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Vol.10 旅遊情報 Vol.10 Travel Information

Vol.10 旅遊情報 Vol.10 Travel Information

全台最美海岸支線 深澳鐵道自行車試營運

The most beautiful coastline in Taiwan. Shen'ao Rail Bike trial operation


There is a new travel way for the most beautiful coastline in Taiwan -

Shen'ao Rail Bike. New Taipei City Government and Taiwan Railways Administration create a rail bike with local features together. Combining with attractions nearby, such as Shen'ao Fishing Harbor, Trunk Rock, Chaojing Park, National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, JinGuaShih and Jiufen to create marine theme tunnel. They hope that through the coastal ecology, coal mine culture, railways and other characteristics, people can experience in person. The trail operation is expected to start after January 18th , 2019.

高雄首座天空步道保養維護 年後重新開園

First skywalk in Kaohsiung City is under maintenance.It will be reopen on Chinese New Year


You can overlook Agongdian Reservoir, city view of Gangshan and Yanchao district, and the magnificent scenery of Kavulungan from Siaogangshan Skywalk Park, which has a total length of 88 meters. Even Kaohsiung Port and 85 Sky Tower can be seen from it. In order to promote the service quality, road ditch repair and facility maintenance started from December 3rd. It is expected to reopen on February 5th, 2019. (The first day of Chinese New Year) If you want to enjoy the panoramic view of Kaohsiung, come and spend your holiday here during Chinese New Year.

2019臺灣燈會 我們在屏東見吧!

2019 Taiwan Lantern FestivalSee you in Pingtung!


2019 Taiwan Lantern Festival will be debut in Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area. The lighting festival will be hold in three major lighting destricts, Pingtung City, Donggang Township and Dapeng Bay at the same time. The unique Lantern Festival is combining special topography, traditional, technological, marine, and agricultural elements. And it will be revealed to public with aerial light show and national aquatic theater.


Open Hours:From February 19th (Tue.) to March 3rd, 2019 (Sun.)

平日14:00-22:30  假日10:00-22:30

Weekdays 14:00-22:30 Holidays 10:00-22:30

推廣綠色旅遊及友善環境 杉林溪園區引進電動巴士

Promoting green tourism and friendly environment

Sun-Link-Sea Vacation Resorts introduced electric buses


Tourists always complain about the bad smell of diesel shuttle buses exhaust when they visit Sun-Link-Sea Vacation Resorts in Nantou County. It also caused air pollution. Now, Tourism Bureau promotes green tourism actively and encourages people to take low-carbon green transportation to amusement park. Replacing diesel shuttle buses with electric buses and promoting the service for accessibility passenger. At the same time, Tourism Bureau hopes to achieve environmentally friendly and tourism sustainability. Green electric buses will operate to public from December 25th, 2019.


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