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天涼好泡湯 In the cold weather, is great to soak in the hot springs.


When fall and winter come, the cold weather always makes people want to immerse themselves in the hot spring. Because of the unique geographical location, Taiwan is a well-known hot spring resort. The following is the selection of 16 hot spring attractions, come and start a healing journey!

臺北- Taipei-


Xinbeitou Hot Spring (Top ten good hot springs selected by 2018 Tourism Bureau are marked in red)


It’s well-known since Japanese colonial period. It is said that it has a good effect on skin diseases, neuropathic allergic, asthma and rheumatism.

陽明山溫泉 Yangmingshan Hot Spring


It is divided into two parts, front mountain hot spring and back mountain hot spring. This place is surrounded by intoxicating scenery. You can not only enjoy the hot spring but also beautiful scenery.

新北- New Taipei City-

金山溫泉 Jinshan Hot Spring


It is mainly divided into Jinbaoli Hot Spring, Huanggang Hot Spring and Jiatou Hot Spring. Travelers can choose according to their own preferences.

烏來溫泉 Wulai Hot Spring


It is located in the valley of Wulai Village. Tung-ho river and Nanshi river wind through it. Both sides of the rivers have towering mountains the steep cliffs. You will see the mountain and river reflect to each other. The scenery is so gorgeous.

新竹- Hsinchu-

清泉溫泉 Qingquan Hot Spring


It was dedicated to the Yi Yong line Japanese police during Japanese colonial period. So it has the name of “Jingshang Hot Spring.” It is also called “Qing Quan Shi Yu.” It’s one of the eight scenery spots in Hsinchu.

苗栗- Miaoli-

泰安溫泉 Taian Hot Spring


The hot spring water is colorless and odorless. It’s a hot spring pool quite popular among people. After soaking in this beauty hot spring, your skin will be smooth and refreshing.

臺中- Taichung-

谷關溫泉 Guguan Hot Spring


It has the good reputation because of its excellent water quality. People traveling through Central Cross-Island Highway often take Guguan as en route stop. Soaking in hot spring and enjoying the traditional dishes of indigenous people.

大坑溫泉 Dakeng Hot Spring


Dakeng Hot Spring is not a natural one. It was drilled through the ground. The other name of it is Zhong Cao hot spring or beauty hot spring. It is said that the smooth effect on the skin is remarkable.

南投- Nantou-

埔里溫泉 Puli Hot Spring


Puli is surrounded by mountains and located in the middle altitude area. There are excellent climate, clear water and abundant water.

南北港溪溫泉 Nanbei Gang Xi Hot Spring


Affected by geothermal extrusion, a large amount of spring water naturally emerges. After soaking in Nanbei Gang Xi Hot Spring, your skin will be Smooth and delicate. You can’t miss this place.

臺南- Tainan-

關子嶺溫泉 Guanziling Hot Spring


The quality of water is very special. The color is gray and black because it entrained with mud and minerals from the subterranean strata. It is a rare mud hot spring in the world.

高雄- Kaohsiung-

寶來溫泉 Baolai Hot Spring


The hot spring is clear and transparent. It is said that it can limber up your body, make you look prettier and maintain the immune system. You can even drink it.

屏東- Pingtung-

四重溪溫泉Szuchung Creek Hot Spring


The hot spring water is crystal clear. You can soak in or drink it. It’s benefit for promoting blood circulation, alleviating muscle stiffness and relieving stress.

宜蘭- Yilan-

礁溪溫泉 Jiaoxi Hot Spring


It has minerals such as Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Carbonic acid. Therefore, no matter soaked in, bathed or treated as mineral water, all are good for your health. It is known as “The classic of the hot springs.”

花蓮- Hualien-

紅葉溫泉 Hongye Hot Spring


There are a large number of maple trees. It’s well-known for red maples. It is located between the valleys. The hot spring water is colorless and odorless. Besides soaking in, it is drinkable. The abundant water is inexhaustible in all seasons.

瑞穗溫泉 Ruisui Hot Spring


Ruisui Hot Spring is the only carbonate hot spring in Taiwan. There is a thick layer of mineral floating on it. It’s called hot spring flower. Japanese travelers, who have researched in hot springs, love this kind of hot spring.

臺東- Taitung-

知本溫泉 Jhihben Hot Spring


It’s famous for hot spring. You will see the beauty of the unique rift valley. The natural hot spring is the feature attracting travelers.


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