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Slow Travel in Classic Towns and Tribes in Kaohsiung and Pingtung


Response to 2019 Taiwan Small Town Ramble, Maolin National Scenic Area Administration has planned 4 theme tours of Kaohsiung and Pingtung foothill. Slow down the tempo of your life and enjoy slow movement.

高雄美濃 Kaohsiung Meinong District


Experience Hakka culture in classic towns

★體驗客家藍衫Experience traditional Hakka blue blouse

★欣賞在地門樓和夥房古蹟 Enjoy local gate and ancient homestead

★大啖客家粄條 Eat Hakka rice noodles


Meinong is selected as 2019 classic town. There are East Gate Tower of Qing Dynasty, traditional Hakka architecture, Chung’s homestead, and Lin's Ancient House. Moreover, you can visit Hakka blue blouse old store and try traditional Hakka rice noodles.


參觀藍衫老店Visit blue blouse old store→粄條街用餐Dine in Hakka rice noodles street→參觀東門樓Visit East Gate Tower→參觀夥房Visit ancient homestead

高雄桃源 寶山部落

Kaohsiung Taoyuan District – Pausan Tribe


Taste native mountain tea of the tribe

★冬季賞櫻勝地 Winter cherry blossom viewing resort

★全臺第一原住民原生山茶體驗聚落 The only Taiwan Native Mountain Tea experience tribe in Taiwan

★品茗臺灣原生山茶 Taste Taiwan Native Mountain Tea


Pausan Tribe is the secret place for cherry blossom viewing in spring. There are also native Camellia Trees of Japanese colonial period here. Now it became organic tea garden. Besides taste edible wild herbs and tube rice pudding, you can come to tea garden and try the tea that cooked with Sanshizao (the meaning is build a stove with three stones). It is the specific tradition of Bunun.


相見歡Meet each other→櫻花步道Cherry blossom trail→風味餐Delicious meal→部落野趣茶席Taste native mountain tea

⮞報名資訊Registration Information

寶山社區發展協會Chairman of Pausan Community Development Association

曾理事長Mr. Tzeng +886-(0)972-009094


*Departure with minimum 6 people. It can be arranged according to travel demand and staying time.

屏東霧臺 神山部落 Pingtung Wutai – Shenshan Tribe


SABAU! Fall in love with tribal cooking school

★全臺首創部落廚藝學校The first tribal cooking school in Taiwan

★食農教育產地旅遊 Tourist place of Food Agriculture Education

★俯瞰全臺最高橋樑 Watching the tallest bridge in Taiwan


The tallest bridge in Taiwan, Wutai Guchuan Bridge, is the relay station to enter Shenshan Tribe. There is a unique tribal cooking school. People from the tribe will lead travelers to secret farm to collect ingredients and make dishes. You can also DIY moon decoration.


霧臺谷川大橋Wutai Guchuan Bridge→部落廚藝學校Tribal cooking school→DIY體驗DIY→神山部落巡禮Shenshan Tribe Tour

⮞報名資訊Registration Information

神山社區發展協會Shenshan Community Development Association

劉小姐Ms.Liu +886-(0)912-136697


*Departure with minimum 10 people. It can be arranged according to travel demand and staying time.

屏東三地門 安坡部落 Pingtung Sandimen - Djineljepan Tribe

屏北騎跡 用單車記錄部落風景

Record tribal scenery by riding bicycle

★造訪戶外美術館-青葉部落Visit outdoor museum - Qingye Tribe

★乘騎碳纖維自行車 Ride carbon fiber bike

★造訪童玩王國-安坡部落 Visit Kingdom of Retro Toys - Djineljepan Tribe


Qingye Tribe of Rukai is like an outdoor museum. You can experience slate painting and ride carbon fiber bike. Then have delicious food of Paiwan and traditional snacks for lunch. Djineljepan Tribe is also known as Kingdom of Retro Toys. It is possible to experience more than 100 child toys that have improved with traditional wisdom.


青葉部落石板彩繪體驗Slate painting at Qingye Tribe→乘騎碳纖維自行車Ride carbon fiber bike→「初魯克」DIY和風味餐 ”Chuluke” DIY meal→安坡部落童玩體驗 Experience child toys at Djineljepan Tribe

⮞報名資訊Registration Information

屏東縣原鄉藝文產業聯盟推廣會 Pingtung Original County Art and Cultural Industry Alliance Promotion Conference



*Departure with minimum 4 or 20 people. It can be arranged according to travel demand and staying time.


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