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夜訪螢火蟲祕境 全台景點懶人包 Secret places for firefly watching at night. A Cliff’s notes version of attractions

夜訪螢火蟲祕境 全台景點懶人包

Secret places for firefly watching at night. A Cliff’s notes version of attractions in Taiwan.



Fireflies can be said to be the most beautiful limited edition scenery! You can see fireflies after the sunset every night from late March to June. Here are the secret places for firefly watching!

北部賞螢祕境Secret places for firefly watching in Northern Taiwan


In Northern Taiwan, the secret places for fireflies watching are mainly in mountain area in the suburbs of Taipei. Watching fireflies in Hemei mountain is a good choice. You can arrive there by taking the MRT to Xindian Station. In Hsinchu, you can go to Dongwo River in Neiwan and Beipu cold spring.

中部賞螢祕境Secret places for firefly watching in central Taiwan


The attractions for firefly watching in Miaoli County are mainly in Sanyi, Nanzhuang and Zhuolan. Please contact local guesthouse for the itinerary. There are many forest recreation and leisure agriculture areas along Dongshi District, Taichung City. If you are looking for high altitudes area, you can go to Baxian Mountain and Dasyue Mountain. In Nantou, there are three theme itineraries for your reference. Puli and Yuchi line – take boat and enjoy the lake view in Sun Moon Lake is also a good choice. Lugu line – you can taste tea, go hiking in Xitou and visit Xitou Monster Village. Ren-ai line – embrace the nature and enjoy Phytoncide.

南部賞螢祕境Secret places for firefly watching in Southern Taiwan


In Southern Taiwan, people usually go to Alishan for firefly watching. Fireflies can be seen in Meishan and Zhuqi Township of Chiayi County. In Yunlin County, most of the fireflies appear in Gukeng Township and Caoling village. Visitor can contact guesthouses for the information of package tour. In Tainan, fireflies appear in Meiling and Xinhua. Namasia District in Kaohsiung City, holds Firefly Festival every year. In Hengchun Township and Kenting, playing in the water at daytime and watching fireflies at nighttime is the unique feature of Pingtung!

東部賞螢祕境Secret places for firefly watching in Eastern Taiwan


In Eastern Taiwan, if you want to watch fireflies in Yilan, you may contact guesthouses around Toucheng Township and Dongshan Township. Fireflies appear in Shoufeng Liyutan of Hualien County. Firefly guided tours are available at the nearby guesthouses.


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