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逃離都市 臺中新社桃李螢火蟲季Away from the city, come to Xinshe,Taichung for firefly watching and tasting peaches

逃離都市 臺中新社桃李螢火蟲季

Away from the city, come to Xinshe,Taichung for firefly watching and tasting peaches


山區豐富的自然生態與原始林木 閃爍叢草間,螢火蟲翩翩飛舞如繁星 每年4、5月的螢火蟲季又到囉 踏進臺中市的後花園-新社區 邊享受甜蜜的桃子,期待夜晚的降臨 跟著愛琳娜賞螢趣

Abundant natural environment and original forest in mountain area

Fireflies flashing amid the grass.They look like the sky full of stars. Firefly Festival in every April and May Step into the back garden of Taichung - Xinshe District Enjoying tasting sweet peaches and watching fireflies at night with your lover


新峰農場 Shin Fong Farm

0919-722929 / 新社區大南里中和街二段264&265號(接待處) No.264&265, Sec. 2, Zhonghe St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City

協辦旅行社 / 中友旅行社有限公司 Tel:+886-4-23718602 Fax:+886-4-23715982

第 1 站【午餐】香菇大餐 (約1.5hr)

1st stop - Mushroom feast (Lunch) / 1.5hr


In Taiwan, 80% of mushrooms come from Xinshe, Taichung. That's why you can't miss the chance to taste different kinds of mushrooms.There are 6 kinds of fresh mushrooms in the hot pot. Furthermore, don’t forget to try Minced Pork with Rice.

第 2 站【導覽+採果】新峰農場採甜蜜桃 (約1hr)

2nd stop - Picking peaches in Xin Feng Farm (Guide tour and picking peaches) / 1hr

春天的時令水果有那些呢?其中最引人注意一定非甜蜜桃莫屬了!紅透的甜蜜桃,帶點淡粉色,還有些許淡淡的青白,這樣的配色總是讓人感覺很有春天的繽紛,吃在嘴裡一定也是香甜可口。 The sweet peaches of spring are not only look nice but also taste delicious.

第 3 站【導覽+李子或桃子DIY】體驗手作醃果 (約1.5hr)

3rd stop - Experiencing hand-made pickle fruit (Guild tour and plums or peaches DIY) / 1.5hr

聽農夫介紹李子的好處及功效,如何醃製好吃不酸溜溜的桃李,自己動手做,全身動起來,跟著桃李一起跳動,體驗水果醃製,將美味的成本帶回家喔! Making delicious but not so sour pickle plums and peaches by yourself.

第 4 站【導覽+採菇+吃菇】香菇園(吃炸香菇、杏鮑菇) (約40min)

4th stop - Mushroom garden (Guide tour, pick and eat mushroom) / 40min


In Taiwan, 70% mushrooms come from Xinshe. Come and recognize the way that mushroom growth indoor and experience farmers’ daily life. It’s also good to know the process of crystallization of wood chips.

第 5 站【香草解說】山中慢步 (約20min)

5th stop - Walking in the mountain (Explanation of vanilla) / 20min

在新社山區一個清幽的環境,綠林繚繞,有如身處在山中仙境的感受,處身在較高的地域中,能眺望新社白冷圳加上涼風吹拂,真是一個舒適的午後,園區種植很多香草....不妨可以在小徑中來探個險喔! Xinshe is surrounded by green trees. It is a place like wonderland. There are a lot of vanillas, come and explore this area.

第 6 站【三選一】幸福晚餐 (約1hr)

6th stop - Delightful dinner (Choose one of the three) / 1hr



C.素食風味餐-麻油猴頭菇(內含香菇蔬菜湯、蔬果沙拉、飲料柳橙汁) A.Pork feast (included soup, salad, drinks and rice) B.Cream sauce pasta with local mushroom (included soap, salad and drinks) C.Vegetarian diet - Sesame oil hericium erinaceus(included vegetable soup, salad and drinks)

第 7 站【導覽+賞螢火蟲】螢火蟲之旅 (約30min)

7th stop – Tour of firefly (Guide tour and watching firefly) / 30min

螢火蟲飛滿了小徑,小徑上螢火蟲到處飛來飛去!!這可是難得一見的畫面耶! 欣賞螢火蟲記得靜靜聽,聽飛舞的旋律,旋律畫著點點螢光,在這個季節。螢火蟲照亮心中的喜悅,是夢想、是回憶,這個月,要用螢火蟲寫紀念。

It's rare to see fireflies flying full of the trail. When you are watching those beautiful fireflies, just stay quiet and enjoy the melody of firefly dancing.


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