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造訪古鎮,自在看海吹吹風Visit old villages and feel the breeze while watching the waves at ease

【名人帶路Man’s Talk】 小V Lil’ V

香港旅遊部落客 Hong Kong Travel Blogger


Visit old villages and feel the breeze while watching the waves at ease

跟我一樣喜歡看海放輕鬆的朋友,推薦你們遊台中市的清水區和梧棲區。這裡除了有高人氣的高美濕地晚霞、漁販聚集的觀光漁港,也可欣賞超過千年的歷史遺址和品嚐近百年的古早味小吃。 清水小鎮目前仍保留著許多當年風光的文化街景,亦可尋覓它的歷史演變痕跡。 梧棲觀光漁港深受饕客喜愛,可品嚐漁港的新鮮生魚片和熱騰騰的海鮮熱炒。傍晚跟著夕陽的腳步來到豐富生態資源的高美濕地,這裡可以欣賞醉人日落,無意間可能還會發現螃蟹的蹤跡。

For friends who enjoy relaxation by looking out over the ocean, I recommend a tour in the Taichung Qingshui and Wuqi district. Besides the popular Gaomei wetlands sunset, tourist harbor where fish vendors gather, one can also enjoy historical sites dating back millenniums and savor centuries old traditional eateries.

Qingshui village still preserves much the cultural street views of its time. One may search for traces of its historical progress. Wuqi Fisherman’s Wharf is loved by diners, with the taste of fresh harbor sashimi and steaming stir-fried seafood. Follow the footsteps of the sunset to the ecologically abundant Gaomei Wetlands. Here you can enjoy an intoxicating sunset and might even inadvertently find traces of crabs.

沙鹿夢想街 Shalu Dream Street

夢想街充滿顏色繽紛的籃球架、籃球場、愛心鞦韆和貨櫃酒吧,店家鐵門也畫上獨特圖樣,成為台中最新拍照熱點。 The dream street is filled with colorful basketball hoop, court, love swing and cargo bar. Doors of shops are also painted with unique images which became the newest photo hotspot in Taichung.

沙鹿區晉文路3巷21號 No.21, Ln. 3, Jinwen Rd., Shalu Dist., Taichung City

美仁里彩繪村 Meiren Li Painted Village

巷弄牆壁以鮮豔的手繪圖案,重現台灣早期人文風景,如:柑仔店、旗袍店、水果店等,充滿復古風情。 The walls along the alley are hand painted with colorful pictures, redisplaying early Taiwan culture fill with retro styles such as traditional groceries, cheongsam, fruit store and etc.

沙鹿區中正街美秀巷 Meixiu Ln., Zhongzheng St., Shalu Dist.,Taichung City

港區藝術中心 Taichung City Seaport Art Center


As a compound exhibition venue, the center arranges indoor art exhibitions and outdoor statue exhibitions. There are also the Chinese-style cloister, kiosk, bridge, and running water to demonstrate the esthetics of classical art.

+886-4-26274568 / 清水區忠貞路21號 No.21, Zhongzhen Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

清水眷村文化園區 Qingshui Military Dependents Village Culture Park


Located across from the art center, the park preserves the original look of the military dependents' village, displays the old photos and special artefacts of military dependents' village, introduces cultural and creative shops, and organizes the cultural and creative marketplace and children’s toy exploration activities from time to time.

清水區中社路信義巷41號 No.41, Xinyi Ln., Zhongshe Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

鰲峰山觀景平台 Aofeng Mountain Viewing platform


From the Aofeng Mountain Viewing platform, visitors can look over the vista and night view of Qingshui City. Visitors can also stroll along the circular hollowed Yudai Bridge. The coopetive playground is great for children.

清水區吳厝路 Wucuo Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

紫雲巖 Zi Yun Yan


Worshipping Avalokitesvara, Zi Yun Yan is also called the “Avalokitesvara Kiosk”. Inside the temple erects a valuable tablet made in the 43rd year of Emperor Qinlong’s regime recording the history of Taiwan cultivation.

+886-4-26225500 / 清水區大街路206號 No.206, Dajie Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

牛罵頭遺址文化園區 Niumatou Cultural Park


It was the Qingshu Shrine in the Japanese colonial period, now it becomes a culture park where cultural assets are preserved and displayed and education is provided. Exhibits included the historical site, artefacts found in the site, and an account of the archaeological work.

+886-4-22290280#505 / 清水區鰲海路59號 No.59, Aohai Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

大甲鎮瀾宮 Dajia Jenn Lann Temple


Built in 1732, the temple attracts most people every April for the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession, which is one of the world’s three major religious events! Welcome to Dajia Jenn Lann Temple to see the religious custom in Taiwan and pray for blessing from the deity.

+886-4-26763522 / 大甲區順天路158號 No.158, Shuntian Rd., Dajia Dist., Taichung City

高美溼地 Taichung County Gaomei Wetlands Wildlife Refuge


Located at the estuary of the Dajia River, Gaomei Wetlands has four features: Taiwan endemic fauna and flora, orange red sunset view, the red and white Gaomei Lighthouse, and the standing still wind turbine. It is the No. 1 sightseeing spot recommended by locals and a great place for repeat travels.

清水區 Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

梧棲觀光漁港 Wuqi Fisherman's Wharf


Wuqi Fisherman's Wharf is an important fisheries and tourism harbor in central Taiwan. Apart from the fishing port scenes and the leisure wharf, there are the fresh fish area, dining area, and seafood supermarket.

+886-4-26571586 / 清水區海濱里北堤路30號 No.30, Beiti Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City

台中港酒店 Taichung Harbor Hotel

舒適優雅,用心款待。 The Ways of Comfort, Treating With Heart

台中港酒店座落於梧棲,是台中海線首座星級飯店。館內設施多樣化,誠摯的邀請您給我們一次款待您的機會。 Taichung Harbor Hotel is located in Taichung Wuqi, the first established star-rated hotel in Taichung coastline. There are variety of amenities in hotel, and we are looking forward to your visit.

+886-4-2656-8888 / 梧棲區大智路二段388號

No.388, Sec.2, Dazhi Rd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City

Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


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