Fullon Hotel LihPao Land is located at Lihpao Resort.It takes you 3 minutes to walk there. You can drive to Waipu Park Area in 5 minutes. Come and enjoy the leisure holiday! .Respond to the World Flora Exposition, the hotel has launched the “Viewing World Flora Exposition in Taichung”. Check in on weekdays, the special price for 2 persons is NTD7,999 upward. Pay extra NTD2,000, your room type will be upgraded to “Active Flora Exposition theme room”. When you open the door and scan QR CODE, you will see the adorable Leopard Cat waving at you with the beautiful music of Saxophone. The immersive feeling will make people at all ages not want to leave. Moreover, there is “Flora Exposition feast” at Fu Yue Lou Dimsum in the hotel. The dishes made of local fresh ingredients and flowers make gourmet enjoy the feelings of vision and taste. Welcome you to come to Taichung, view flowers at Taichung World Flora Exposition and have fun at Lihpao Resort! For more details, please check on the official website of Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land or Facebook fanpage. The booking line is 04-25592888. Please call 04-25571366 #8320 to make a reservation of Fu Yue Lou Dimsum.


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