向山自行車道 Xiangshang Bikeway
日月潭水上自行車道伴隨波光粼粼的潭水,視野開闊,景色優美,值得花上一整天好好享受。 Sun Moon Lake Aquatic Bike Path is accompanied by shimmering lake water. It's worth to spend your day to enjoy the wide field vision and beautiful scenery there.
+886-49-2341256 / 南投縣魚池鄉中山路 Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
水社壩 Shuishe Dam
白天岸邊平靜的湖面印照雲霧間微微露出的山嵐,到了夜晚滿天星空的景致,令人心曠神怡。 During day time, the scenery of mountains shines on the calm lake. When it comes to night, the sky will full of stars. It's refreshing.
南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
向山遊客中心 Xiangshang Visitor Center
由知名日本建築師打造融合大自然的向山遊客中心,可以一面欣賞湖光山景,一面品嘗道地美食的好去處。 Xiangshan Visitor Center, combined with nature, is created by a famous Japanese architect. You can enjoy the scenery of the lake and the foods with local cuisine.
+886-49-2855668 / 南投縣魚池鄉中山路599號No.599, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
伊達邵親水步道 Ita Thao Lakeside Trail
沿途景色秀麗,穿過公路後進入賞蝶步道,種植著蝴蝶喜愛的植物,引來蝶舞翩翩的特殊景致。 Along the way, the scenery is beautiful. After passing through the highway, you will enter butterfly watching trail. With the plants butterflies like, it attracts them to dance here.
+886-49-2850289 / 南投縣魚池鄉日月村 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
伊達邵碼頭 Ita Thao Pier
Ita Thao and Shuishe located at the either side of the lake. It’s suitable for sitting and relaxing there, watching pier platform made by wood, lake watching pavilion and the lake. The view looks like a beautiful painting.
+886-49-2855668 / 南投縣魚池鄉日月村伊達邵 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
貓囒山 Maolan Mountain
順著蜿蜒而上的紅茶梯田,來到雲霧繚繞、綿延山巒的貓囒山,此處正是觀賞日出雲海的最佳去處。 Along the winding black tea terraces, you will see the cloudy and rolling Maolan Mountain. It’s the best place for watching sunrise.
南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
日月潭纜車 Sun Moon Lake Cable Car
乘著纜車緩緩駛入日月潭伊達邵,透明玻璃環繞將整片美景盡收眼底。 Taking the ropeway enter Sun Moon Lake Ita Thao slowly, the entire beautiful landscape is in your eyes through the transparent glass.
+886-49-2850666 / 南投縣魚池鄉中正路102號 No.102, Zhongzheng Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
文武廟 Wenwu Temple
文武廟是中國北朝宮殿式的廟宇建築,居高臨下的地勢在天氣晴朗時還能望見日月潭。 Wenwu Temple was built with Chinese northern dynasty palatial style. When the weather is nice, you can see Sun Moon Lake from here.
+886-49-2855122 / 南投縣魚池鄉中山路63號
No.63, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
布查德渡假會館 Butchard Villas
擁有上萬坪空間歐風為主的布查德渡假會館,以加拿大布查德花園為設計概念,打造一個人間仙境渡假勝地。 Butchard Villas has an area over 355,900 square feet. It is built in European style. They created the villa like fairyland with the design concept of Canada's Buchchard Garden.
+886-4-92896685 / 南投縣魚池鄉嵩山巷17-18號 No.17-18, Songshan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
埔里168旅棧 Puli 168 Hotel
位於埔里市中心的平價住宿多樣化的房型,提供停車位、接送服務、腳踏車使用,且是寵物友善民宿。 Cheap accommodation in downtown Puli. Offering parking space, transfer services, bicycle renting. It is also a pet-friendly guesthouse.
+886-9-66006168 / 南投縣埔里鎮平四街42號 No.42, Ping 4th St., Puli Township, Nantou County
日月桐舞親子民宿Sun and Moon Tong B & B Dance
日月桐舞坐落於日月潭鄰近靜謐的山林裡,是距離金龍山最近的民宿,歡迎您來訪遠離了城市喧囂。 Sun and Moon Tong B & B Dance is located in the tranquil mountainous area near Sun Moon Lake. It’s the closest guesthouse to Jinlong Mountain. Welcome you to come here and escape the bustling city.
+886-4-92899852 / 南投縣魚池鄉文正巷36-20號 No.36-20, Wenzheng Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
諾丁丘民宿 Notting Hill B&B
Notting Hill bed & breakfast is located near Sun Moon Lake. You will see the secret hill which is hidden in the forest and the vast mountain views. Welcome you to enjoy your leisure time in this relax and peaceful space.
+886-49-2861828 南投縣魚池鄉武登村銃櫃巷60-1號 No.60-1, Chonggui Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
禪與松休閒養生會館 Zen and Pine Resort
禪與松會館位於南投水里鄉,館內佔地廣闊有五葉松園區、養生料理、舒適房型,歡迎您入住。 Resort Zen & Pine located in Shuili Township, Nantou County. There is a vast area with Taiwan Pine garden. We offer healthy food and comfortable rooms. Welcome you to stay.
+886-4-92871277 / 南投縣水里鄉頂平路71巷11號 No.11, Ln. 71, Dingping Rd., Shuili Township, Nantou County
日月談水之道會館 Sun Moon Talk B&B
提供包棟住宿獨棟優雅的建築,寬敞的空間、簡約典雅的設計,是以"家"的概念提供給每一位旅人。 We offer single family villa in elegant style. We want to make every guest feel like coming home in this wide, simple and classic place.
+886-4-92896983 / 南投縣魚池鄉瓊文巷18-23號 No.18-23, Qiongwen Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
漾之谷溫泉民宿 The Rippling Vale,Mansion Of Hot Spring
來這裡可以體驗山上隱居慢活生活,泡泡溫泉享受置身林中的芬多精,體驗埔里小鎮的好山好水好風光。 Come here to experience living in seclusion in the mountains, enjoy bubble hot spring, phytoncide in the forest and beautiful scenery of Puli Township.
+886-975-288985 南投縣埔里鎮中山路一段151號 No.151, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
明軒曉居民宿 Ming Xuan Xiao Ju Homestay
明軒曉居民宿擁有生態池、露天休閒桌椅及烤肉場地等設施,內容豐富遠離塵囂的世外桃源。 Ming Xuan Xiao Ju Homestay has abundant facilities, such as ecological pool, open-air leisure tables and chairs and barbeque area. It’s a good place for you to keep away from the city.
+886-49-2898950 / 南投縣魚池鄉大雁巷7-5號
No.7-5, Dayan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County