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三義觀光景點及店家介紹 Sanyi tourist attractions and shops introduction

火炎山 Huoyanshan

火炎山位於苗栗縣三義鄉、苑裡鎮交界,由於風化與雨水的侵蝕作用,切割成許多特殊尖銳山峰的組合。 Huoyanshan is located at the boundary of Sanyi Township and Yuanli Township in Miaoli County. The combination of weathering and rainwater erosion, cutting into a number of specially sharp peaks.

三義鄉及苑里鎮境內 Inside Sanyi Township and Yuanli Township

三義木雕博物館 Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum


Wood Sculpture Museum devotes to promoting wood carving. While display the wood curving, we also invite contemporary artist to show their artworks. You can see the beauty and essence of wood carving art at the same time.

+886-3-7876009 / 苗栗縣三義鄉廣聲新城88號 No.88, Guangsheng Xincheng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

三義水美木雕街 Sanyi Shuimei Street

三義水美街兩旁雕刻店林立,特別的是師傅善於因材施教,將許多自然作品賦予新生命。 There are many carving shop lined up on Sanyi Shuimei Street. In particular, the master is good at teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and giving new life to many natural works.

+886-3-7352961 / 苗栗縣三義鄉水美街 Shuimei, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

鯉魚潭水庫 Liyutan Reservoir

鯉魚潭水庫位於景山溪下游,同時具有觀光、灌溉、防洪、發電等功能,風景優美值得一遊。 Liyutan Reservoir is located in the downstream of Jingshan River. It has the function of sightseeing, irrigation, flood control, power generation. It’s worth to visit.

+886-37-881130 苗栗縣三義鄉鯉魚潭村三櫃106號 No.106, Sangui, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

挑炭古道 Tiao Tan Ancient Road


Tiao Tan Ancient Road, also called Santongling Ancient Road preserving various species of trees. It’s the must-visit place when people go to The Hakka Tung Blossom Festival in Sanyi County during every May and June.

+886- 37-352961 / 苗栗縣三義鄉雙湖村大坑 Dakeng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

建中國小3D地景彩繪階梯 3D painted ladder

百年老校建中國小設置3D地景彩繪階梯,邀請畫家描繪融合在地知名景點物種象徵,打造三義老街新風貌。 Hundred-year school - JJS elementary school set up 3D painted ladder. They invited painter to paint a symbol of fusion in the famous spot to create a new style of Sanyi old street.

+886-37-872007 / 苗栗縣三義鄉光復路 Guangfu Rd., Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

雙潭休閒農業區 Shuangtan Leisure Agricultural Region


Shuangtan Leisure Agriculture Area is extending from Sanyi Township to Dahu Township. There are guesthouses, restaurants and farms. They all have different features. It’s suitable to plan one or two day trip there. Come and enjoy diverse fun.

+886- 37-878916 / 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村9鄰雙連潭110-7號

No.110-7, Shuangliantan, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

月台茶棧-中國媽媽的店 Yue-Tai Restaurant

日式紅磚老屋改建的建築風格,加上傳承三代的好手藝搭配特色擂茶系列產品,絕對是您不可錯過的好去處。 It was reconstructed from Japanese style old red brick house. The specialties are the excellent craft, which has passed through three generations, and special Lei-Cha products. You can’t miss this place.

+886-37-873303 +886-931-654827 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村58號 No.58, Shengxing, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

福田瓦舍 Futen-house Villa

福田瓦舍鄰近勝興車站,結合生態保育每年四、五月份油桐花季節來臨,還可欣賞螢火飛舞、遍野桐花。 Futen-house Village is locating near Shengxing Railway Station. Every April and May are the months of Tung Blossom. Come and enjoy watching fireflies dancing and Tung Blossom.

+886-37-876156 +886-933-515485 苗栗縣三義鄉龍騰村26號 No.26, Longteng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

十六份人文茶館 16 Distilleries Teahouse

懷鄉的季節,讓來客回味早期客庄在地美味,與地方文化創意融合,體現出一種在客家山林裡的新潮派茶館空間。 In the nostalgic season, visitors recollect the pleasant flavor of local Hakka foods here. Blending with local culture and creativity, showing the new style tea house in Hakka mountain forest.

+886-37-871381 +886-928-910676 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村勝興53號 No.53, Shengxing, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

世奇精緻餅店 Shi-Chi Art Cake

三義世奇餅店結合當地木雕藝術而研製的特產。產品榮獲台灣100大伴手禮的殊榮 風味獨特,口感極佳。 Sanyi Shi Chi Art Cake combined local wood carving art to made special local product. It has won the award of Taiwan Best Souvenir Top 100 because of its unique flavor.

總店 / +886-37-874988

苗栗縣三義鄉中正路147-8號 No.147-8, Zhongzheng Rd., Sanyi Township, Miaoli County 水美名產店 / +886-37-879988 苗栗縣三義鄉水美路156號 No.156, Shuimei, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County 木雕館前店 / +886-37-878869 苗栗縣三義鄉廣盛村廣聲新城56號 No.56, Guangsheng Xincheng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

鴨箱寶 Sanyi Duck Factory

特色木雕產品於國外甚獲好評的鴨箱寶,三義館內更是適合親子假日休閒旅遊,體驗DIY的優良場所。 Featured wood carving products of Dp-duck DIY received praises in foreign countries. It’s a good place for you to come with your family at leisure time. Come and experience DIY.

+886-37-872076 苗栗縣三義鄉重河路176號(三義市場東側200M) No.176, Chonghe, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

福軒養生館 Fu Xuan Villa


Fu Hsuan health museum is surrounded by forests. When you come here, you will see that the building is blending into natural scenery. We are going to lead you to feel the beauty of four seasons. In the meantime, you can enjoy the bountiful healthy meals that we prepare for you.

+886-37-879177 +886-928-330532 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村雙連潭155號 No.155, Shuangliantan, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

山板樵休閒農場 Sanbanqiao Leisure Farm


Shanbanqiao Leisure Farm offers foods in Hakka cuisine and accommodation. You can visit Peking Opera Art Mask Culture Hall and see various types of ecological plants and animals. We also welcome you to experience country lifestyle.

+886-37-875766 / 苗栗縣三義鄉雙連潭138號 No.138, Shuangliantan, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

卓也小屋 Zhuo Ye Cottage

一個宛若山林中與世遺忘的桃花源,在這裡食、宿、遊、購、樂,藝術藍染布。四月桐花季,歡迎來此卓也小屋。 It’s a place like Peach Blossom Paradise. We offer food, accommodation, travel, shopping, music and art dyeing cloth here. April is the season of Tung Blossom. Welcome to Zhou Ye Cottage.

+886-37-879-198 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村13鄰崩山下1-5號 No.1-5, Bengshanxia, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

青松自在 Relex-time

龍騰斷橋周邊的歐式庭園,提供各式簡餐與輕食甜點,讓每個來到三義的旅人都能享有最悠然的午後時光。 The European style garden near Longteng Bridge. We offer various light meals and desserts. Welcome everyone come to Sanyi and enjoy the leisure afternoon time here.

+886-37-881666 +886-9-28945001 苗栗縣三義鄉龍騰村外庄20-1號 No.20-1, Waizhuang, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

叁代堂 Three Restaurant

延續一甲子的好味道,叁代堂結合客家文化飲食、人文藝術以及伴手禮,不斷創新把客家人的美好帶給大家。 Keeping the good taste for 60 year. Threegh combined Hakka food culture, humanities and arts and souvenir. They constantly bring new ideas and the beauty of Hakka people to everyone.

+886-37-875070 苗栗縣三義鄉水美街283-1號 No.283-1, Shuimei, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

春田窯 Chun Tian Yao

傳承『柴燒』藝術美理念,以發揚陶藝文化為目標。窯場內設置DIY教室、客家風味餐、露營區等方便大家娛樂。 Inheriting the concept of " Wood-fired " and aiming to promote pottery culture. They offer DIY class room, Hakka dishes and camping area for everyone.

+886-37-877820 / 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村大坪七號 No.7, Daping, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

勝興客棧 Sunsen Restaurant


The exterior of the building is build with half Japanese civil style. The interior maintains Hakka traditional decorations. Customers love their traditional Hakka dishes and old-style beverage. It’s worth to visit.

+886-37-873883 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村14鄰72號(勝興車站旁) No.72, Shengxing, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

柏竺山莊 Bo Zhu villa Sanyi

以鄉村風格,提供溫馨的民宿及在地餐食,結合當地的人文藝術風情,打造出慢遊樂活的養生遊憩園區。 Offering sweet guesthouse and local food with country style. Combining local humanities and arts to create a leisure park with the concept of downshifting.

+886-37-879366 苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村崩山下10號 No.10, Bengshanxia, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

西湖渡假村 West Lake Resortopia

桐花悄悄綻放,遠眺近觀皆美~ Tung Blossom blooms quietly. Overlooking and looking closely are both beautiful.


West Lake Resortopia 2018 Tung Blossom Festival. From April 14th, Tung Blossom, butterflies and fireflies warmly welcome guests. Enjoy wonderful life in the park in the daytime and the nighttime! We invite parents and children to our newest fairytale theater – Finding Muller's Barbet and enjoy watching Tung Blossom!



No.11, Xihu, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County


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