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女媧神話 新埔花燈迎天穿 Nuwa Myth, Xinpu Lanterns Celebrate “Sky Mending Day”

女媧神話 新埔花燈迎天穿

Nuwa Myth, Xinpu Lanterns Celebrate “Sky Mending Day”


Sky Mending Day is the unique cultural festival of Hakka people. According to the myth, the god of water and the god of fire were in battle, and they knocked a hole out of the sky. Nuwa wanted to save the common people, and she smelt five-colored stones to patch up the sky. People are grateful for Nuwa’s help. They will put aside their work on this day and let the earth rest. This is the origin of “Sky Mending Day”.


Hsinchu County, the place with the highest percentage of Hakka population in Taiwan, is going to hold “2021 Hsinchu County Sky Mending Day Celebration” from February 19th to March 3rd. Connecting the hundred-year traditional lantern craft of Xinpu Township and the excellent art and culture groups to create the activities of Sky Mending Day Lantern Parade.


Water and Fire Fuse in Sky Mending Day. What a Lively Celebration!


Due to respond to the Nuwa myth, the design of the stage presents the fusion of water and fire. The Lively Fire Stage takes the god of fire as the theme to reveal the unique culture of moving lantern parade of Xinpu. They also invite performers with feminine power to interpret the spirit of Nuwa; The Creative and Artistic Water Stage takes the god of water as the theme. Collaborating with Hakka singer who was nominated in Golden Melody Awards, the performance is going to break the traditional impressions.

◆女力英雄,踩街號召 Inviting Heroines Parading


Nuwa is a heroic existence. Inviting everyone to dress up as their superhero and have fun in the parade! The main road of the route is Zhongzheng Road of Xinpu Township. People can take a close look at giant lanterns and excellent performances of local groups.


The Design of the Main Lantern – Nuwa Patches Up the Sky


Taking Nuwa smelt five-colored stones to patch up the sky, killed the black dragon to provide relief for Ji Province, and cut off the legs of the great turtle to set them up as the four pillars as the design concept of the main lantern. The four pillars are east - Azure Dragon, west - White Tiger, south - Vermilion Bird, and north - Black Tortoise.

◆漫步新埔,尋找亮點 Rambling in Xinpu and Exploring the Highlight


Before the Sky Mending Day comes, the five-colored stones lights and cloud installation are going to light up the flower field in Xinpu Township. There is also an installation art area of Hakka greetings. People can feel the warm hospitality of Hakka people.

◆好食派對,樂市集 Delicious Food and Interesting Market


This time, we collaborate with the famous local market - Chu Xin Zhe Market. You can see not only exquisite cultural and creative hand-made products and special snacks from different places but also some strange stuffs. See you at Xinpu Art Plaza!


At “2021 Hsinchu County Sky Mending Day Celebration”, there are professional art performances combining traditional and modern styles and the lanterns made by local community groups. We also hope that the traditional culture of Sky Mending Day will be innovated with the times and be passed down forever.


Rambling in Xinpu and Exploring the Highlight


Before the Sky Mending Day comes, the five-colored stones lights and cloud installation are going to light up the flower field in Xinpu Township. There is also an installation art area of Hakka greetings. People can feel the warm hospitality of Hakka people.


Delicious Food and Interesting Market


This time, we collaborate with the famous local market - Chu Xin Zhe Market. You can see not only exquisite cultural and creative hand-made products and special snacks from different places but also some strange stuffs. See you at Xinpu Art Plaza!


At "2021 Hsinchu County Sky Mending Day Celebration", there are professional art performances combining traditional and modern styles and the lanterns made by local community groups. We also hope that the traditional culture of Sky Mending Day will be innovated with the times and be passed down forever.

照片提供:新竹縣政府 Photo Credit: Hsinchu County Government 「廣告」


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