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尋找台中山區的祕境故事Searching for the mysterious story in Taichung mountain area

名人帶路Men's Talk

寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊 Professional novelist, like to write, read, draw and travel.


Searching for the mysterious story in Taichung mountain area



The good stories always hide behind the mysterious place. The mountain has this kind of charm in Taichung all the time. Yong Feng Tung Blossom Trail is one of my favorite trails. Half of the trail is for water flowing, and half for walking. That ditch, which was for farming the rice, was built in The Japanese colonial period. You can overlook the green paddy fields while walk along the trail. When it comes to Tung Blossom festival, those fallen flowers looks like snow. It seems to come with a lot of stories.

There is a couple tree in the neighborhood. Two camphor trees connect to each other closely. It feels like the unofficial history of Taiwan. Local people said these two trees are couple for hundred years. They even built a small temple to worship Land God couple who bless many couples. Be sure to visit this place! It’s interesting to recognize the wife and the husband.

永豐桐花步道 Yung-feng Tund Blossom Footpath


The trail was built along the ditch, which was for farming the rice in The Japanese colonial period. You can see the Tung Blossom blooming on both sides of trail every April to May, and also enjoy watching the high speed rail passing by in high speed.

外埔區六分路六支巷旁 Next to Liuzhi Ln., Liufen Rd., Waipu Dist. , Taichung City

外埔公婆樹 Waipu Couple Tree


The branches of the two over-hundred-years Camphor Trees stretched closely. They look like a lovely couple. People worship Land God couple under the tree and pray for a happy marriage.

后里區安眉路1號 No.1, Anmei Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 泰安落羽松 Tai-an Bald Cypress

冬天是落羽松由綠轉紅的季節,也是最佳觀賞時間,泰安落羽松祕境面積廣闊,宛如來到浪漫的歐洲森林。 The Bald Cypress turns red from green in winter. It's the best time for watching. It covers a great area, feeling like in a romantic forest in Europe.

泰安國小(臺中市后里區安眉路5號)旁 Next to Tai An Elementary School (No.5, Anmei Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City)

號稱全臺最美麗的警察局,周邊種植60多株櫻花樹,每年2-3月櫻花盛開形成粉紅風暴,成為熱門賞櫻景點。 The most beautiful police office, there are over 60 Cherry trees. The blossom season is February to March. It's a popular sightseeing spot.

后里區安眉路1號 No.1, Anmei Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City

星月大地休閒景觀園區 Star Moon Land


Star Moon Camp Site is located on the apex of the Daan River terrace. You don’t have to climb up a mountain to overlook the splendid view of the mountains and sea. Meals and refreshments are provided in the park. It is an ideal place for camping and loading to relax your body and soul.

+886-4-26831671 / 后里區月眉北路486號 No.486, Yuemei N. Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 10:00am-01:00am

麗寶樂園 Lihpao Land


LIHPAO OUTLET MALL was opened newly in 2016. The exterior of the mall looks like Italy resort town. There are not only international brands and food court, but also the largest Ferris wheel in Taiwan. Not just for shopping, even for playing!

+886-4-37022888 / 后里區福容路201號 No.201, Furong Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City

中社觀光花市 Chung-She Flower Garden



The biggest place for flower viewing in Taiwan. There are six hectares beautiful sea of flowers. During different seasons you can see Sunflower, Lotus, Sage, African Touch-me-not, etc., and artistic decorations. From January to March is the Tulip Festival, as October to June of the next year is the Lily Festival. It’s popular for local and foreign tourists. There are barbecue and potted plant areas. It’s a great place for family and friends to spend leisure hours.

+886-4-25576926 / 后里區三豐路5段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City

東勢林場 Dongshi Forest Park

中部知名景點,四季皆有不同景致,春有櫻、桃、李花季;夏有螢火蟲、油桐,秋有楓香紅葉、冬有蕭瑟之美,適合全家踏青。 There are different sceneries in four seasons in the famous attractions of central Taiwan. It's suitable for family to take a trip there.

東勢區勢林街6-1號 No.6-1, Shilin St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

東勢牛稼莊 Dongshi Niou Jia Juang


Founded in 1960, Dongshi Niou Jia Juang is well familiar with all cooking methods for beef and can present it in all its fantastic flavors. Besides beef dishes, authentic Hakka cuisine is also available here.

+886-4-25873488 / 東勢區新豐街7號 No.7, Xinfeng St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

富禾居會館 Richplace

台中新社富禾居會館 尋山林祕境 體感清新小日子 一起來做森呼吸


Located in Xinshe known as Taichung’s back garden, Richplace covers a land of 3 hectares with natural landscapes and all kinds of footpaths, looking out to a panoramic view of the Dajia River valley. The air is refreshing, and the hotel is quiet and secluded. Only after passing through the woods will the entire hotel come into view. The minimalist Japanese-style architectural design is in harmony with the natural landscape. All food ingredients in the hotel are almost entirely home grown or raised. Quite popular on its private menu includes free-range chicken in alcohol, wild vegetables and meat stew with home-made dried bamboo shoots, deserts and fruit enzyme drinks.

+886-4-25821713(採預約制) / 新社區慶西里大排15-3號

No.15-3, Dapai, Qingxi Vil., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City


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