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霧峰林家宮保第園區 介紹 Introduction to Wufeng Lin Family Gongbaodi Park

霧峰林家是清朝時代福建陸路提督林文察一族的宅第,1858年開始興建,在各代子孫的增修 下,發展為全臺最完整、最龐大、最精緻的建築群。

Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was built in 1858, Qing dynasty by the provincial military commander of Fukien area, Wenqin Lin. After his descendants did the extra construction, it became the most complete, delicate and largest architectural complex in Taiwan.

霧峰林家宅第揉合了傳統漳州、泉州、福州、洋式及唐式的風格,研究臺灣古蹟多年的 李乾朗教授曾讚道:「霧峰林家就像臺灣傳統建築的百科全書。」

The style of Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden is a combination of traditional Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Fuzhou, western and Tang style. Professor Li,Qian-Lang, who researches historical site for many years, once said Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was like an encyclopedia of Taiwan traditional architecture.


We sincerely hope that we could share the memories and cultures of our land with every visitor.



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