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漫遊草悟道、美術園道,腳步也輕盈Stroll along Calligraphy Greenway with footsteps light as a feather

【名人帶路Man’s Talk】

朱銘茵 Chu Ming-yin

香港部落客 小茵-布落格 Hong Kong Blogger Yin's Blog


Stroll along Calligraphy Greenway with footsteps light as a feather

台中不急於擔佔遊人的眼球,總是散發一種悠然自得的氣息,靜靜地吸引你的注意,因為單是遊走巷弄,已有很多美好隱藏其中。 在草悟道兩旁的樹木林蔭下散步,腳步也變輕盈,然後漫步至附近的綠光計畫,由十二棟廢棄多年的自來水公司的宿舍所改建,十多間咖啡店、工作室、手作店及雜貨店進駐,說這裡充滿文青氣息,不如說是台中一處老靈魂,被新朋友用心讓它重生。國美館前美術園道兩旁林立許多異國餐廳和咖啡廳,外觀各有特色,餐點的美味更令人驚艷。其中,甲蟲王位絕對是不能錯過的拍照景點喔!

Taichung is in no hurry to occupy traveler’s eyes but always emits a carefree atmosphere to quietly attract notice. Simply walking around streets will see many wonderful hidden discoveries.

Take a walk beneath the shades of trees planted both sides on the Calligraphy Greenway, and even your footsteps will lighten. Stroll to nearby Green Ray. Renovated from the 12 water company dormitories deserted for years, more than ten coffee shops, workshops, handicraft stores and groceries stationed themselves here. Rather than say it is an area of hipness, it is more an age old soul in Taichung rebirthed by new friends.

Situated in front of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, various exotic restaurants and cafes lined the Calligraphy Greenway. Each has its unique characteristic with the food being a pleasant surprise. Among them, the beetle king seat is a photo spot not to be missed.

國立公共資訊圖書館 National Library of Public Information


NLPI is one of the "1001 libraries to see before you die". It is worthwhile to visit and enjoy the lovely reading in this modern library for its spectacular appearance, abundant resources, stylish and aesthetic reading corners, and beautiful scenery outside each window.

+886-4-22625100 / 南區五權南路100號 No.100, Wuquan S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City

國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art

全亞洲最大的美術館,館內擁有豐富館藏和展覽,館外則有樹蔭綠地和藝術雕塑,來這裡不只可以了解台灣在地藝術家,也能野餐郊遊喔。 It is the largest art museum in Asia with an abundance of collections and exhibitions. There are green shades and art sculptures out in the yards, satisfying an insightful journey.

+886-4-23723552 / 西區五權西路一段2號 No.2, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

美術園道商圈 Art Greenway Business District


Situated in front of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, various exotic restaurants and cafes lined the Calligraphy Greenway. Each has its unique characteristic with the food being a pleasant surprise. Among them, the beetle king seat is a photo spot not to be missed!

+886-4-23755482 / 西區五權西三街和五權西四街 Wuquan W. 3rd St/4rd St., West Dist., Taichung City

審計新村 Shen Ji New Village


Shen Ji New Village is a newly-emerging cultural and creative village built by renovating old dormitories. It has successfully transformed the area into a new base for young startup businesses. The village is a gathering place for sharing the latest news and has already held several small to large activities from promoting scenic spots, hosting fairs, offering great food, restaurants and dinning, as well as being home to several cultural and creative shops.

西區民生路368巷4弄8號 No.8, Aly. 4, Ln. 368, Minsheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

台灣太陽餅博物館 Taiwan Museum of Suncake

保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅餐飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。 Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations.

+886-4-22295559 / 中區台灣大道一段145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City

柳川藍帶水岸 Liuchuan Blue Strip Water Side

早晨的柳川河岸可見人們悠閒散步;夜晚浪漫的河畔風情則吸引許多情侶來此地約會。 People can be seen strolling along the banks of Liuchuan early in the morning. Its romantic nighttime riverside atmosphere attracts couples going on a date.

中區柳川西路三段與柳川東路三段 Sec. 3, Liuchuan E. Rd and Sec. 3, Liuchuan W. Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

中華路夜市 Chung Hua Night Market

中華路夜市已有40年歷史,這裡有許多老店小吃,還有電影院及餐廳,想吃道地小吃、看電影就會想到這。 Chung Hua Night Market has a history of four decades. Besides various old street food stores, there are cinemas and restaurants. If you want authentic street foods and going to the movie, this is the place.

中區中華路一段 Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

柳原教會 Liuyuan Presbyterian Church

柳原教會是年代悠久的歷史建築,由紅磚搭建而成,為早期基督教教堂的基本造型,簡單而優雅的外觀是最大特色。 Liuyuan Presbyterian Church is a historical building built with red bricks in the basic style of early protestant church. A simple and elegant look is its striking feature.

+886-4-22222749 / 中區興中街119號 No.119, Xingzhong St., Central Dist., Taichung City

成旅晶贊飯店 台中民權 Park City Hotels


With natural surroundings and comfortable facilities, it provides energetic tours and a convenient stay for consumers to experience a whole-new way of fashionable travel. Located near the TRA Taichung Station, Taichung City Hall and Taichung Park, the hotel can be the best choice for a business trip or private travel.

+886-4-22235678 / 中區民權路66號 No.116, Minquan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

新太陽堂餅店 New Tai Yang Bakery


The moon cakes made by our shop are traditional mung bean pastries. They are made with mung bean paste, sweet but not greasy, and high-grade pork stuffing. Each of them is soft and rich, bringing you tasty bite after bite.

+886-4-22215978 / 中區自由路二段51號 No.51, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

小惡魔雪莉貝爾DIY冰棒蛋糕 little devil / sherrybear DIY ice pop , cake


The most lovely diy painted ice pop! Little devil painted ice pop and painted cake! As long as you buy DIY painting tool set (NT30) can create a dedicated ice pop or cake. We also provide painted walls and Costumes for you to enjoy taking pictures~

In addition we also have handmade desserts and selected South Italian coffee beans to give you the best match.

+886-9-89-213537 / 台中市中區民族路68號 No.68, Minzu Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

太陽堂老舖 Tayeondon Store., Co Ltd


Made with the traditional method and high-grade flour, sticky rice sprout, honey, the candied floss (yummy) sun cakes, pineapple pastries, lemon cakes, wife cakes, and moon cakes are all tasty. They are the best-selling items in the bakery.

+886-4-22276999 / 中區自由路二段27號 No.27, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

魏爵咖啡 Weije Coffee


Weijecoffee company is delicate to promote Taiwan Da-wu Mountain coffee bean and global famous coffee beans. We have professional coffee roasting machines to provide customer a fresh, aroma & good qualities coffee bean.

+886-4-25667585 品牌旗艦店:中區台灣大道一段145號2樓 2F., No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 工廠:大雅區中科路1202-1號 No.1202-1, Zhongke Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City

星動銀河旅站 ─ 機器人主題旅館 Moving Star Hotel – Robot Theme Hotel


Neighboring the Taichung Train Station and Kancheng Station, it is the transportation hub leading to Sun Moon Lake and Qingjing. When you walk into the lobby, you will be greeted by the friendly hotel manager- Robot P.

Moving Star Hotel integrates elements of interstellar travel into its design. The hotel contains 81 differently themed rooms named after the planets, in hopes of providing a beautiful memory for overnight travelers. Also on offer is a breakfast buffet, business center, gym, laundry room, beauty parlor, and KTV rooms. Nearby sights include Taichung Park, the Yizhong business district, Miyahara and etc. We sincerely look forward to your visit.

+886-4-22258800 / 中區自由路二段66號 No.66, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

薆悅酒店台中館 InHouse Hotel Taichung


Taiwan is rich in biodiversity. The diverse plants provide ideal objects for photo shooting. These pictures, numbering a few hundred, present you the beauty of Taiwan’s indigenous plants. Customers always come first is the motto this gallery is proud of. Designed by renowned designers, high class and elegant decorations, they provide you a place of European elegance. Reinterpreting the feel of homes, you can have your fatigue soothed in a deluxe and graceful atmosphere.

+886-4-22812222 / 東區台中路203號

No.203, Taizhong Rd., East Dist., Taichung City


A place you never want to miss - Run Chuan Cha Hut


This is an elegant and quiet space, where people tasted the 300-year-old Japanese Marukyu-Koyamaen green tea and pastries, while enjoying all kinds of Japanese ancient artifacts.

台中市向上北路136號 Tel:+886-4-2302-7552

No. 136, Xiangshang N Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

一森青公園 Yi Sen Ching Park


This scenic water ecology park is the newest uncharted territory built by construction company. It is filled with nature landscaping, water bank ecology and bamboo braiding art. The area is suited for a leisure holiday walk.

南屯區五權西路二段903號 No.903, Sec. 2, Wuquan W. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City

哈咖啡 HA caf'e


The freshly brewed coffee brings must aftertaste and health to customers. The branch in Chaoma Sports Center in Taichung City allows citizens to enjoy a great cup of freshly brewed coffee after exertise.

+886-4-22519981 / 西屯區朝貴路199號No.199, Chaofu Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City

中南海酒店 City Resort Taichung





▲City Resort Taichung’s main building is designed with the framework of eastern aesthetics. The lobby is decorated with diverse themes, providing visitors an ideal place to take pictures.

▲It is just 5 minutes’ drive from Zhongqing Interchange, convenient transportation.

▲There are 80 indoor and outdoor parking spaces, convenient parking. ▲All of its, 98, rooms are facing the main road with huge windows that are opened to the huge Dunhua Park, a few thousand square kilometers in size, on Dunhua Road.

+886-4-35009888 / 北屯區敦化路一段481號 No.481, Sec. 1, Dunhua Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City

台中嘉明湖 Taichung Jiaming Lake

遠看宛如月牙灣的台中嘉明湖,為建商打造的人工湖泊,天空的色彩倒映在湖水中,令遊客驚艷不已。 Appearing as a crescent moon from afar, Taichung Jiaming Lake is a man-made lake by construction company. The color of the sky reflected on the lake astonished tourists alike.

南屯區永春東七路13-2號 No.13-2, Yongchun E. 7th Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City



+886-4-22398897 / 北屯區祥順路二段389號 營業時間/ 09:30-18:30 週一店休(遇假日不休)

台中日光溫泉度假酒店 Sun Hot Spring & Resort

日光慢遊‧冬‧暖湯採果樂 Travel Slow under the Sunshine and Enjoy the Fun of Fruit-Picking and Hot Spring Bath during winter


The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is located in the so-called Yangmingshan of Central Taiwan inside the Dakeng Scenic Area. Featuring the unique beauty hot spring (sodium bicarbonate spring), the winter plan for lodging known as “Fruit-Picking and Hot Spring Bath” allows the visitors to enjoy an ecological tour to pick the local tangerines and mushrooms. Let the footprints in the soil tell a real story of our travel to record memories, so that the trip is more than just a trip. Departure guaranteed from 2 people will only cost you a minimum of $NT5, 600 for one night during a weekday, stay with two meals!

+886-4-22399000 北屯區東山路二段光西巷78號 No.78, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City


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