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季節精選Seasonal Selection

追尋桐花的盛開 全臺景點特搜

Watching Tung Blossom in attractions around Taiwan


Tung Trees were an important cash crop for Hakkanese in early days. Now it became the feast for visitors in every April and May. The Tung Blossoms of Hakka Village in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli are the most prosperous. Come and enjoy watching “April Snow”!

北部桐花景點 Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in Northern Taiwan


Except in the suburb of New Taipei City, you can see Tung Blossom mainly in Longtan, Yangmei and Daxi of Taoyuan. There are many Hakka villages in Hsinchu. It’s easy to see Tung Blossom when you walk on hiking trail or the mountains in scenic areas.

新北市New Taipei City

深坑Shenkeng│萬福桐花公園 Wanfu Ecological Park 石碇Shiding│風露嘴桐花步道 Fengluzui trail 瑞芳Ruifang│上天粗坑口步道Shangtian Tsukengkou Trail、四腳亭登山步道Sijiaoting Hiking Trail 新店Xindian│二叭子植物園Erbazi Botanical Garden 土城Tucheng│桐花公園Tung Blossom Park、承天禪寺步道Chengtian Buddhist Temple


龍潭Longtan│桃園市客家文化館Taoyuan Hakka Cultural Museum、小粗坑古道Xiaocukeng Historic Trail、三坑自行車道Sankeng Biking Trail 楊梅Yangmei│東森山林桐花步道Dongsen Tung Blossom Forest Hiking Trail 大溪Dasi│大溪花海農場Da Shee Blooming Oasis、大艽芎古道Dajiaoqiong Historic Trail


湖口Hukou│仁和步道Renhe Trail 新埔Sinpu│九芎湖步道Jiuqionghu Trails、巨埔農場Jupu Farm 芎林Cyonglin│鹿寮坑桐花步道Luliaokeng Tung Blossom Trails 寶山Baoshan│迴龍步道Huilong Trail、寶山水庫Baoshan Reservoir 竹東Jhudong│竹東圳桐花步道Zhudongzun Tung Flower Trail 橫山Hengshan│大山背人文生態館Dashanbei Humanity House 峨眉Emei│獅頭山風景區Shitoushan Scenic Area、十二寮休閒農業區Shiherliao Recreational Agriculture Area

中部桐花景點 Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in central Taiwan


In central Taiwan, most of the Tung Blossom bloom in Miaoli. You will see Tung Blossom in most of the Hakka villages. In Taichung Liu Fen Tung Blossom Trail, you can even enjoy watching high speed rail passing by. The best place for watching Tung Blossom in Changhua is the hiking trail around Mt. Bagua. Nantou is one of the areas where Tung Blossom bloom earliest.


通霄Tongsiao│挑鹽古道Tiaoyan Historic Trail 頭屋Touwu│夢幻桐花步道The Wonderland Tung Blossom Trail 銅鑼Tongluo│天空自行車步道A bicycle trail in the sky、桐花樂活公園Tung Blossom LOHAS Park、客家大院Hakka plaza 三義Sanyi│四月雪賞桐步道Snow in April Tung Blossom Trail、西湖渡假村West Lake Resort、挑柴古道Tiaochai Historic Trail、挑炭古道Tiaotan Historic Trail


東勢Dongshi│東勢林場Dongshi Forest Farm 外埔Waipu│永豐桐花步道Yongfeng Village Tung Blossom Hiking Trail 新社Xinshe│沐心泉 Spring Mountain


彰化市Changhua City│東外環賞桐步道East Circumferential Tung Blossom Trail、福田賞桐生態園區Futian Community、八卦山稜線步道Bagua Ridgeline Trail 芬園Fenyuan│挑水古道Tiaoshui Historic Trail、崎路仔步道Qiluzi Hiking Trail


國姓Guosing│二十粒路段桐花步道 Ershili Tung Blossom Trail 埔里Puli│牛耳藝術渡假村 New Era Art Resort 水里Shueili│益則坑桐花步道Yizekeng Tung Blossom Trail 魚池Yuchih│生態油桐花步道 Yuchi Ecological Tung Blossom Trail

南部桐花景點 Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in Southern Taiwan


Although there are fewer Tung Blossom in Southern Taiwan, but you can still see them in Gukeng Township and Chiayi City.


古坑Gukeng│荷苞桐花公園Hebao Mountain Hiking Trail


嘉義市Chiayi City│圓林仔桐花步道Yuanlinzi Tung Blossom Trail

東部桐花景點Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in Eastern Taiwan


The attractions of watching Tung Blossom in Eastern Taiwan are dispersed in different areas, such as Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County and Luye Township, Taitung County. There are several places in Hualien. Meilunshan Park Trail is located in downtown area of Hualian city. The transportation is convenient.


礁溪Jiaosi│林美桐花石磐步道The Shipan Trail of Linmei Village、五峰旗風景區Wufengqi Scenic Area 冬山Dongshan│仁山植物園Renshan Botanic Garden


花蓮市Hualien│美崙山公園步道Meilunshan Park Trail 鳳林Fenglin│鳳林鎮水源地Source of Water, Fenglin 瑞穗Rueisuei│興泉圳腳踏車步道Xingquan Waterway Bicycle Trail


鹿野Luye│龍田桐花大道Longtian Tung Flower Boulevard


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