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福犬迎新年 春遊中台灣Blissful Dog Ushers in New Year Visit Central Taiwan for New Year Outings

福犬迎新年 春遊中台灣

Blissful Dog Ushers in New Year Visit Central Taiwan for New Year Outings




As autumn turns into winter and Year 2017 is drawing to an end, the most important traditional holiday for all Chinese in the world, the Chinese New Year, is soon upon us. What follows is the Lantern Festival accompanied by spring blossoms and warmer temperatures, a season most ideal for family outings.

As Lantern Festival is also called mini Chinese New Year, celebrations of diverse forms are in place all over Taiwan to mark the occasion, such as admiring flower lanterns, lantern riddles, releasing sky lanterns and beehive firecrackers. This series of “Taiwan Lantern Festival Celebration” is intended to extend the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Various counties/cities in central Taiwan have previously co-organized Taiwan Lantern Festival with the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and thus utilize the experience to plan their own featured city/county lantern festivals, combining local tourism characteristics and industry creativity to usher in 2018, the Year of Dog.

According to statistics by the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the number of tourists from Malaysia that visited Taiwan between January and November 2017 has exceeded 450,000, topping all Southeast Asian countries, growing by 12% from the same period of the previous year. This shows that Malaysian tourists are growing increasingly fond of Taiwan. To invite more friends from Southeast Asian countries, we advise you all to take advantage of this spring holiday and visit central Taiwan. We have planned a fun-packed itinerary, “Admire the Fabulous Flowers by Day and Watch the Dazzling Flower Lanterns at Night”, to ensure you will experience an alternative, beautiful trip in Taiwan!

交通部觀光局駐吉隆坡辦事處主任 周士弼


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