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悠遊彰化 熱門景點與店家介紹 Traveling around Changhua Hot Spots and Shops Introduction

八卦山大佛風景區 Baguashan Great Buddha Scenic Area


The Baguashan includes two giant stone lions, a nine-dragon pool plaza with master calligraphy, night view water dance and the nine-dragon pool etc., to a full view of the entire Changhua Plain. The Baguashan skywalk is also nearby, which is a scenic walk fit for ecological observation.

彰化市卦山路8-1號 No.8-1, Guashan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County

扇形車庫 Roundhouse (Fan Garage)


It is the only roundhouse garage remaining in Taiwan, and the only living relic still operating in all of southeastern Asia. Also known as “hotel of locomotives”, the rails and garages radiate in 12 directions like an open fan when seen with a bird’s eye view from above, thus earning its namesake, the Fan Garage.

彰化市彰美路一段1號 No.1, Sec. 1, Zhangmei Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County

孔廟 Confucius Temple


The Changhua Confucius Temple originated from the county Confucianism was first established in 1726. Living past Qianlong, Daoguang, Japanese Occupation of Taiwan and renovated during the Republic of China, its architectural structure and historical level of artworks are championed amongst Taiwan.

彰化市孔門路30號 No.30, Kongmen Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County

龍山寺 Longshan Temple


Besides over two hundred years of history, the temple grounds of over 1600 hectares and its architectural structure are also among the best in Taiwan. The eight trigram ceiling in the theater is the largest in Taiwan, displaying exceptional craftsmanship.

鹿港鎮龍山街100號 No.100, Longshan St., Lukang Township, Changhua County

天后宮 Matsu Temple


The stone sculptures, wood carvings and paintings are awesome, with the works being revered as one of the most intricate among temples in Taiwan. Lugang Matsu Temple was also evaluated as a two-star travel destination by the international travel and cuisine authority Michelin.

鹿港鎮中山路430號 No.430, Zhongshan Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County

田尾公路花園 Tianwei Highway Garden


Tianwei is the gathering ground of flora in Taiwan. There are landscaping, potted plants, flower vessels, cultivations and other such professional horticultural designs. It is also suited for light travel, where you can rent a bike to cycle among the gardens, have a tiny potted plant DIY, or enjoy an European landscaped restaurant gourmet.

田尾鄉 Tianwei Township, Changhua County

王功漁港 Wang Gong Fishing Port


Every day at sunset, it is beautiful, as the rays of the sun shine upon the wetland. The Fangyuan lighthouse standing erect to the side is the tallest lighthouse in Taiwan. There is also the “King’s Crossbow” cross-harbor bridge, a romantic site attracting couples to enjoy the sunset and take a photograph for remembrance.

芳苑鄉王功村漁港路 Yugang Rd., Wanggong Vil., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County

二水觀光自行車道 Ershui Tourism Bike Trail


Running beside the “Jiji Branch” rail with scenic views along the way and passing sites such as Ershui station, Ershui macaque reserve, Babao canal green tunnel, Lin temple and Yuanquan station. Here, one can appreciate the mountains and waters, garden farms and railroad culture, enjoying the pleasure of racing through forest hills.

彰化縣二水鄉Ershui Township, Changhua County

緞帶王織帶文化園區觀光工廠 RIBBON MUSEUM



The ribbon has been a yester-glory of Taiwan’s industrial development, when business owners opening up a huge export market through their own efforts. As time goes by and as a result of the outflow of industries, many people have forgotten our glorious past. Ribbon Museum is a subsidiary of King Young Enterprise, which exported 90% of ribbon products in the heyday. It was not until King Young Enterprise was charged of dumping by the US government in 2008 and 2014 that the government of Taiwan realized that the ribbon manufacturing technology of Taiwan was so famous in the world.

Ribbons ubiquitously diffuse in our daily life. With just a little bit more attention, you will notice how ribbons silently embellish our vision through clothes, hair ornaments, floral art, gift packaging, festival decorations, etc. Where were they from? Why did they come? How many siblings are there? Your questions will all be answered in Ribbon Museum in Changhua Coastal Industrial Park.

+886-4-7813366|鹿港鎮鹿工路15號 No.15, Lugong Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 9:30am-6:00pm

華新MASK創意生活館 Motex Mask Creative House


With creative masks as the subject matter and a winner of the 2015 Tourism Factory of the Year, Motex is the largest mask manufacturer in Taiwan offering guided tours, mask DIY, and an introduction to mask manufacturing for edutaining family tours.

+886-4-8761226|田中鎮中州路二段751號 No.751, Sec. 2, Zhongzhou Rd., Tianzhong Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週二~週五 9:00am-5:00pm 週六~週日 8:30am-5:30pm

魔菇部落生態休閒農場 Magical Mushrooms Tribe


n the Magical Mushrooms Tribe, professional guides take visitors to explore the production site of mushrooms and experience the fun of picking mushrooms. Visitors can also taste a wide variety of creative mushroom dishes.

+886-4-8521898|埔心鄉埤腳村柳橋東路829號 No.829, Liuqiao E. Rd., Puxin Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週三~週五 10:30am-5:00pm 週六~週日 10:00am-6:00pm



Combining four theme sites: Dinosaur Reality Forest, Virtual Reality (VR) Hall, Family Restaurant, and Exploration Amusement Park, you can explore the dinosaur world with family and friends to create a beautiful collective memory!


員林市出水巷15-30號對面No.15-30, Chushui Ln., Yuanlin City, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 10:00am-6:00pm

愛玩色創意館 EVINS's Color Fun Gallery

彰化北斗『愛玩色創意館』,以特殊顏料為出發點,寓教於樂的概念,結合體驗、實驗及互動,帶領著大小朋友來一場色彩之旅。 Starting from specialty pigments and the concept of edutainment, the gallery combines exploration, experiment, and interaction for adults and children to enjoy a color fun trip.

+886-4-8886016|北斗鎮三號路296號 No.296, Sanhao Rd., Beidou Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週二~週日 9:00am-5:00pm

彰化桂冠精品旅館 Changhua Laurel Motel

榮獲iso 9001國際認證、交通部觀光局「微服務 心感動」第一名、獲得交通部觀光局「星級認證」評鑑為優良等級,到中部出差旅遊住宿最佳選擇。

Passed ISO 9001 certification and rated the champion in “Touching Micro Service” and an excellent grade motel in the “Star Certification” by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Changhua Laurel Motel is the best choice of accommodations for business trips and tours in central Taiwan.

+886-4-7623388|彰化市彰水路31號 No.31, Zhangshui Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County



A castle in the style of colorful egg rolls and cakes is an ideal place for exploring baking knowledge and DIY activities with the King Egg Roll, Queen Cheese, and Prince Cream Puff. It a great place for families to enjoy the fun of bakery.

+886-4-7588389|線西鄉和線路741巷5號 No.5, Ln. 741, Hexian Rd., Xianxi Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 9:00am-6:00pm



By promoting food safety knowledge through interactive guided tours and cookie DIY courses, Taiwan You Good School enables visitors to acquire all kinds of cookie knowledge while tasking savory cookies.

+886-4-7589501, +886-9-66187501 線西鄉草豐路501巷5號 No.5, Ln. 501, Caofeng Rd., Xianxi Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 9:00am-6:00pm



The rice museum “Taiwan Rice” in rural Beitou Township has become a highlight in the field since it started service in 2010. It is an intellectual and emotional site for exploring Taiwan’s rice culture.

+886-4-8926088|埤頭鄉彰水路二段526號 No.526, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Pitou Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週五 8:00am-5:00pm 週六~週日 8:00am-6:00pm


台灣最大玻璃加工團隊The largest glass processing team in Taiwan.

台灣玻璃製鏡的首選品牌The first-choice brand of Taiwan glass mirrors.


The edutaining approach of the gallery enables visitors to enjoy a “zero-distance alternative contact” with glass and break the traditional stereotype of the glass industry. Apart from refreshing people, the gallery brings visitors to the crystal universe of glass and acquires all knowledge and information relating to glass at one stop.


No.30, Lugong S. 4th Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County

OPEN / 週一~週日 8:00am-6:00pm


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