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以瑰麗影像傳遞臺中之美Transmit the beauty of Taichung with fabulous images


Transmit the beauty of Taichung with fabulous images




As a much talked-about TV drama with exceptionally high ratings in 2017, “A Boy Named Flora A” has had such a huge impact that its production team is now well under way shooting the sequel, “Back to the Good Times”, in Taichung City. One of its key filming sites is the narrow winding alleyways amongst rustic self-effacing rammed earth houses in Dadu District’s Reijing Community, which has left the audience amazed and overawed. The community has since become a hot spot where tourists explore and take pictures.

An originally plain and little known landscape would suddenly become a hot spot for tourists owing to a popular TV or movie. Previous examples include the movie, “A City of Sadness”, which turned Jiufen from a little quiet desolate hillside town into a selfie-taking, check-in hot zone, with crowds of people swarming in.

As the TV/film gains popularity, the residents can feel love and pride for the place they have long lived in. Such is the objective that prompts Taichung Film Development Foundation to dedicate to introducing production teams to filming in Taichung and for the TV/film artists across the globe to discover and transmit the beauty of Taichung to the world via the powerful influence of broadcasting.

臺中市影視發展基金會執行長 林盈志


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