名人帶路Men's Talk
寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊 Professional novelist, like to write, read, draw and travel.
Enjoy the romantic life in Taichung Datun area
The richness of the attractions in the city will increase the characteristics of the stories. I’ve been always thinking about where the main characters will meet each other. As literature, encountering at an old school Military dependents' village, old winery or radio station which was built in The Japanese colonial period. It can not only create the atmosphere of the times, but also expect the history of Taichung to emerge again.
As drama, the reveal of modern art tells the real appearance of this generation no matter by the art museum in triangle, painted rainbow village or the white streamlined library. You can also enjoy a night bridge or a food street which is close to our daily life. Those lifetimes with joys and sorrows happened every single day here too.
The stories seems around us.
福興宮 Fu-sing Temple
Fusing Temple was built in 1811. According to the legend, there was the location of uprising of Lin Shuangwen. People worship Mazu there. In the temple, you can see “Flexible Er Ma statue” which was registered as important antiquities by Ministry of Culture.
+886-4-24065066 / 大里區福興街1號 No.1, Fuxing St., Dali Dist., Taichung City
龍貓車站 Totoro Bus Station
比人還高的龍貓撐著傘,一旁還有坐在火車廂裡的無臉男,這個可愛的公車站牌吸引眾多卡通迷前來拍照。 The Totoro which is taller than a person is holding an umbrella. No-Face (Kaonashi) is sitting in the carriage beside it. Many cartoon fanatics come and take some photos at this cute bus station.
大里區喬城路133號 / No.133, Qiaocheng Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City
興大康橋 Kang Bridge
位於中興大學後方,擁有一整條親水河岸和綿延草地,不但是輕艇練習場,亦是適合散步、騎腳踏車的悠閒河畔。 Located behind National Chung Hsing University. It owns a riverbank and lawn. The place is not only for experiencing canoeing sports, but also for walking or biking.
大里區環河路 Huanhe Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City
霧峰民生故事館 Minsheng House of Microhistory in Wufeng
It preserved the house of microhistory which was an old local clinic. Furthermore, it combined a complex restaurant and built the organic farmland without pesticides in order to show people those well interaction between human being and land.
+886-4-23391556 / 霧峰區中正路369號 No.369, Zhongzheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
光復新村 GuangFu Village
The village was built in 1956 and used as the dormitory of provincial government dependents. It preserves the complete original architectures of Military dependents' village, shade trees and neat streets. It has transformed to a culture and creative village now.
霧峰區民族路 Minzu Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
921地震教育公園 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan
This place used to be Kuang-Fu Junior high school. The buildings collapsed in the earthquake at September 21st, 1999. It preserved the scene after the earthquake and established the Earthquake Museum with the meanings of memory and education.
+886-4-23390906 / 霧峰區新生路192號 No.192, Xinsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
亞洲大學現代美術館 Asia University Museum of Modern Art
The museum which was designed by Japanese architect, Tadao Ando belongs to Asia University. The building was built in a number of staggered regular triangles with architectural concrete. People like to take photos there and upload them to Instagram. In the museum, you can not only look around the abundant exhibitions but also overlook the Asia University which was built in western style. It’s full of the atmosphere of art.
+886-4-23323456 霧峰區柳豐路500號 No.500, Liufeng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
圓滿教堂 Yuanman Church
The church which is the scene of a well-known soap opera, covers an area of more than 3306 square meters. It's a combination of religions, arts, sightseeing and recreations. This beautiful place is worth visiting.
+886-4-23338899 / 霧峰區峰谷路900號 No.900, Fenggu Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
霧峰貓頭鷹小教堂 The owls church in Wufeng
隱藏版景點坐落於圖書館旁一角,以小教堂為主體旁邊有著可愛的動物、人物裝飾,值得停下腳步閱讀漫步於此地。 This secret place locates near the library. The main building is a small church. There are some adorable animal, character decorations nearby. It’s worthy of spending your time there.
No.8, Datong Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
霧峰林家宮保第園區 Wufeng Lin Family Mansions
Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was built in 1858, Qing dynasty by the provincial military commander of Fukien area, Wenqin Lin. After his descendants did the extra construction, it became the most complete, delicate and largest architectural complex in Taiwan.
★教科書沒教的歷史 The history out of textbooks
★大花廳~百年歌劇院 Hall of Large Flowers, The Opera over a century ★您應該要知道的古蹟百科全書 The encyclopedia of historical site you should know ★穿越經典體驗百年風華 Pass through the classic and experience the elegance and talent of hundred years
為善盡古蹟管理及維護導覽品質,參觀須事先預約並採團進團出,提供團體專人導覽解說及英日文導覽服務,歡迎來電洽詢。 The touring service is available in Chinese, English and Japanese. In order to preserve the historic site, please make the reservation in advance. Contact us for more information.
+886-4-23317985 / 霧峰區民生路26號 No.26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City