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電影文化走廊The gallery of film culture

人文 藝術 創新 公益

Humanities Art Innovation Charity


The gallery of film culture


There are many historical artistic works in the gallery of film culture in Wonderful Cinemas, including antique captioning machine, 35mm, 16mm, 8mm carbon arc movie projector, nearly 4 thousand old roll films and over 10 thousands of movie posters. The founder, Huang,Bing-Xi, conveys his passion for the film through the large collection of many kinds of historical artistic works and shares them to the public. Welcome you to feel the culture of film. If you need guided tour service, please make a reservation in advance.

你看過 會冒煙的老式放映機嗎?

Have you ever seen the smoking old style projector?


No. 38, Gongyuan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

TEL (04) 2221-0356

FAX (04) 2223-6841

預約導覽 請洽陳經理0932-573007

Please dial 0932-573007 to contact the manager for guided tour appointment.



Money No Enough 2 was released on May 22nd, 2009. Until May in 2019, the movie has released over 10 years and moved towards 121 months.

Everyday 11:40 in theaters



Rock Me To The Moon was released on December 6th, 2013. Until May, 2019, the movie has released over 5 and half years and moved towards 66 months.

Everyday 14:00 in theaters


Through films, we spread the concept of filial piety and mindfulness and take this as a lifelong passion.


Until September 30th, 2019, with the coupon, you can watch Money No Enough 2 or Rock Me To The Moon for free. (Only for Travel in central Taiwan)

公司:桂冠育樂股份有限公司 網址:


No. 38, Gongyuan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 電話:(04)2221-0356、2226-5270 傳真:(04)2223-6841


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