The aesthetics of rambling in foreign country and the experience of handwork
Rambling on both sides of Tunghai Art Street, you will see various restaurants with different cuisines, small shops which are full of exotic atmosphere and the distribution center, where you can smell the fragrance of tea and coffee. It’s good to buy and try on spot. Just chat and taste delightful dishes and coffees there with your friend on the weekend.
There are many talented art creators hidden in the small alley. They create everything, such as clothes, weave, cosmetic, sculpture, metalworking, painting, etc. It only takes you one or two hours to make a personal silverware or a beautiful art work in your own style. If you have leisure time, you can learn from masters on site. You can find your own style in every corner here. It’s worth to visit this place, even though you just take pictures with the cherry blossom or a painting wall.
主任委員 莊家玟
花呆七號 Dreamer 7
正韓商品打造出百變風格的你,店長貼心的不定時提供韓貨資訊。 Create various styles for you with Korean products. Store manager will provide information of Korean products to you from time to time.
+886-4-26311717 台中市龍井區藝術街55號 No.55, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
阿達家族 A-dor family
各大品牌氣墊鞋及帆船鞋,給想擁有一雙舒適耐穿且兼具品味鞋款的朋友。 Air cushion shoes and Sailing shoes for people who want to have a pair of comfortable, durable shoes with good taste.
+886-4-26326097 台中市龍井區藝術街70號1F 1F., No.70, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
我的腳 MyFoot
經銷國內外知名休閒品牌,堅持「給客戶第一時間的照顧」的宗旨。 We sell products of well-known domestic and foreign leisure brands. Serve customer in first priority.
+886-4-26323260 台中市龍井區藝術街41.43號 No.41.43, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
忽若寓 Huruoyu hand-dyed dress shop
設計師款的手工蠟染及手繪人文素衣、手工拼布的筷套、背包、零錢包、繡花鞋,皆可訂做。 Designer hand-painted batik and hand-painted humanistic clothing, Hand patched bags for chopsticks, backpacks, coin purse and embroider shoes. They all can be customized.
+886-4-26312010 台中市龍井區藝術街15巷28號 No.28, Ln. 15, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
小衣乙舖 Little clothing shop
日系、韓系、鄉村風、繽紛色彩,享受視覺上的樸實舒服感及設計獨特感,打造屬於自己的女孩夢想城堡。 Japanese style, Korean style, Country style, colorful. Enjoy visual comfort and unique design. Create your own dream castle.
+886-935-932210 台中市龍井區國際街130號 No.130, Guoji St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
桔子36服飾精品店 Orange 36 Designer Clothes shop
精挑精美平價服飾,擁有各式特色風格、款式,歡迎參觀選購。 There are beautiful and affordable clothing in different styles.
+886-4-26521410 台中市龍井區藝術街36號 No.36, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
天晶坊(水晶天珠) Tian-Jing Crystals shop
以客為尊,為客戶打造享有獨一無二的水晶玉石產品,讓您擁有最完美的服務。 We respect and honor our guests. We create unique crystal and jade products, and provide you the best service.
+886-4-26328687 台中市龍景區藝術街124號1樓 1F., No.124, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
印度市集 Bazaar Of India
逛市集時總期待發現新奇的事物,遊客用尋寶的心情來挖掘我們,我們以實在的價格分享商品。 The travelers are always looking forward to discover novelties. When they visit the market, we share the products with low price.
+886-4-26333475 台中市龍井區藝術街61巷6號 No.6, Ln. 61, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
慕茗萊古董藝品 Ruminant Antiques
柔和的燈光,歷史的藝術品、彩繪的瓷器、古老的銀壺,每個珍藏的古董都有著她存在的故事。 Soft lighting, historical artwork, painted porcelain and ancient silver pot. Every treasured antique has its own story.
+886-4-26524400 台中市龍井區藝術街57號 No.57, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
Jack Wolfskin飛狼戶外用品 Jack Wolfskin Outdoor Apprael
飛狼全系列用品、GORE-TEX外套羽絨衣、TEVA鞋款、APEX太陽眼鏡及各式戶外登山休閒用品。 Full range of JackWolfskin products, GORE-TEX Down Jacket, TEVA Shoes, APEX Sunglasses and all kinds of outdoor climbing and leisure products.
+886-4-26332630 台中市龍井區藝術街70號2F 2F., No.70, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
生活民族進口家飾 Min-Zu Furniture
以「多元化的居家生活」為主軸,提倡「世界村精緻生活新主張」。 One the bases of “Diverse home lifestyle” and advocate "New Propositions for a Refined Life in the World Village".
+886-4-26311720 台中市龍井區藝術街49號 No.49, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
潘媽媽的店 Pan’s Shop
店內充滿異國情調,特別是跳蚤市場般的異國小物,琳瑯滿目,充滿無盡生命力。 In the shop, you will feel the exotic atmosphere. There are many exotic small things full of endless vitality, it’s like flea market.
+886-4-26318560 台中市龍井區藝術街45號
No.45, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
班班的家銅飾精品店 BanBan De Jia
老闆精心挑選的小傢飾、藝品,商品眾多,歡迎大家前來尋覓好貨喲。 The owner selected some decorations and art works. Welcome you to come here and find some good stuff.
+886-4-26319882 台中市龍井區藝術街27號 No.27, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
黑玫瑰。禪境森活 Black Rose . Zen & Tea Shop
店內展售以日本古美術、古民藝為主,不定期舉辦茶會,喜歡日本文化的你一定要進來逛逛。 This store mainly sells Japanese ancient art and ancient folk art. It holds tea parties from time to time. If you like Japanese culture, you can’t miss this place.
+886-4-23595206 台中市西屯區國際街70-5號 No.70-5, Guoji St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
主鈴手創坊 Hands Wendy
充滿藝術手創的小店,喜歡分享黏土手作、木器彩繪等,邀您一起來動手喔! It's a small shop full of artistic creation. We invite you to making clay handcrafts and wood paintings etc.
+886-4-26332322 台中市龍井區藝術街143號 No.143, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
耘織坊 Fiber Art Studio
設有初階與進階的羊毛氈課程,快跟著冰瑞老師一起探索羊毛氈吧! There are basic and advanced Wool Felting courses. Come and discover the world of Wool Felting with teacher Bing Rui!
+886-4-26317180 台中市龍井區藝術街61巷10號 No.10, Ln. 61, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
月冠瑪菲斯 Lunex Mauvis Accessories
以黃銅為基座,編織天然珍珠、水晶,鑲嵌鋯石、手敲墜飾,獨創屬於您的飾品。 Base on brass, weaving natural pearls, crystals, zircons and hand knock pendant. Come and create your own accessories.
+886-4-26521171 台中市龍井區藝術街61巷7號 No.7, Aly. 61, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
大觀藝術坊 Da-Guan Art Workshop
引進國內外各地名茶及陶藝的手作器皿,喜歡喝茶的朋友不容錯過。 Introducing tea and hand-made pottery from all over the world. Don’t miss here if you like to drink tea.
+886-4-26331059 台中市龍井區藝術街20巷6號No.6, Aly. 20, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
劉師傅手工眼鏡 Mr. Liu's Hand-made Glasses Workshop
以精益求精的態度,開發手工眼鏡製作技術與專利,兼具獨特與實用性。 With the attitude of pursue the continuous improvement to reach perfection, developing the technology and patent of handmade glasses and making them to be unique and practical.
+886-4-26337078 台中市龍井區藝術南街25號 No.25, Yishu S. St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
橘光呼嚕 x 背包Cat Orange Cat Coffee
白色簡約的休閒風格,讓人享受一段自在輕旅行,貓老闆隨時等待客人到來。 Enjoy a pleasant travel in white and simple casual style. Our cat is waiting for guests.
+886-4-26312868 台中市龍井區藝術街85號 No.85, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
阿蘭貝爾牛排廚房 Alanbier Steak House
堅持相信回歸原味的簡單哲學,用一塊牛排,體會生活的小確幸。 We insist on the simple philosophy of returning to original flavor. Feel a little happiness in hand with a piece of steak.
+886-4-26330987 台中市龍井區藝術街81巷5號 No.5, Ln. 81, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
卡爾夫karlofee餐廳 Karloffee
少一點傳統的負擔,多點現代健康概念,懂得愛自己和家人,選擇有愛的卡爾夫。 Lessen traditional burden, add more modern health concept. Learn how to love yourself and family. Choose lovely Karloffe.
+886-4-26318707 台中市龍井區藝術街79號1樓 1F., No.79, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
翡冷翠咖啡館 Florence Coffee Shop
每個客人來到這裡都能感到舒服自在,多汁鮮嫩的牛小排是許多饕客的首選。 Everyone feels comfortable here. Fresh and juicy Short Ribs is the first choice for many gourmets.
+886-4-26320733 台中市龍井區藝術街61巷12號 No.12, Ln. 61, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
時光咖啡 Café My lovely day
義式咖啡、下午茶,巷弄裡來杯咖啡,配上好吃的甜點鬆餅,看本好書發發呆,生活就該如此美好。 Espresso, afternoon tea. Have a cup of coffee and pancakes in the lane. Read a book and daze here. Life should be so beautiful.
+886-4-26328168 台中市龍井區藝術街61巷9號 No.9, Ln. 61, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
小巷子豆花 Little Lane Tofu Pudding
採用天然食材,非基因改造的黃豆,現場自製豆花,充滿綿密滑順的口感。 Using natural ingredients and non-genetically modified soybeans to make Dou Wha. The taste is smooth.
+886-4-26316586 台中市龍井區藝術街61巷3號 No.3, Ln. 61, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
米夏。費德爾 Misha Federer
一本好書,加上舒適的座位,來杯好喝的米夏奶茶,一個悠閒的下午。 In the leisure afternoon, read a good book in a comfortable seat and drink a cup of milk tea.
+886-4-26329889 台中市龍井區國際街148號 No.148, Guoji St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
蘇菠麵味覺專賣店 Super Noodle House
馬殺雞麵條,不僅軟Q又能吸附大量湯汁,呈現全新風味,等您來嚐鮮。 Massage noodles, are not only soft but also juicy. Waiting for you to taste the new flavor.
+886-4-23501549 台中市西屯區國際街15號之5 No.15-5, Guoji St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
清水光泰眼鏡行 Kuotai Optics
驗光服務採全面預約制,「發現別人未能發現、處理別人不能處理」。 You have to make a reservation for optometry. Finding that others have failed to find and deal with others cannot handle.
+886-4-26311555 台中市龍井區藝術街19巷1號 No.1, Aly. 19, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
國際大藥局 International Pharmacy
專業藥師服務,店內販賣藥妝、保健食品、嬰兒用品等。 Professional pharmacist service, we sell medicines, beauty products, healthy foods and baby products, etc.
+886-4-26522118 台中市龍井區藝術街6號 No.6, Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
小林眼鏡(東海店) KOBAYASHI
堅持以「經營現代化、技術專業化、服務親切化」為最高經營原則。 We insist on the top operation principle “Modern management, Professional technology, Friendly service”.
+886-4-26330188 台中市龍井區國際街127號
No.127, Guoji St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City