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南台灣,展現地方藝術的各種可能Southern Taiwan, displaying all kinds of possibilities of local art


The art museums located in southern Taiwan have their respective styles with local cultures. Combining history and culture, and also driving the new aesthetic viewpoints.


Preserving the profound local culture of tiles


The Museum of Old Taiwan Tiles restores and preserves the tiles in the early Taiwanese architectures. At the same time, combining modern elements and the craftsmanship of the senior potters to develop a new look of tiles. There are also guided tours and DIY activities!


Driving the aesthetics of the city through art


Daxin Art Museum was rebuilt from an old plant building. The interior design keeps the old industrial elements. On the first and second floors, there are exhibitions of domestic and foreign artists; on the third floor, you can see the private collection of the founder Mr. Wang, Qing-Xiang.


At the same time, Daxin Art Museum also selects representative middle-aged contemporary artists in southern Taiwan and sponsors them to establish private art museums. This helps Tainan to create a vision of art.


The artistic scenery in the three-section compound


The predecessors of Fang Yuan Art Museum were “Sui Garden” and “Sui Shen Hospital”. As the largest mansion and garden in the local area, its most famous feature is the circular arch corridor in the courtyard of the three-section compound.


Fang Yuan Culture and Arts Foundation entered in 2007. In the museum, there are cultural relics, ceramic creations, and art-related collections and exhibitions; these continue the local culture and traditional art.


Creating the artistic warmth close to life


Asir Art Museum is a private art museum established by the artist Ying-Dong Zeng. The name of the art museum symbolizes working busy but pleasant and it also has the meaning of abundance mentality while creating.


The exhibition space is on the first floor and the basement; the courtyard is planned for an outdoor sculpture exhibition area. The high-quality artworks of domestic and foreign artists, and the warm space makes art become closer to life.


An art space full of historical meanings

建成於1967年的金馬賓館當代美術館,曾為冷戰時期國軍前往金馬戰線前的暫宿居所,2018年轉由永添藝術經營為當代藝術館,並獲《孤獨星球旅遊指南Lonely Planet》評選為高雄最頂尖當代美術館。

ALIEN Art Centre was once a temporary residence for the military before they went to the front line of Kinmen and Matsu during Cold War. It was selected by the “Lonely Planet Guide Books” as the top contemporary art museum in Kaohsiung.


The first floor of the museum is a cross-border art exhibition; the second floor is the art museum store and dining space; the third floor is an exchange and cooperation platform for international contemporary art institutions; on the top floor, there is an open-air platform for music and gathering activities.

台灣花磚博物館 The Museum of Old Taiwan Tiles



No. 282, Linsen W. Rd., West Dist., Chiayi City

大新美術館 Daxin Art Museum



No. 6, Ln. 110, Sec. 4, Ximen Rd., North Dist., Tainan City

方圓美術館 Fang Yuan Art Museum



No. 1, Xihua, Jiangjun Dist., Tainan City

甘樂阿舍美術館 Asir Art Museum



No. 139, Beizhong St., North Dist., Tainan City

金馬賓館當代美術館 ALIEN Art Centre



No. 111, Gushan 1st Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City


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