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彰化觀光豐富 發展無限精彩Sightseeing of Changhuatis abundant.The development is unlimited.

彰化縣政府城市暨觀光發展處 處長馬英傑

Department of City and Tourism of Changhua

Director Ying Jie Ma


Changhua County is a humanities and cultures diverse place. There are different fascinating features of mountain, sea and plain line. For those who like to visit mountains and rivers, it’s a good place to explore and relax. It is the south corner of “Regional governance platform of Taichung, Changhua, Nantou and Miaoli.”Changhua has the history over 300 years. There are abundant histories of humanities and cultures. Based on this, combine with the mountains and sea resources to promote the rich tourism features of the county.

一、完善山海平原全域觀光建設 Well-established tourism development for mountains, coasts, and plains


In terms of spatial distribution, the region is divided into the East Ring Eco-Tourism Area around Mt. Bagua in the east, the West Ring Eco-Tourism Area along the west coast, and the Central Ring Area formed with two township centers.


East Ring Eco-Tourism Area: For the northern part of the area, the Northern Changhua Mt. Bagua Tourism Overall Planning is under review. By integrating the Ancient Changhua Half City Cultural Tour and the Buddha Statue Family Tour as the main feature and by improving the road system through the Humanistic Urban Environment Integration Program to link the Changhua Railway Station area and the Buddha Statue Scenic Area, the tourism gateway intent of Changhua is formed. In the south of the East Ring Area, the Chingshuiyen Recreational Area in Shetou will be the focus. By seeking funding from the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) for the Chingshui Forest and Happy Southeast Corner cross-border highlight project, Chingshuiyen will be developed into a camping site integrating with the nearby resources such as local ecosystems, industries and cultural and historical monuments to initiate the operations of the camping and hot spring areas at the same time, in order to energize tourism industry development in the southeastern corner of Changhua.


West Ring Eco-Tourism Area: In the northwestern corner of the coastal area, the Wuxi Coastal Recreational Corridor will be developed as a bikeway linking Changhua City and Shengang in Hemei. Along the corridor, visitors can enjoy nearby river views. At the estuary sits a national wetland protected area. With the mangrove and surrounding area improvement plans of Fangyuan Wetlands in the southwestern corner, a coastal skywalk will be built as the base for marine ecology and culture education to provide quality local tours.


Central Ring Area: The plain area mainly runs along the Provincial Highway 1, covering townships including Yongjing, Puxin, Tianwei, Xihu and Xizhou. With the dual-center project in the Township Center Program, the old city center of Xihu in the north will be developed into a green life area; the Tianwei highway garden, a tourism highlight, in the south will be built into the Tianwei welcome center and the whole area will become a new tourism highlight by linking the green corridor along the Dongluo River and the Xihu Central Park.



Revitalization of the historical and cultural scape of Lugang

For the sustainable development of Lugang history and culture, the Executive Yuan has approved a budget of NT$6 billion for six years to implement the Lugang National Historical Scenic Area Project, in order to achieve the sustainable preservation of local cultural heritage by means of tourism planning. Through three major plans including “history site reconstruction,” “Lugang River remediation” and “transportation,” the buildings, government facilities, street scenes and cultural features in early Changhua will be revitalized for domestic and foreign visitors to explore the beautiful scenes and historical land scape of Changhua of the yesteryears.



Creating tourism activities for happiness and inclusiveness

To present happiness and inclusiveness in Changhua, highlight seasonal festivities are planned to present an expectedly wonderful and beautiful Changhua by combining festivities with local community culture and travel experience. These seasonal festivities include the Changhua Flower Festival in the spring, Lugang Dragon Boat Festival in summer, the Wong Gong Midsummer Music Festival in autumn and the Changhua Food Festival in winter. In addition, the Tianzhong Marathon that combines the friendliness of the Changhua people and local agricultural specialties and the unprecedented Love Ershui Water Marathon are great events for visitors to explore.


In order to promote overseas markets, this year we are going to cooperate with Tourism Bureau to participate in travel exhibitions of Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo and communicate with local industry. In the future, we will actively seek integrate sightseeing resources in four cities in central Taiwan. Whether it is a combination of hostels, restaurants, or a series of transportation constructions, we hope international travelers can travel in an easier and more comfortable way.


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