來古城挖掘最新最潮的。Exploring the Fresh and Trendy Things in the Ancient City.台南是座歷史古城,卻年年有新意。老建築新活化的樣貌,往往成為潮流尖端,於是復古之旅就此展開! Tainan is a historical ancient city, but it also has new things happening every year. The...
探索清水的日常風景。Exploring the Daily Life of Qingshui舊名「牛罵頭」的清水,位在台中沿海地區,倚著鰲峰山,是一座可看山看海的緩慢小鎮。跟著我們來散散步吧! Qingshui, formerly known as “Niumatou”, against the Aofeng Mountain, is a small...
來吧,環龜山島一圈!Let’s Go Around the Guishan Island!位於宜蘭外海的龜山島,不僅是座活火山,也是宜蘭著名地標。這一次,讓我們搭上船,近距離欣賞它的美吧! Guishan Island is not only an active volcano, but also a famous landmark in Yilan....