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Slow city – Nanzhuang Township Xin Xia Tai Ke

Inviting you to feel the slow tempo of nature






Nanzhuang Township is located in northeast corner of Miaoli County. It has the most natural landscapes and multi-cultural ethnic group, and it was voted as the No.1 of the most friendly city in Taiwan by travel magazines. People get along with each other friendly in Nanzhuang. Local farmers and restaurants inherit the environmental protection and natural of Nanzhuang with the thought of being friendly to the land. These make the beauty of Nanzhuang can be seen by the world.

Nanzhuang County was certificated as CITTASLOW in 2016. We create the environment of eating slow, downshifting and traveling in slow tempo with the life philosophy of slow city. With the counseling by county government, the management office of Tri-mountain National Scenic Area and Hakka Affairs Council, taking the two sides of Kangji Suspension Bridge as the core, assisting the transformation of stores and improving the surrounding environment of the neighborhood. At the same time, strengthening personnel training, mentoring young people to return to their hometowns to start a business and repackaging the image of local culture. For example, osmanthus, Hakka printed cloth and red brick. Nanzhuang old street gradually gathers cultural and creative stores. Towards the new development of the old industry, attracting domestic and foreign tourists to take an in-depth trip to Nanzhuang.

With the Xin Xia Tai Ke Concert coming to its 11th, we can see the diverse ethnic groups in Nanzhuang respect each other’s culture and different ethnic groups create a rich and diverse humanities in this land. For example, Pastaay of Saisiat, Mazu Pilgrimage activities on roads in January and traditional Hakka old street. we sincerely invite domestic and foreign tourists to experience the original customs in the tribe, or to enjoy the traditional Hakka catering in the village. Come and feel the local cultural style of Nanzhuang.

Lion's Head Mountain is a famous Buddhist shrine. The ancient and magnificent temple in the mountains was built in accordance with the mountain. Along Lion’s Head trails, you can see ancient trees towers to the skies and the century old ancient temples stands in the mountain. These beautiful sceneries attract climbers to come and feel the coexistence of religion and nature. With the assistance of the management office of Tri-mountain National Scenic Area, the awesome Fairy Valley, Penglai River Fish Watching Trail, Shimen Trail and other natural landscapes of Nanzhuang are fully maintained. Hidden in the mountains is like a paradise.

The technology is improved continually and the environment is changed constantly. Nanzhuang Township still retains many original ecological and natural environments. In Nanzhuang old street, you can see traditional old buildings. On the weekdays, Nanzhuang Township is quieter and the tempo is slower than other tourist resorts. Whether you are a backpacker carrying a free mind or a group of friends, we are looking forward you can come and enjoy the slow city style of Nanzhuang.

南庄鄉 鄉長 賴盛為

Nanzhuang Township mayor

蓬萊溪護魚步道 Penglai River Ecology Trail

溪水魚群眾多,溪流與森林樹木形成天然美景,夏天的夜晚也可欣賞螢火蟲哦。There are many fishes in the water. The stream and the forest form a natural and beautiful scene. You can see fireflies at summer night.



Penglai River Ecological Park,Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

十三間老街 Shi San Jian Old Street

有著傳統客家美食的老街,門牌上的圖案代表著第一戶主人的生意,是難得一見的懷舊風景。The old street with traditional Hakka food. The pattern on the house number plate represents the business of the first owner. It’s a rare and nostalgic scene.


Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

康濟吊橋 Kang Ji Suspension Bridge


Walking slowly on the bridge, you can enjoy the beautiful mountain scene of Nanzhuang old street and the view of stream. It’s one of the famous landscapes of Nanzhuang.


Zhongzheng Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

洗衣坑 Xi Shan Keng

老街桂花巷尾的水汴鎮,居民洗衣、聊天的「水汴頭」。象徵客家人勤儉刻苦的精神。Shui Bian Town is on the end of old street, Osmanthus lane. Shie Bien Tou is the place where residents do laundry and chat. They symbolize the hardworking spirit of Hakka people.


Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County(End of Osmanthus Alley)

百年郵便局 Hundred Year Post Office

創於民國前十二年,古樸的格局曾讓其被選為苗栗十大歷史建築。現名「南庄文化會館」。It was built before 1900. Because of its ancient and simple structure, it has been listed as Miaoli Top Ten Historic Architecture. Now it’s known as Nanzhuang Cultural Center.


Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

桂花巷 Osmanthus Alley

南庄老街,桂花為南庄的象徵。老街內的桂花釀、客家大餅及原住民料理都值得一嚐。Nanzhuang old street. Osmanthus is the symbol of Nanzhuang. You should try sweet Osmanthus, Hakka pie and Aboriginal cuisine.

+886-3-7823115 / 苗栗縣南庄鄉東村中山路

Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County( Osmanthus Alley)

神仙谷 Shenshian Valley

苗21鄉道13k的神仙谷,大自然鬼斧神工的美景。神仙谷吊橋亦有祖靈的眼睛之稱。Shenshian Valley on 13k of Miaoli 21 Township way. It has the scenery of the extraordinary workmanship of nature. Shenshian Valley Suspension Bridge is also called The eye of ancient.

+886-3-7824570 / 苗栗縣南庄鄉東河村神仙谷

Shenshian Valley,Donghe, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

賽夏族民族文化館. Saisiyat Cultural Museum

東河村向天湖的賽夏族文化館,保留最完整、數量眾多的民俗文物。館內附英文說明。Saisiyat Cultural Museum in Siiangtian Lake of Donghe Village. It preserves the most complete and numerous folk cultural relics. There is English guideline in the Museum.



No.25, Xiangtianhu, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

向天湖步道 Xiangtianhu Lake

南庄必遊,賽夏族的「矮靈祭」都在向天湖畔舉行。除了景色優美,假日也有農特產市集。Must-visit place in Nanzhuang. Pastaay of Saisiat is hold in Xiangtianhu Lake. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there are also agricultural specialties markets on holidays.



Xiangtianhu, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

東河吊橋 Donghe Suspension Bridge

吊橋橫跨東河溪,連接了中加拉灣與東河,走一圈可體驗部落生活與生態之美。The suspension bridge across Donghe River. It connects Zhong Jia La Bay and Donghe River. Take a trip to experience the beauty of tribal life and ecology.


Donghe, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

橫屏背生態賞魚步道 Hengpingbei Fish Eco-Trail


Locate in the left side of Heng Ping Bei Creek. It is suitable for observing the ecology there. You can also enjoy fireflies and Tung blossom in every April and May.

+886-3-7824570 / 苗栗縣南庄鄉屏背村12鄰26號

No.26, Hengpingbei, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

獅頭山風景區 Lion's Head Mountaion Scenic Area


The famous mountain of Buddhism and Taoism. There are many temples and Taoist Abbeys. With the cultural landscape of the aborigines, you will see the unique and diverse styles and features.



No.60-8, Liuliao, Emei Township, Hsinchu County

南庄鄉公所 廣告


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