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彰化芳苑海空步道Skywalk by the Fangyuan Wetland Mangrove Forest in Changhua


Skywalk by the Fangyuan Wetland Mangrove Forest


It is the newest attraction on the seashore of Changhua where you can admire the scene of mangroves and conservation birds close. Walking along the evening viewing platform, the bird watching pavilion and the benthic environment observation platform, you will see the rich ecosystem and landscape of Fangyuan Wetland.

台灣獨特海牛文化Taiwan’s Unique Oxcarts Culture


Fangyuan Township is the only place in Taiwan that has oxcarts culture. Scalpers pull carts to the sea to carry fresh oysters. The unique oxcarts oyster harvest activity of Taiwan was registered as an intangible cultural asset in 2016. At ebb tide, harvesting oysters and clams in this wetland and intertidal zone, looking like “black earth” is such a great experience!

賞鳥絕佳地點 The Best Place for Bird Watching


You can see multiple kinds of birds, such as little egret, cattle egrets, black-crowned night-herons, gray herons, etc. in Fangyuan Wetland, which is composed by mangroves and mudflats; during the reproductive period from every March to May, these herons will fly in and out of the mangrove areas with holding tree branches and other nesting materials; at low tide, it is easy to see wading birds foraging in the mudflat without vegetation.

「黑色大地」潮間帶 The Black Earth - Intertidal Zone


Fangyuan Intertidal Zone, also known as “The Black Earth”, is a favorite habitat for fiddler crabs and mud skippers. There are also the unique and representative sentinel crabs, those look like hands up and shouting hurray; the special appearance is worth visiting!

王功漁港遊客服務中心,彰化縣芳苑鄉王功村漁港路 900 號,04-8934967

Wanggong Fishing Port Customer Service Center

No. 900, Yugang Rd., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County


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