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觀光立國 與您同行 2030臺灣觀光美麗新紀元

觀光立國 與您同行

Tourism Nation and Travel Together.


2030 A New Gorgeous Era of Taiwan’s Tourism.


In order to break through the predicament that Taiwan has been facing in recent years due to the changes in the international political situation, I have convened multiple project meetings of tourism industry development, talent cultivation and international visitors since I became the minister of MOTC. Through the four major directions of international medical, exhibition industry, sports competitions and cultural communications, and the concepts of tourism nation and tourism mainstreaming to rebuild and integrate cross-ministerial tourism resources.


Besides expanding fall and winter travel subsidies, increasing the number of international tourists and offering rewards as encouragement and financial relief to tourism industries, we also restructure altering Tourism Beaura to be Tourism Department, making 2030 Tourism Policy White Paper and convening National Tourism Policy Development Conference.

觀光為臺灣經濟發展的領航性服務產業,也是提供民眾更美好、幸福感的產業。目前臺灣已連續 5 年迎接千萬旅客,站穩千萬觀光大國行列,交出亮眼的成績單,感謝產業各界及地方一直以來的努力打拼。未來,相信在中央領航,全面衝刺拚觀光之下,定能創造臺灣觀光亮麗的新紀元,期望2030年「觀光」成為帶領國家經濟發展的火車頭!

Tourism is the leading service industry of the economic development of Taiwan. It is also the industry that provides a better and happier life for people. Until now, Taiwan has welcomed ten million of travelers for five consecutive years. Thanks to the industries, cities and counties for their efforts. I believe that with the guidance of Central Government and with overall efforts for tourism, we are going to create a new gorgeous era of Taiwan’s Tourism in the future. Hoping in 2030, tourism industry can be the leader of national economic development!

交通部 部長 林佳龍

Minister of MOTC Lin Chia-Lung


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