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鐵道平溪線X一窺礦業文化Taiwan Railway Pingxi Line X Explore Mining Culture


Taiwan Railway Pingxi Line X Explore Mining Culture


Pingxi Line was built to transport coal mine during the Japanese colonial period. Now it is the railway line with the longest operating history and the best place for tourists to learn about mining culture.

瑞芳站 | 往山往海都可以

Ruifang Station | Up to the Mountain and Down to the Sea


Departing from Ruifang, you can take Pinxi Line to Jingtong or take Shenao Line to Badouzi; mountain and sea views all can be seen! If you take the bus, you can go to Jiufen, which is famous for gold mines, and taste delicacies in the old street and overlook The North Coast.

猴硐站 | 這裡貓咪最大

Houtong Station | Cat Lover’s Heaven


Houtong was the largest district in Taiwan's coal mine industry in the early days. Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park still retains the coal preparation plant and the coal transporting bridge; at the other end of the track is the Houdong Cat Village, which has been listed as one of the six places worldwide “where cats outshine tourist attractions” by CNN; don’t miss this place if you are a cat lover!

十分站 | 前往瀑布探險

Shifen Station | Go for a Waterfall Adventure


Shifen has a wonderful view of the railway tracks and the old street very close to each other, making it a popular shooting attraction! You can admire the beautiful scenery of Keelung River from Jing'an Bridge, and walk northwards about 30 minutes to reach the majestic Shifen Waterfall, and you will feel like visiting the Niagara Falls.

平溪站 | 天燈成為知名象徵

Pingxi Station | The well-known symbol – Sky Lantern


The most famous sight of Pingxi Old Street must be a train passing by on the Pingxi Iron Bridge which is higher than roof of house! Sky lanterns are also one of the characteristic of Pingxi; for environmental protection, if you don’t want to release sky lanterns, you can buy small sky lanterns souvenirs.

菁桐站 | 來煤礦中心小歇

Jingtong Station | Take A Break at Coal Mine Center


Jingtong Station, the terminal station of Pingxi Line, was the railway station with the largest number of freight amount of coal mine at that time. You can see the old coal preparation plant next to the platform; what a view with historic meaning! Along the old street, there are many snacks; why don’t you try some local snacks, such as Mineworker’s Rice (it means Taiwan pork chop with rice) and chicken rolls.

加碼搭乘鐵道深澳線 Taking Taiwan Railway Shenao Line



Since 2021, the local trains of Pingxi Line passed through Ruifang and extended to Shenao Line; erected Haikeguan Station and Badouzi Station; it only takes about an hour from the mountain to the seaside!


National Museum of Marine Science & Technology takes marine science and technology as the show theme. It is a suitable place for parent-child tour. Badouzi is next to Chaojing Park; it has the vast sea view and nice grassland. Besides, don’t forget to have a seafood feast at Badouzi Fishing Harbor!


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