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最佳優質商圈 異國藝術風情綻放美術園道

最佳優質商圈 異國藝術風情綻放美術園道

The best quality business district. Exotic atmosphere blooming in Art Museum Parkway.



Art Museum Parkway district has won the Award of The Best Quality Business District in 2017 by Economic Development Bureau of Taichung in March. Under the positive promote by the city government, the bike path and ibike staions have been set up on the parkway. Through the cooperation between the city government and the business district, improving the quality and diversity of business district and attracting more tourists to enjoy food and sightseeing.

It is green around the business district. There are many arts and exotic restaurants gathering here. Street performers sing and dance in this place on the weekend. It is full of the breath of humanity and art there. Enjoy slow life here with your family and friends on the weekend!

主任委員 趙成年

全國動物醫院 National Veterinary Hospital

連鎖體系由陳道杰醫師於1989年創立,現已擁有二十個服務據點及一百六十多位專業人員。 The Chain-Store system is established by Dr. Chen Dao Jie in 1989. There are 20 locations and more than 160 professionals.

+886-4-23710496 台中市西區五權八街100號 No.100, Wuquan 8th St., West Dist., Taichung City

雅蔓妮婚紗攝影 Amani Wedding

一群愛好美學藝術人員組成,堅持品質已邁入26年頭,精益求精給新人好的服務。 It is constituted by a group of people who love art aesthetic. They want to give customer the best service and insist on the quality for 26 years.

+886-4-23730091 台中市西區五權路2-57號 No.2-57, Wuquan Rd., West Dist.,Taichung City

大和屋日本懷石料理 Yamatoya Banquet Center

遵循精緻路線,最貼心的服務呈現給客人舒適的用餐空間,以及最優質的豐盛饗宴。 Following the delicate route and giving customer the most intimate service. Providing comfortable dining space and delicious feast.

+886-4-23726838 台中市西區五權西三街57號 No.57, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City

大和招待所日式創意料理 Do He Hostel

伴隨櫻花飛舞對日式創意料理的眷戀,每當季節交替,我們蒐羅當令最珍鮮的美饌為您佐味。 When the seasons alternate, we offer you dishes made with the fresh and precious ingredients in season.

+886-4-23712938 台中市西區存中街15號 No.15, Cunzhong St., West Dist.,Taichung City

璞陶園茶苑 Pu Tao Yuan Cha Yuan

主要經營臺灣在地茶葉,其中屢獲殊榮產品「阿里山高山茶」為自家位於瑞里茶區生產製作。 Its main business is Taiwan local tea. Among those teas, the award-winning product “Alishan Mountain Tea” is produced in Ruili tea area.

+886-4-23759345 台中市西區英才路621號 No.621, Yingcai Rd., West Dist.,Taichung City

正大光明毛筆有限公司 J.D.G.M. Writing Brush Co., Ltd.

創於1975年,為臺中最大規模的書畫用品專賣店,亦提供手工製〝純胎毛筆〞的服務。 Established in 1975. It is the largest calligraphy and painting supplies store in Taichung. It also offers service of hand-made fetal hair brush.

+886-4-23720657 台中市西區五權西路一段65號 No.65, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 09:30-20:00(一~五)、10:00-18:00(六日)

東風雅舍人文藝術空間 East Style Tea House

臺灣陶藝家作品不定期更新,花器及多元臺灣茶道具批發零售,二樓提供茶敘聚會空間。 Updating the art works made by Taiwanese potters from time to time. It’s the wholesales and retails of flower containers and diversified Taiwan tea ceremony appliances. We offer space for tea party on second floor.

+886-4-23726313 台中市西區五權西三街101號 No.101, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 12:00-21:30

榙比歐卡 Tapioca

走進榙比歐卡,彷彿進入歐洲庭園,讓每一位貴賓完全地陶醉在這異國風情之中。 When you walk into Tapioca, you will feel like entering a garden in Europe. Every guest is intoxicated in this exotic place.

+886-4-23721388 台中市西區五權一街116號No.116, Wuquan 1st St., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 07:30-22:00

如玲舞蹈團 Rouling Dance Group

成立40年,提倡舞蹈培育後進,每年舉辦大型成果舞展,經常受邀政府單位表演及公益慈善活動。 Established for 40 years. Advocating cultivation of dancing and host large Achievements publication every year. Frequently invited by government and charity to perform at the events.

+886-4-23768778 台中市西區美村路一段686號2樓 2F., No.686, Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist.,Taichung City

京華煙雲中式餐廳 Beijing Cuisine Restaurant

以中國北方的灰色瓦簷之深宅大院,以及內斂沉著的文人胸懷為設計和飲食的主題餐廳。 Mansion of Grey Tile eaves in north China. This is a theme restaurant designed with the calm humanistic mind.

+886-4-23725066 台中市西區五權七街57號 No.57, Wuquan 7th St., West Dist.,Taichung City

新月梧桐 1924 Restaurant

走進新月梧桐彷彿開啟時空旅程,在中臺灣的上海味、上海的一切,都在新月梧桐。 You will have the feeling of placing yourself in Shanghai when you walk into Xin Yue Wu Tong.

+886-4-23783181 台中市五權西三街123號 No.123, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City

吉凡尼的私房小廚 Giverny's Kitchen

在莫內畫作的綠蔭中流動,豐富了味蕾藝術與人文的光影,飽蘊了普羅旺斯的華麗美感。 Flowing in the shade of Monet's paintings, it enriches the light and shadow of humanity arts and embrace the beauty of Provence.

+886-4-23769755 台中市西區五權七街60號 No.60, Wuquan 7th St., West Dist.,Taichung City

品八方燒鵝 Roast Goose

樹立在風景優美的美術園道旁,除了招牌特色炭火燒鵝外,還有許多私房料理,等您來品嚐。 It’s located near Art Museum Parkway. In addition to the specialty - Charcoal fire goose, there are many dishes made in private home-style cuisine. We welcome you to taste all of it.

+886-4-23755548 台中市西區五權西四街69號 No.69, Wuquan W. 4th St., West Dist.,Taichung City

目木原覺 EZMU

以純天然食材打造出的美味飲品,免於擔心人工添加物的傷害,成為生活中最簡單健康的滿足。 We make drinks with natural ingredients. Don’t need to worry about the harm of artificial additives. It will become the satisfaction in simple, healthy life.

+886-4-23729998 台中市西區五權西二街56號 No.56, Wuquan W. 2nd St., West Dist.,Taichung City

春稻藝術坊 Chundao Art Collection


Chen Chun Dao Style Clothing makes clothes with different fabrics, such as top-class ramie, Taiwan red printed cloth and high quality satin. They create the clothes with extraordinary temperament and understated luxury.

+886-4-23768668 台中市西區五權西三街85號 No.85, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City

禾青沉香 Ho-Chin

已結穗的稻禾呈現生命力,做最好的香挑上質的茶,創造禪意生活,美學人生。 The headed rice shows the vitality. Make the best incense and pick the tea with best quality. Create the life style of Zen and aesthetic life.

+886-4-23710666 台中市西區五權西三街87號 No.87, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City

田季發爺綠園道店 Hito BBQ

堅持提供最好美食及服務,讓顧客能夠盡情品嚐美味燒肉,秉持熱情的心開啟教學式燒肉獨創手法。 We insist on offering best foods and service for customer to enjoy delicious grill meat. With a passionate heart, we will open up a unique style of grill meat.

+886-4-23785321 台中市西區五權六街59號 No.59, Wuquan 6th St., West Dist.,Taichung City

easyoga臺中美術園道生活概念館 easyyoga Taichung Art Museum Parkway Life Concept House

國際運動樂活服飾品牌easyoga,不定期舉辦瑜伽工作坊,期許向人們持續傳遞健康生活的態度。 International Sports Lifestyle brand, easyoga, holds yoga workshops from time to time. They expect to convey a healthy lifestyle to people continually.

+886-4-23785108 台中市西區五權西三街91號 No.91, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 11:00-22:00

曙Musefeather Shu Musefeather

結合了服裝、燈飾、家具、擺設小品、藝術品,皆有不同風格特性,是一個發揮創意的好地方。 Combining with clothes, lights, furniture, decoration and art works. They all have different styles. It’s a good place to play creative.

+886-4-23780539 台中市西區五權西三街93號

No.93, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City

Happy hair美術館店

座落於浪漫樂活的美術園道商圈,以充滿光線的空間,打造您的格調造型,是時尚和質感的極致呈現。 Located in Art Museum Parkway district, which is a place full of the feeling of romance and lohas. Let us create your own style in this bright space. It is the extreme expression of fashion and texture.

+886-4-23761381 台中市西區五權一街33號 No. 33, Wuquan 1th St., West Dist,Taichung City

YOURs你的攝影 Yours Studio

全臺灣唯一美國迪士尼授權,擁有迪士尼立體實景攝影棚,讓大小寶貝有如置身迪士尼樂園。 The only authorized by Disney USA in Taiwan. YOURs has the stereoscopic real scene studio. It makes kids feel like they were in Disneyland.

+886-4-23780448 台中市西區五權西四街118號 No.118, Wuquan W. 4th St., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 09:00-21:00

亞尼克菓子工房 台中旗艦店 Yannick

發跡自萬里的亞尼克,【純粹】的產品概念,堅持新鮮好品質,讓生乳捲創造年銷售百萬條的奇蹟。 Yannick is started from Wanli District. Their product concept is “Pure”. They insist on fresh, best quality, making the miracle of selling millions of Cream Roll Cake in a year.

+886-4-23787709 台中市西區五權西四街120號 No.120, Wuquan W. 4th St., West Dist.,Taichung City

塔吉特千層蛋糕專賣店 Touched Mille Crepe Cake Shop

多種口味的千層蛋糕值得你細細品嚐,外帶伴手禮的最佳選擇。 It’s worth to try mezze cakes in various flavors. It’s the best choice for souvenir. Plus abundant jewelry and bags, give you the new experience of vision and taste.

+886-4-23787172 台中市西區五權七街61-1號 No.61-1, Wuquan 7th St., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 10:00-21:00

喝咖啡 Her coffee

當hercoffee結合Gram&Co.,手工咖啡、無油煙料理及豐富飾品包款,給你視覺味覺的新體驗。 hercoffee combined with Gram&Co.. Handmade coffee, smoke-free cuisine, abundant jewelry and bags give you the new experience of vision and taste.

+886-4-23786258 台中市西區五權西四街128-2號 No.128-2, Wuquan W. 4th St., West Dist., Taichung City


販售老饕牛肉麵、黃金豬排麵、獨家炸醬麵等各式麵食和滷味小菜,鮮美好滋味,等你來品嘗。 Selling beef noodles, golden pork noodles, exclusive noodles with fried bean and meat sauce, others kinds of noodles and braised snacks. We welcome you to taste these delicious foods.

+886-4-23726557 台中市西區美村路一段731之1號 No.731-1, Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist.,Taichung City OPEN / 11:30-14:00 17:00-20:30(週一公休)

尼克咖啡(美村店) THE NAKED CAF

位於國立台灣美術館前,美式復古鄉村的風格,提供美式早午餐、咖啡可以悠閒的享用餐點。 Located in front of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. It is designed in American retro country style. Offering American brunch, coffee.

+886-4-23783161 台中市西區美村路一段575號 No.575, Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist.,Taichung City

鄉村鵝廚房 Country Goose Kitchen

提供義大利料理,結合傳統與創新,牛排和燉飯是我們的拿手菜,歡迎每位喜愛美食朋友到訪。 Offering Italian cuisine, combined tradition and innovation. Steak and stew are our specialties. We welcome you to our restaurant.

+886-4-23731558 台中市西區存中街19號No.19, Cunzhong St., West Dist.,Taichung City

衣飾空間 Korea fashion shopping mall

用最獨到的眼光,妝點您最具特色的個人風格,讓我們成為提供您衣著飾品的最佳空間。 Make your own personal style with the unique vision. Let us be the best place to provide you clothing and accessories.

+886-4-23780036 台中市西區五權西四街33號No.33, Wuquan W. 4th St., West Dist.,Taichung City

初鍋物 True Shabu

老宅改造的初鍋物餐廳,堅持使用台灣在地食材,發揚台灣的美好,真誠對待每一位朋友。 True Shabu is constructed in old house. Insist on using Taiwan local ingredients, promoting the beauty of Taiwan and treating everyone sincerely.

+886-4-23761986 台中市西區五權西五街26巷11號 No.11, Ln. 26, Wuquan W. 5th St.,West Dist., Taichung City

ReSarah時尚手作婚紗鞋 ReSarah Wedding Shoes

來自台灣品牌創立於1976年,ReSarah語意為永恆的公主,以專業製鞋工藝打造獨一無二的手工鞋。 This Taiwan brand was founded in 1976. ReSarah means the eternal princess. Create unique handmade shoes in a professional shoemaking process.

+886-4-23763889 台中市西區五權三街262號No.262, Wuquan 3rd St., West Dist.,Taichung City


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