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名人推薦 Celebrity recommendation

放眼國際Rail Bike打造觀光新亮點

Looking at the global. Create new highlight of sightseeing through Rail Bike.


三義舊山線軌道自行車,預計8 月試營運,試營運票價NT$280/人(詳情請上官網查詢,歡迎國內外旅客到三義體驗全國首創的「Rail Bike」,穿梭在百年隧道間,俯瞰壯闊的山林景緻。


Miaoli County is located in the center of Hsinchu and Taichung. No matter the natural landscapes or multicultural are amazing in Miaoli. Our goal is to build "One Town One Product", with the idea of balancing the development between North and South, and to make the development of the mountains line and coastline go forward together. Tung blossom, Wood Carving, Hot spring, Fruit, Pottery and Hakka dishes are six major features of Miaoli. Those activities combining Hakka cuisine, aboriginal culture, leisure agriculture, coastal recreation and various festival activities are the best choices for every traveler to visit Miaoli.

Rail Bike of Sanyi old mountain line railway is expected to trial operation in August.The fare is NTD280.( Welcome local and foreign travelers to experience the first Rail Bike of Taiwan in Sanyi. Traveling through the century-old tunnel and overlooking the majestic mountains. In the future, we will continue to promote tourism construction in a macroscopic view and infuse more abundant energy to lead Miaoli Tourism to a brighter era.

苗栗縣 縣長Miaoli County mayor 徐耀昌



Beautiful landscapes, clear water and friendly people

Inviting you to have a cool summer in mountains of Nantou.




Nantou County is located in the center of Taiwan.Its unique geographical location creates the magnificent scenery.In the hot summer, playing in the high mountains and the deep water of Nantou makes you feel so refreshing.You will see streams, waterfalls and forests here.Don’t forget to visit Ruilong Waterfall and Shuanglung Waterfall!

Hehuan Mountain Qingjing area has high altitude and no light damage.The stargazing condition there meets the world standards. Nantou County Government has officially submitted the certification application of Dark-Sky Park to International Dark-Sky Association this year.The government has also planned a better stargazing field and is expected to become the second international Dark-Sky Park in Asia. Enjoying the unique galaxy in the cool summer night of Hehuan Mountain is the greatest sensation for life.

The natural ecology and multicultural landscapes, clear water and friendly people are the biggest highlights of the tourism for Nantou County.Taichung City is the gateway for overseas tourists to central Taiwan.Nantou is the most beautiful and quiet backyard in the center of Taiwan. Ming-Chen Lin, the county magistrate of Nantou, sincerely invited everyone to spend your summer time in Nantou.

南投縣 縣長 Nantou County mayor 林明溱


6.14 起臺中東京天天飛


6.14 から台中東京路線が毎日運行





台中市政府 市政顧問 KMS日台交流協會 代表

Representative of KMS Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association


愛玩兩週年 走遍中台灣

2nd anniversary of Travel in central Taiwan

Travel around central Taiwan



Travel in central Taiwan has been published for 2 years. It is the only professional travel magazine written in Chinese and English that go deep into Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. With the international inbound tourism mode of Taichung city government – to make international tourism come and leave from Taichung Airport. In order to let tourism get the most accurate information, we actively plan and edit “Travel in central Taiwan”. In every volume, we introduce must-visit places and the latest information on food, accommodation, travel, shopping, transportation and entertainment of Taichung, Changhua, Nantou and Miaoli. Inviting local and foreign travelers to travel to central Taiwan in-depth and recognize the beauty of Taiwan.

With each in-depth introduction of central Taiwan, there are all-embracing themes, such as Led by Celebrity, Travel in Taichung, Following internet celebrities to travel. Outstanding photos and in-depth texts. After 8 volumes of accumulation, we have led travelers to experience the charm of central Taiwan with visited all major attractions and hidden secret places in central Taiwan. We looking forward in the near future “Travel in central Taiwan” can be extended to North Taiwan, South Taiwan, Hualien and Taitung to expand the sightseeing of Taiwan and attract more foreign tourism to visit Taiwan.

臺中市旅遊協會 理事長 趙成年

The chairman of the Tourism Association of Taichung


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