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台灣處處楓葉情Maple leaves falling everywhere in Taiwan

台灣處處楓葉情Maple leaves falling everywhere in Taiwan


Cool breeze, the atmosphere of fall. At this time, maple trees in all parts of Taiwan began to turn from green to red. They look so colorful. There are different best timing for maple viewing in each area. When fall comes, you can enjoy the romantic atmosphere of maple leaves in Taiwan.

●宜蘭明池國家森林遊樂區 Mingchi Forest Recreation Area in Yilan


地址: 宜蘭縣大同鄉英士村8鄰明池山莊1號

Introduction of attraction: It is located at 1,200 meters high. The forest is wreathed in mist all the time. That’s why it has the name called “Wonderland in fog.” In November and December, red maples and gingko make the forest recreation area so colorful.

ADD:No.1, Mingchishanzhuang, Datong Township, Yilan County 267, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●宜蘭太平山森林遊樂區 Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area in Yilan


地址: 宜蘭縣大同鄉太平巷58之1號

Introduction of attraction: The Taipingshan central trail is also called Red leaf rail because there are Acer palmatum on the both sides of trail. You can see the red and purple maple leaves in April.

ADD:No.58-1, Taiping Ln., Datong Township, Yilan County 267, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 2 67臺灣宜蘭縣大同鄉太平巷58之1號

●桃園石門水庫 Shihmen Reservoir in Taoyuan

景點介紹: 深秋時節,上千棵的青楓與槭樹將石門水庫山頭渲染上浪漫艷紅,沿著賞楓步道而行,紅黃綠層層交織, 美不勝收。

地址: 桃園市大溪區復興里環湖路一段68號

Introduction of attraction: In the late fall, thousands of Green Maples trees and Acer palmatum make the mountain hill above Shihmen Reservoir became romantic in red. Walking along the maple viewing trail, you will see red, yellow and green overlapping. What a gorgeous scene!

ADD:No.68, Huanhu Rd., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●苗栗馬拉邦山 Manapang in Miaoli


地址: 地址:苗栗縣泰安鄉與大湖鄉交界處

Introduction of attraction: Manapang means magnificent mountain in Atayal. It is located at an altitude of 1406m. In the early winter, the maple leaves on the mountain turn red or brown.

ADD:Manabang, Tai’an Township, Miaoli County 365, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●台中武陵農場 Wuling Farm in Taichung

景點介紹: 武陵農場園區內幾乎到處種有楓樹及槭樹,最佳的賞楓景點,為賓館楓林木屋旁、國民賓館廣場周邊等,可謂處處飄楓紅。

地址: 台中市和平區平等里武陵路3-1號. Introduction of attraction: There are maple trees and Acer palmatum everywhere in Wuling Farm. Maplewood chalet beside Wuling Hotel and the plaza around the hotel are the best places for maple viewing because of the red maple leaves falling everywhere.

ADD:No.3-1, Wuling Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●台中福壽山農場 Fushoushan Farm in Taichung

景點介紹: 福壽山農場楓紅以松盧最為知名,每年楓葉轉紅時,總是吸引追楓人潮,層層楓紅襯托木屋松盧,畫面猶如人間仙境。

地址: 台中市和平區梨山里福壽路29號

Introduction of attraction: Fushoushan Farm is famous for Song Lu Fen Hong. When the maple leaves turn red, many people go there to see the beautiful scenery. Layers of red maple set off the woodhouse. The picture is like paradise.

ADD:No.29, Fushou Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●台中大雪山 Dasyue Mountain in Taichung

景點介紹: 園區以台灣紅榨槭、青楓、楓香、尖葉槭等為主,從大雪山林道20公里開始,至收費站、稍來山步道、沿路楓樹艷紅不斷。

地址: 台中市和平區雪山路27號

Introduction of attraction: Taiwan Red Maple, Green Maple, Formosan Sweet Gum and Kawakami Maple are the main plants in the park. Starting from 20km of Dasyue Mountain Forest Road to the toll booth and Sa'ulai Trail, you will see red maple trees along the road.

ADD:No.27, Xueshan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●南投奧萬大 Aowanda Forest Recreation Area in Nantou

景點介紹: 奧萬大有楓葉故鄉的美稱,是中部知名賞風景點。有「青楓」、「楓香」的楓林步道,讓人沉醉在一片紅橘交錯的美景中。

地址: 南投縣仁愛鄉親愛村大安路153號

Introduction of attraction: Aowanda has the name of the hometown of maple leaf. It is the famous maple viewing attraction in central Taiwan. Maple trail with Green Maple and Formosan Sweet Gum makes people immerse in the beautiful scene of interlace of red and orange.

ADD:No.153, Da’an Rd., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●嘉義阿里山 Alishan in Chiayi



Introduction of attraction: Every November is the season of maple viewing on Alishan. The best maple viewing spot is beside the highway to Alishan Hotel. Forestry Bureau also specially planned four Alishan red leaf routes for people to choose.

ADD:No.59, W. Alishan, Alishan Township, Chiayi County 605, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●台南紅葉公園 Hongyeh Park in Tainan


地址: 台南市白河區關仔嶺溫泉區

Introduction of attraction: It is located on Zhentoushan, which is in Guanziling of Baihe District of Tainan City, and above the Guanziling Hot Spring Area. It’s also called “Guanziling Park.” When the fall comes, you will see the park full of red leaves.

ADD:Guanziling, Baihe Dist., Tainan City 732, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

●台東紅葉村 Hongye Village in Taitung



Introduction of attraction: In the Japanese colonial period, Japanese planted maple trees there, so it has been called Hongye Villege. The beauty of the maple leaves is preserved in the village. You can also visit the famous Hongye Hot Spring, which is located on the riverbed of Luye Creek Canyon.

ADD:Honggu Rd., Yanping Township, Taitung County 953, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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