2020米其林「必比登推介」-完整收錄台北台中75家上榜名單 2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand - List of 75 winners台灣美食躍上國際!屬於《米其林指南》評鑑制度之一的「必比登推介(Bib Gourmand)」,於2020年8月11日公布75家上榜名單!Taiwanese cuisine has become worldwide famous! Bib Gourmand, which is...
台東X海線縱走 Taitung X Coastline Trekking台東擁有台灣最長的海岸線,長達176公里,沿線不僅能眺望湛藍的太平洋,還有許多熱門景點值得一訪! Taitung has the longest coastline in Taiwan; its total length is 176 kilometers. Along the
雲林X老街漫步 Yunlin X Rambling on Old Street雲林以農業大縣聞名,卻擁有不少歷史老街,一起走訪斗六、虎尾與西螺,來一趟深度小旅行!Yunlin is famous for its agriculture. There are also multiple historical old streets. Let’s have a
竹北x都會漫遊 Zhubei x Ramble in Metropolis宛如一座新興城市,竹北市因境內高鐵站而日益繁榮,適合漫遊其中,感受新風貌與舊歷史的交會融合。 Zhubei is like an emerging city. Due to the high-speed rail station, the city has been flouri
基隆X海港吹風 Keelung X Enjoy the breeze at the port基隆古名為「雞籠」,因氣候多雨又稱「雨都」,來這裡除了遊覽海港,海岸風情與歷史文化也值得深度探索! Keelung was called another name which was similar pronouncing as Keelung and meaning the c
春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in spring一年一度的春節假期即將來臨,精選台灣四縣市春遊行程,四大主題各有特色。安排兩天一夜前往,一起渡過愉快假期吧! The annual Spring Festival Holiday is coming! Here are the recommended itineraries of
Vol.15 封面故事 - 2020米其林「必比登推介」2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand -Full list of 75 winners in Taipei / Taichung2020米其林「必比登推介」- 完整收錄台北台中75家上榜名單 2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand Full list of 75 winners in Taipei and Taichung 台灣美食躍上國際!屬於《米其林指南》評鑑制度之一的「必比登推介...